Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +6 HP, +3 Str, +2 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 53, F: 23, C: 40, E: 38, B: 75, W: 59
Front: 3x Smite (White, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 90% (130% vs. enemies with less than 30 White resist))
Back: 3x Healing (Power: 100%)

Movement Type: Mountains
Stat Growth: +6 HP, +3 Str, +2 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 54, F: 45, C: 39, E: 24, B: 60, W: 76
Front: 3x Chop (Black, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 90% (130% vs. enemies with less than 30 Black resist))
Back: 1x Ruin (Phys, Str-based, AoE attack. Debuffs healing. Power: 100%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 52, F: 39, C: 42, E: 47, B: 21, W: 69
Front: 3x Slash (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 1x Iainuki (Phys, Str-based, ranged attack. Penetration: 80%, Power: 300%)

Movement Type: Forest
Stat Growth: +3 HP, +3 Str, +4 Agi, +3 Int
Defenses: P: 38, F: 49, C: 36, E: 46, B: 52, W: 42
Front: 3x Shuriken (Phys, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 3x Ninjutsu 5/7 chance of (Fire/Elec, Int-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%) 2/7 chance of (Fire/Elec, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 75%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +6 HP, +3 Str, +2 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 50, F: 39, C: 24, E: 46, B: 52, W: 42
Passive: Beasts led by Beast Masters deal 15% more damage and receive 15% less. This effect is halved on beasts located in a row behind the Beast Master.
Front: 3x Whip (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 90% (130% vs. beasts))
Back: 1x Inspire (Buffs an ally to deal 20% more damage and receive 20% less) followed by 2x Whip (" ")

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +2 Str, +3 Agi, +3 Int
Defenses: P: 36, F: 51, C: 47, E: 42, B: 22, W: 59
Passive: Golems led by Doll Masters deal 15% more damage and receive 15% less. This effect is halved on golems located in a row behind the Doll Master.
Front: 2x Healing (Power: 100%)
Back: 1x Dissolve (Phys, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 90%. Acid attacks ignore 25% of a golem's defense) followed by 2x Healing

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +2 HP, +1 Str, +2 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 44, F: 38, C: 90, E: 48, B: 96, W: 10
Front: 2x Cold Eye (White, Int-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Dark Arts (Cold/Black, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 75%)

Movement Type: Forest
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +3 Str, +2 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 63, F: 60, C: 80, E: 48, B: 85, W: 15
Front: 3x Life Suck (Black, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Charm followed by 1x Culling (Destroys all enemies below 25 + 2*Vampyre's level in HP. Works on bosses.)

Movement Type: Forest
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 65, F: 66, C: 28, E: 67, B: 76, W: 30
Front: 4x Smash (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 4x Smash (" ")

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +2 Int
Front: 2x Slash (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Slash (" ")

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +0 HP, +4 Str, +2 Agi, +1 Int
Defenses: P: 100, F: 100, C: 100, E: 100, B: 100, W: 0
Front: 3x Slash (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 3x Rot (Black, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)

Movement Type: Low Sky (Cannot lift others)
Stat Growth: +0 HP, +1 Str, +3 Agi, +5 Int
Defenses: P: 100, F: 100, C: 100, E: 100, B: 100, W: 0
Front: 1x Curse (Black, Int-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 3x Curse (" ")

Movement Type: Forest
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +3 Str, +4 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 37, F: 25, C: 40, E: 48, B: 45, W: 45
Front: 2x Shoot (Phys, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100% (150% vs. flying enemies))
Back: 3x Shoot (" ")

Movement Type: Snow
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +3 Int
Defenses: P: 43, F: 36, C: 50, E: 58, B: 15, W: 65
Front: 3x Cleave (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Penetration: 115%, Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Thunder (Elec, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 75%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +3 HP, +1 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 32, F: 43, C: 24, E: 46, B: 56, W: 46
Front: 2x Kiss (Buffs an ally to deal 20% more damage and receive 20% less)
Back: 2x Stun (Inflicts stun on all enemies, preventing them from acting and increasing the damage they take by 25%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +2 Str, +1 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 30, F: 38, C: 28, E: 44, B: 10, W: 70
Front: 2x Healing (single, Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Healing+ (AoE, Power: 75%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +2 HP, +1 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 22, F: 29, C: 33, E: 39, B: 16, W: 69
Front: 2x Stardust (White, Int-based, ranged attack. Power: 60%)
Back: 2x Starlight (White, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 45%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +2 Agi, +3 Int
Defenses: P: 51, F: 48, C: 52, E: 26, B: 45, W: 45
Passive: Dragons led by Dragon Masters deal 15% more damage and receive 15% less. This effect is halved on dragons located in a row behind the Dragon Master.
Front: 3x Slice (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 90% (130% vs. dragons))
Back: 3x Dragos (Fire/Cold/Elec, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100% (130% vs. dragons))

Movement Type: Low Sky (Can lift others)
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +4 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 42, F: 24, C: 43, E: 70, B: 39, W: 61
Front: 2x Club (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Mjolnir (Elec, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)

Movement Type: Low Sky (Can lift others)
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +4 Agi, +2 Int
Defenses: P: 41, F: 80, C: 46, E: 23, B: 56, W: 41
Front: 2x Club (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Inferno (Fire, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)

Movement Type: Forest
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +3 Int
Defenses: P: 50, F: 37, C: 56, E: 64, B: 69, W: 22
Front: 2x Pumpkin (Cuts target's HP in half, dispels undead (against bosses deals agi-based Phys damage with power based on target's HP%)
Back: 3x Pumpkin (" ")

Movement Type: Water
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +2 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 43, F: 38, C: 60, E: 23, B: 47, W: 62
Front: 2x Chill (Cold, Int-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Deluge (Cold, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 75%)

Movement Type: Low Sky (Can't lift others)
Stat Growth: +3 HP, +2 Str, +5 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 35, F: 22, C: 39, E: 60, B: 48, W: 65
Front: 2x Charm
Back: 1x Kiss followed by 1x Missile (White, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 100%)

Movement Type: Low Sky (Can lift others)
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int (Cherubim: +4/+3/+3/+4)
Defenses: P: 39, F: 43, C: 48, E: 45, B: 7, W: 100
Front: 2x Halo (White, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 1x Jihad (White, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 90%)

Movement Type: Low Sky (Can lift others)
Stat Growth: +5 HP, +3 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int (Demon: +4/+3/+3/+4)
Defenses: P: 41, F: 52, C: 42, E: 46, B: 100, W: 6
Front: 2x Chop (Black, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 1x Meteor (Black, Int-based, AoE attack. Penetration: 115%, Power: 75%)

Movement Type: Mountains
Stat Growth: +9 HP, +5 Str, +3 Agi, +3 Int
Defenses: P: 57, F: 60, C: 46, E: 54, B: 26, W: 80
Front: 4x Club (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Swath (Phys, Str-based, AoE attack. Penetration: 65%, Power: 200%)

Movement Type: Snow
Stat Growth: +8 HP, +5 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 56, F: 36, C: 76, E: 50, B: 59, W: 39
Front: 4x Club (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Swath (Phys, Str-based, AoE attack. Penetration: 65%, Power: 200%)

Movement Type: Plains
Stat Growth: +4 HP, +5 Str, +2 Agi, +5 Int
Defenses: P: 70, F: 70, C: 71, E: 71, B: 65, W: 71
Front: 4x Smite (White, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 1x Quake (Phys, Str-based, AoE attack. Power: 115%)

Movement Type: Mountains
Stat Growth: +6 HP, +5 Str, +4 Agi, +5 Int
Defenses: P: 53, F: 60, C: 48, E: 44, B: 66, W: 25
Front: 4x Smash (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 1x Gaze (Lowers defense of a single target by a percentage) followed by 2x Fire/Fireball (Fire, Str/Int-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)

Movement Type: High Sky
Stat Growth: +7 HP, +3 Str, +4 Agi, +5 Int
Defenses: P: 47, F: 27, C: 59, E: 53, B: 41, W: 64
Front: 3x Petrify (Phys, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 70%)
Back: 2x Gale (Phys, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 55%)

Movement Type: High Sky
Stat Growth: +8 HP, +4 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 50, F: 57, C: 24, E: 45, B: 54, W: 42
Front: 3x Tail (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Melt (Phys, Str-based, ranged attack. Penetration: 120%, Power: 75%. Acid attacks ignore 25% of a golem's defense)

Movement Type: Ocean
Stat Growth: +9 HP, +5 Str, +3 Agi, +4 Int
Defenses: P: 60, F: 64, C: 63, E: 27, B: 50, W: 66
Front: 5x Tentacle (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 3x Maelstrom (Phys, Str-based, AoE attack. Power: 65%)

Movement Type: Mountains
Stat Growth: +10 HP, +5 Str, +3 Agi, +5 Int (Salamand: +9/+4/+2/+5)
Defenses: P: 57, F: 100, C: 15, E: 60, B: 55, W: 55
Front: 4x Fire Maw, 60% chance of (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%.) 40% chance of Fire (Fire, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Nova (Fire, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 85%)

Movement Type: Snow
Defenses: P: 58, F: 16, C: 100, E: 65, B: 45, W: 78
Front: 4x Cold Maw, 60% chance of (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%.) 40% chance of Cold (Cold, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Niflheim (Cold, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 85%)

Movement Type: Forest
Defenses: P: 58, F: 60, C: 56, E: 16, B: 85, W: 48
Front: 4x Dark Maw, 60% chance of (Phys, Str-based, melee attack. Power: 100%.) 40% chance of Rot (Black, Str-based, ranged attack. Power: 100%)
Back: 2x Evildead (Black, Int-based, AoE attack. Power: 85%)