a) get a note written down on planned changes to WOTL
b) get feedback on said changes
c) general discussion and ideas
Planned Changes
Removal of DK special unit and OK special unit
Reintroduction of generic OKs, including more prevalence in the storyline (with R/S/Ms)
Rebalance of stats to be more in line with the PSX version
Overhaul and rebalance of items (especially the multiplayer equips)
100% Move-Find
Special character moveset edits (less redundancy, etc.)
Concept that I'm struggling with
One thing I'd really, really like to try and include is a system that allows a balanced Multiplayer and Single player experience. The problem is, most games that tend to focus on such issues generally suffer from what is technically known as "crap and/ or boring design." (Archael and/ or Raven, your opinions would be invaluable, as this is far more your "bag" than it is mine!)
So, I'd like opinions/ insights please. What could, in your opinion, be done to promote a good system of play that accomodates these two fundamentally diffrent design views? I'll start:
Reduced/ neutral speed growth to allow Magic/ Skills with CTs to be a viable choice at all levels of play.
Everything needs to be planned thoroughly (every item, every stat growth, every ability) with a use in both single player and multiplayer in mind. Skill CTs, effects, Special units will need some sort of hefty overhaul to still be "special," but not broken/ over-used.
People to Thank
Archael - dunno what the hell I'd be doing right now if it weren't for this site or 1.3. Thank you.
DrBretto - for your WOTL 1.3 patch, and for trusting me with control over your 'baby.' Let's all hope I don't fuck it up, right?

Hart-Hunt, Ludovician, Stann - Balance ideas, feedback and, most importantly, the sheer mass of patience you all have when dealing with me saying "Well, what about this?" and blurting out the most idiotic "balance" changes. Thank you all.
Advent - Master Talker Big Mouth himself. Thanks. Your presence in Chat always ensures the banter will be great!
Darthatron - Frankly, if I don't credit you, I'm scared of what you'll do to "destroy the site" (