New ID Project: Super Mario RPG Armageddon
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23 June 2011 - 04:15 PM
Everyone give a big, difficult welcome to our newest difficulty modder and game expert Dark Kefka who has launched his first major rom hack,
Super Mario RPG Armageddon
Visit the SMRPG Armageddon Board to grab the latest release and discuss the mod.
This hack assumes you're VERY familier with the original game. This hack is not for amatures. It can be very difficult even for professionals. This isn't just a stat increase I can assure you. The game starts off easy for you to get a feel for it, but after Molevile the difficulty picks up. You can beat the main game around the 20s. But in order to take on the super bosses, you'll need to be at level 25+, and 30 for the boss rush. And even then you're going to have a hard time. Looking for a difficult Mario RPG hack?? This is it!!
Click here to view the article
23 June 2011 - 04:45 PM
Glad to be here guys. I was hoping I could find a site where I could host this hack myself because gamefaqs won't let me......
I've been threw a lot of hell to bring you this hack. I hope you enjoy playing it. But I'm warning you, you're going to abuse the save state A LOT!!!
This hack is hard....very hard.
I've been threw a lot of hell to bring you this hack. I hope you enjoy playing it. But I'm warning you, you're going to abuse the save state A LOT!!!

23 June 2011 - 05:48 PM
Double post but, Your commentary cracked me up. Yea I MUST dload this and play.
01 March 2013 - 07:42 PM
You are evil. I can't get past the boss rush no matter what and I know i cant't beat Culux without beating boss rush. you gave me inspiration for my hacks.
01 March 2013 - 07:49 PM
I would like you to try my hacks Darkkefka when I've finished the beta versions
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