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Final Insanity Wiegraf with Chaos Blade. Certainly doable, but took a damn long time. Fuckin' Regen took awhile to stack damage on, then had to Threaten him to get around his lucky HP Restore loadout...
09 February 2012
Final Insanity And as of today, I am 17. FEAR ME.
05 February 2012
13 November 2011
Final Insanity Gonna start another playthrough of 1.3, this time I'm gonna break things a little and have some fun with Ramza the Mime in Chapter 1 :D
20 October 2011
Hm, possibly, but I've already done Dorter 1, so... I'd have to start out at Zeklaus Desert. But hey, why not?
Final Insanity Onion Knight, YOUR SPEAR IS THE SPEAR THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! Or the one that killed Altima the Bloody Angel. That too :D
06 October 2011
Final Insanity Totally cheesed Hashmalum with a 50 Speed, 60ish PA Ramza xD No equip screen before Altima? That a bug?
06 October 2011
Final Insanity Speed Save + Maintenance in the duel with Vormav is quite nice, I have to say.
06 October 2011
Final Insanity Gonna try stealing some extra Chiris and Masamunes at HORROR. It'll be just like fighting Elmdor, if he could clone himself D:
29 September 2011
Final Insanity Well, Elidibs is now dead. Now to render the video. This is some crazy shit, man.
24 September 2011
Final Insanity Currently in an unloseable battle against Elidibs. Totally posting this shit.
24 September 2011
Final Insanity Guess what time it is, ladies and gents? Elidibs time :D!
24 September 2011
Final Insanity Oh boy. Horror time. I know the items here all rock, but I'm quite afraid of what I may face... D:
24 September 2011
Final Insanity Rafa, Malak, Reis... I've used all three of 'em at some point in the DD, and they've all proved themselves to be worthy teammates.
24 September 2011
Final Insanity Bridge; Sorcerer 1 moves in. Ultima. Sorcer 2 moves in. Ultima. Game Over. I think I'll try my hand at the Knight Blade boss...
24 September 2011
Final Insanity Huh, Crossbow Assassins was surpisingly easy. A lil' Hamedo and they went down without too much hassle. Onwards to Mlapan!
23 September 2011