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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Problems with the Veldt
3 days ago
Gau does have healing rages before FC. In fact his best (in 1.8.4) healing rage is from IMTRF. 1.8.5 changes rages pretty heavily to give more healing rages and put the stronger/more reliable ones later.
Totally didn't edit this, nope had the correct numbers from the beginning. -
In Topic: ATB Modification Patch - Speed Nerf
A week ago
It's not unreasonable for scrollmaster/buffmaster shadow >.>
And yeah, all the times listed above are comparison between each other (using 31 speed Strago 4 turns as the baseline) -
In Topic: ATB Modification Patch - Speed Nerf
A week ago
Yeah. I was simply testing/observing in actual gameplay using my end-game save that was running pure Fenrir Shadow and pure Crusader Celes (Both with 25 ELs)
For the record, I originally had shadow at 128 speed (his max possible?) but the mirage vest gave him haste and threw everything off when we wanted all the variables removed for observation.
Another side benefit, this will also make the early game play faster. -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
A week ago
Relm's brushes are the worst way to set those buffs in a world that has Shield, HasteX, Zoneseek, X-Shell, and just straight up casting the single target spells. Cure3 is a better heal. The only reason I've found to actually swing the brushes is for the rare times you want a ST heal and figure "Well, may as well try getting the proc" and you don't already have another caster of the buff in the party for some reason. -
In Topic: Alternate Sprite Patches
2 weeks ago
@Madsiur As far as I'm aware the patches should work just fine outside of BNW. You're free to host them elsewhere and share them freely with proper credit and links (as you've mentioned already).
Regarding credit, I got Dog-Shadow's portrait from here and Bauglir made the other portraits for me. The sprites themselves were my work.
22 Dec 2016 - 14:32Hart-Hunt
22 Dec 2016 - 14:31Laith
22 Dec 2016 - 14:31Nowea
22 Dec 2016 - 14:31