My thoughts on this mod
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08 February 2016 - 07:38 AM
Hi, im new here and this game made me want to share my feelings about it, but english isnt my main language, so there´ll be some grammar errors...
Ive spent some hours writing about this whole game, then the chrome decided to freeze and i lost everything.... thats what i get for writing bible, ill try to write less this time... -_-
This game is really nice, not that dificult but not so easy, there where a couple battles where i abused a lil on save state, but mostly because RNG keep laugtuing at me, like getting multiples 99% miss in a row, or enemies with 50 brave always proc counters while my 73 dont... ( or worse, enemies with 70 brave chocobo always proc CT save and mine only regenerator ). Also i only used Save state to get more fast some skills: Ultima (on Barius Valley story battle, only used save state to find position where they would use Ultima ), Zodiac on the Byblos recruit Lake ( same thing as Ultima) and Requiem, this last one i´ve got on chapt 2 end and decided use save state after a hour and half with a confused ghost of fury that made me pretty much angry when it finally used requiem on Ramza on a 2 panel hit, and it hit 5 times on the other panel....
Right now i´ve just Beat Elibidis, didnt do the last story battles, have cloud, and ill start DD (also, nice have all DD open from begining ), i did play this mod without any for of spoiler besides the changes noted on FAQ, and enemies skill for Blue mage. Also, because i wanted to test most os monsters in my party, i ended lvl up a bit... finished chapt 1 with lvl 8~9, chapter 2 with 21, chapter 3 with 38/39, as sson as chapter 4 began ive gone to take Reis and Bewoulf that gave me at leas 8 lvl more... i got to Elibids with lvl 58 also, i said i tested monster, but i always fought only ONE random battle for getting each monster, and sometimes my team took too much time on battles, that makes they get 1 level or 2 on story battles. (sometimes more)
Story Battles, there are some that you can only pass easily abusing petrify, others having the right team set makes it a breeze, the only one i didnt find one strategy that made me abuse save state was Zaland, because i cound get to dragons in time, theres one Naga that keep Holying one shot my team, confusion, revive, etc...
Classes are almost all nice, but some thing i like to note
- Black Mage is kinda meh, because best magic is Dark, second best is one of slow cast, and all magics could be reflected.
- Knight skill set seens kinda out, all break equip skills are good vs humans... but this game have to lil humans, and most of the monster that have equips they have maintance too, also, why would you break what you can steal ? Sugestion is takin Arm aim, leg aim and interrupt from dragoon, make into Leg Break, Arm Break, Charge Break, that proc, respec: Dont move/ Stop, Dont Act, Interrupt cast.
- Oracle with 5 speed is a lil to low, also, comparing it skill set with Mediator, Oracle get acess to petrify, undead ( that i never use), silence and easier confusion, from that, confusion u get one better with Samurai, and petrify from Dragoon, maybe make Petrify more fast cast, and only for Oracle would be better
- Dragoon skill set seen a lil too fill in... i loved they renamed tools (love FF VI), but the top 4 and the bottom 4 dont seen to match as a skillset... worse, the bottom ones make the top 4 dont be reaaallly useful... and why not make every tools ? my sugesion would be
"Drill [ it can pierce deep on ... defenses ] - 4 range single target that ignore all defenses"
"Auto bow [ May the odd be in your favor ] - 5 linear range, bullet shot, low damage with multi hit (3x to 5x)"
"Air anchor [ From where did this fall ???] - 8 Range mim damage that ignores reaction"
"Noise Blaster [ Soo loud that you even can hear yourself ] - Confusion + Silence"
- Mustadio, Orlandou and "Meliadoul" comes as normal monster wihtou nothing special ? Why not a second set, for mustadio tools, Orlandou could use punch art, and Meliadoul... hum... Choco Help ? Or maybe they could come with some equips on they that you can take off ! (My dream would be a Orlandou with Excalibur and Holy Sworskill on second, but that a bit to much extreme )
- Holy Dragon and Tiamat have so low MA to make ELEMENTAL be really useful, i dah writen some ideias, but now im too much stressed with chrome to rethink bout they
- Also, Reis and Bewoulf coud be unique type os monsters when they rejoin, again, Black mage for Reis is kinda nice for Reis but the only thing that is REALLY usefull for a Holy dragon on that skill set is frog, and Bewoulf is 6 SP without Shot charge to help Yin Yang...
For now ill leave as it, and ill post lil to lil about other things, if you have nay question on what i think about anything else feel free to ask, because i was going to talk about soo much thing and then Chrome chaser... im almost as pissed as when i saw Mustadio losing 3 turns in a row using Leg aim 99% and missing....
One last thing HOW BASEMENT WORKS ??????????????
Ive spent some hours writing about this whole game, then the chrome decided to freeze and i lost everything.... thats what i get for writing bible, ill try to write less this time... -_-
This game is really nice, not that dificult but not so easy, there where a couple battles where i abused a lil on save state, but mostly because RNG keep laugtuing at me, like getting multiples 99% miss in a row, or enemies with 50 brave always proc counters while my 73 dont... ( or worse, enemies with 70 brave chocobo always proc CT save and mine only regenerator ). Also i only used Save state to get more fast some skills: Ultima (on Barius Valley story battle, only used save state to find position where they would use Ultima ), Zodiac on the Byblos recruit Lake ( same thing as Ultima) and Requiem, this last one i´ve got on chapt 2 end and decided use save state after a hour and half with a confused ghost of fury that made me pretty much angry when it finally used requiem on Ramza on a 2 panel hit, and it hit 5 times on the other panel....
Right now i´ve just Beat Elibidis, didnt do the last story battles, have cloud, and ill start DD (also, nice have all DD open from begining ), i did play this mod without any for of spoiler besides the changes noted on FAQ, and enemies skill for Blue mage. Also, because i wanted to test most os monsters in my party, i ended lvl up a bit... finished chapt 1 with lvl 8~9, chapter 2 with 21, chapter 3 with 38/39, as sson as chapter 4 began ive gone to take Reis and Bewoulf that gave me at leas 8 lvl more... i got to Elibids with lvl 58 also, i said i tested monster, but i always fought only ONE random battle for getting each monster, and sometimes my team took too much time on battles, that makes they get 1 level or 2 on story battles. (sometimes more)
Story Battles, there are some that you can only pass easily abusing petrify, others having the right team set makes it a breeze, the only one i didnt find one strategy that made me abuse save state was Zaland, because i cound get to dragons in time, theres one Naga that keep Holying one shot my team, confusion, revive, etc...
Classes are almost all nice, but some thing i like to note
- Black Mage is kinda meh, because best magic is Dark, second best is one of slow cast, and all magics could be reflected.
- Knight skill set seens kinda out, all break equip skills are good vs humans... but this game have to lil humans, and most of the monster that have equips they have maintance too, also, why would you break what you can steal ? Sugestion is takin Arm aim, leg aim and interrupt from dragoon, make into Leg Break, Arm Break, Charge Break, that proc, respec: Dont move/ Stop, Dont Act, Interrupt cast.
- Oracle with 5 speed is a lil to low, also, comparing it skill set with Mediator, Oracle get acess to petrify, undead ( that i never use), silence and easier confusion, from that, confusion u get one better with Samurai, and petrify from Dragoon, maybe make Petrify more fast cast, and only for Oracle would be better
- Dragoon skill set seen a lil too fill in... i loved they renamed tools (love FF VI), but the top 4 and the bottom 4 dont seen to match as a skillset... worse, the bottom ones make the top 4 dont be reaaallly useful... and why not make every tools ? my sugesion would be
"Drill [ it can pierce deep on ... defenses ] - 4 range single target that ignore all defenses"
"Auto bow [ May the odd be in your favor ] - 5 linear range, bullet shot, low damage with multi hit (3x to 5x)"
"Air anchor [ From where did this fall ???] - 8 Range mim damage that ignores reaction"
"Noise Blaster [ Soo loud that you even can hear yourself ] - Confusion + Silence"
- Mustadio, Orlandou and "Meliadoul" comes as normal monster wihtou nothing special ? Why not a second set, for mustadio tools, Orlandou could use punch art, and Meliadoul... hum... Choco Help ? Or maybe they could come with some equips on they that you can take off ! (My dream would be a Orlandou with Excalibur and Holy Sworskill on second, but that a bit to much extreme )
- Holy Dragon and Tiamat have so low MA to make ELEMENTAL be really useful, i dah writen some ideias, but now im too much stressed with chrome to rethink bout they
- Also, Reis and Bewoulf coud be unique type os monsters when they rejoin, again, Black mage for Reis is kinda nice for Reis but the only thing that is REALLY usefull for a Holy dragon on that skill set is frog, and Bewoulf is 6 SP without Shot charge to help Yin Yang...
For now ill leave as it, and ill post lil to lil about other things, if you have nay question on what i think about anything else feel free to ask, because i was going to talk about soo much thing and then Chrome chaser... im almost as pissed as when i saw Mustadio losing 3 turns in a row using Leg aim 99% and missing....
One last thing HOW BASEMENT WORKS ??????????????
08 February 2016 - 10:47 AM
1. Save state abuse isn't recommended. The game is perfectly beatable legitimately, and most people here frown on it. RNG is part of the game, and it's part of the balance of high impact/instant skills such as Steal Heart to have lower accuracy than ones that have a charge time and/or MP cost like Raise.
2. Elidibs isn't done yet. The DD is a work in progress. I have the eventing done for Elidibs but not all the details of his fight so it's currently filler battle.
3. The game is designed to be challenging to most people but not too insanely difficult. While it is A LOT harder than vanilla, I've left in a few of the exploits as to not completely kill variety in the game.
4. Black magic being reflectable, and summon magic being not reflectable, along with having access to different spells is part of the design to differentiate the classes.
5. Break skills have their advantages over Steal (higher accuracy, range tied to a weapon), so someone can use break + a gun/bow at long range. Stat breaks give the class relevance where things don't have equipment. Otherwise this is just carryover from vanilla.
6. I gave Dragoon the Engineer skills because a lot of the original FF6 tools are either redundant with each other, redundant with weapons (such as the crossbow), or not actually possible on FFT. Plus I picture Edgar being similar to Engineer if he were in the FFT universe instead. Dragoon is a bit of a fill in though, since Jump is bugged in this mod and I had to quickly come up with a skillset that works.
7. I considered special second sets for Boco/Mustadio, but they join kinda early plot-wise, and I don't want them to overshadow later/dd monsters completely. Monsters with equipment was something I've been looking into. Codewise, there's several superfluous checks in the game that make it impossible. I found and disabled 8 of these and a long block of code, and it still had no effect on monsters' ability to equip things, which tells me there's more of this hardcoding buried in the game.
8. Elemental isn't meant to be a heavy damage ability. It is instant, aoe, and procs bad status. So its main uses are counteracting Wish spam, going for a status proc and minor damage if you don't have anything better to do, etc.
9. Basement is where broken/stolen items go. It was vanilla's Fur Shop. If an enemy uses break/steal, you can buy your stuff back. There are a few bugs which I don't know how to fix currently, so sometimes you might see more items there.
1. Save state abuse isn't recommended. The game is perfectly beatable legitimately, and most people here frown on it. RNG is part of the game, and it's part of the balance of high impact/instant skills such as Steal Heart to have lower accuracy than ones that have a charge time and/or MP cost like Raise.
2. Elidibs isn't done yet. The DD is a work in progress. I have the eventing done for Elidibs but not all the details of his fight so it's currently filler battle.
3. The game is designed to be challenging to most people but not too insanely difficult. While it is A LOT harder than vanilla, I've left in a few of the exploits as to not completely kill variety in the game.
4. Black magic being reflectable, and summon magic being not reflectable, along with having access to different spells is part of the design to differentiate the classes.
5. Break skills have their advantages over Steal (higher accuracy, range tied to a weapon), so someone can use break + a gun/bow at long range. Stat breaks give the class relevance where things don't have equipment. Otherwise this is just carryover from vanilla.
6. I gave Dragoon the Engineer skills because a lot of the original FF6 tools are either redundant with each other, redundant with weapons (such as the crossbow), or not actually possible on FFT. Plus I picture Edgar being similar to Engineer if he were in the FFT universe instead. Dragoon is a bit of a fill in though, since Jump is bugged in this mod and I had to quickly come up with a skillset that works.
7. I considered special second sets for Boco/Mustadio, but they join kinda early plot-wise, and I don't want them to overshadow later/dd monsters completely. Monsters with equipment was something I've been looking into. Codewise, there's several superfluous checks in the game that make it impossible. I found and disabled 8 of these and a long block of code, and it still had no effect on monsters' ability to equip things, which tells me there's more of this hardcoding buried in the game.
8. Elemental isn't meant to be a heavy damage ability. It is instant, aoe, and procs bad status. So its main uses are counteracting Wish spam, going for a status proc and minor damage if you don't have anything better to do, etc.
9. Basement is where broken/stolen items go. It was vanilla's Fur Shop. If an enemy uses break/steal, you can buy your stuff back. There are a few bugs which I don't know how to fix currently, so sometimes you might see more items there.
08 February 2016 - 11:10 AM
Emmy, on 08 February 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
1. Save state abuse isn't recommended. The game is perfectly beatable legitimately, and most people here frown on it. RNG is part of the game, and it's part of the balance of high impact/instant skills such as Steal Heart to have lower accuracy than ones that have a charge time and/or MP cost like Raise.
1. Save state abuse isn't recommended. The game is perfectly beatable legitimately, and most people here frown on it. RNG is part of the game, and it's part of the balance of high impact/instant skills such as Steal Heart to have lower accuracy than ones that have a charge time and/or MP cost like Raise.
Like i said, i only used ones that was really pissin me off about RNG being just abusrd in favor of game (like... really, i still dont get why 3 times in a row the 2 99% miss... the chante to it happens is like... 1 in 1000000000000 theoretically ), and some minor places to speed up some things.
Really, only the Zaland City i didnt find one strattegy nice to use
Emmy, on 08 February 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
2. Elidibs isn't done yet. The DD is a work in progress. I have the eventing done for Elidibs but not all the details of his fight so it's currently filler battle.
3. The game is designed to be challenging to most people but not too insanely difficult. While it is A LOT harder than vanilla, I've left in a few of the exploits as to not completely kill variety in the game.
3. The game is designed to be challenging to most people but not too insanely difficult. While it is A LOT harder than vanilla, I've left in a few of the exploits as to not completely kill variety in the game.
That would explain a lot about that battle ^^ but i find it fine the petrify moogle... at the begining was just surviving while damiging it lil by lil, thought they were just some decoration or something like that, then when he changed and startet giving Esuna i was... "FFFFFFFFFF...." in the end it went well
Emmy, on 08 February 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
4. Black magic being reflectable, and summon magic being not reflectable, along with having access to different spells is part of the design to differentiate the classes.
Yeah, i know what you mean i just thought they could have something more to do agiant enemies with inate Reflect besides chosing another skill set or reflecting on they.
Emmy, on 08 February 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
7. I considered special second sets for Boco/Mustadio, but they join kinda early plot-wise, and I don't want them to overshadow later/dd monsters completely. Monsters with equipment was something I've been looking into. Codewise, there's several superfluous checks in the game that make it impossible. I found and disabled 8 of these and a long block of code, and it still had no effect on monsters' ability to equip things, which tells me there's more of this hardcoding buried in the game.
Hum... what i thought about Equippment was something like put then in battle with certain equips on they, when they Join, they dont come with the equiment they had ?
Emmy, on 08 February 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
9. Basement is where broken/stolen items go. It was vanilla's Fur Shop. If an enemy uses break/steal, you can buy your stuff back. There are a few bugs which I don't know how to fix currently, so sometimes you might see more items there.
Ive tought you used that hack, but there are itens that apperaring multiple times, and i notice that every iten i steal got there, and some random battle prizes too
Ohh Yeah, in 2.13 Massamune draw out say it gives haste and Regen, instead of Defending and transparent
This post has been edited by Lucifer Zero: 08 February 2016 - 11:12 AM
08 February 2016 - 11:19 AM
Due to these checks, monsters can't join with equipment. The monsters that have items equipped to them in battle is done with a workaround that would make them not work properly if put in a party.
Bug noted, will be fixed for next version.
Bug noted, will be fixed for next version.
08 February 2016 - 11:34 AM
Ohhh, nice to know.... ^^
BTW, let me say that your changes on dialoges were really nice ! I loved what you did with Ovelia ! (to bad she end up being obsolete) And Rafa have the best quote on.... (even thought i used her in Vanilla )
Also One other thig that happened to me, when i got Reis 2nd form, The game "deleted" the Holy dragon from my party, but Bewoulf was still there... and the Holy Dragon that it deleted was Rafa ! So i ended with 2 Bewoulf, 2 Reis... is that normal ?
And on Grog Hills, when i was trying to get the hard battle from south, i entered one battle with no enemies... like... more than pathetic... i just entered, battle ended, i got some new guys... o-o
BTW, let me say that your changes on dialoges were really nice ! I loved what you did with Ovelia ! (to bad she end up being obsolete) And Rafa have the best quote on.... (even thought i used her in Vanilla )
Also One other thig that happened to me, when i got Reis 2nd form, The game "deleted" the Holy dragon from my party, but Bewoulf was still there... and the Holy Dragon that it deleted was Rafa ! So i ended with 2 Bewoulf, 2 Reis... is that normal ?
And on Grog Hills, when i was trying to get the hard battle from south, i entered one battle with no enemies... like... more than pathetic... i just entered, battle ended, i got some new guys... o-o
08 February 2016 - 11:34 AM
Ohhh, nice to know.... ^^
BTW, let me say that your changes on dialoges were really nice ! I loved what you did with Ovelia ! (to bad she end up being obsolete) And Rafa have the best quote on.... (even thought i used her in Vanilla )
Also One other thig that happened to me, when i got Reis 2nd form, The game "deleted" the Holy dragon from my party, but Bewoulf was still there... and the Holy Dragon that it deleted was Rafa ! So i ended with 2 Bewoulf, 2 Reis... is that normal ?
And on Grog Hills, when i was trying to get the hard battle from south, i entered one battle with no enemies... like... more than pathetic... i just entered, battle ended, i got some new guys... o-o
BTW, let me say that your changes on dialoges were really nice ! I loved what you did with Ovelia ! (to bad she end up being obsolete) And Rafa have the best quote on.... (even thought i used her in Vanilla )
Also One other thig that happened to me, when i got Reis 2nd form, The game "deleted" the Holy dragon from my party, but Bewoulf was still there... and the Holy Dragon that it deleted was Rafa ! So i ended with 2 Bewoulf, 2 Reis... is that normal ?
And on Grog Hills, when i was trying to get the hard battle from south, i entered one battle with no enemies... like... more than pathetic... i just entered, battle ended, i got some new guys... o-o
08 February 2016 - 11:47 AM
The Rafa/Reis/Beowulf thing is an eventing error. I'll look into it. It's supposed to "upgrade" those characters. You might still have to manually do it, since the fix is probably to remove the line that removes characters.
*Edit* Removed the line, there's no way to differentiate between Rafa and Reis Holy dragons in the eventing code.
I've never seen an ultra pathetic random, but it sounds like what happened was the only units present were the recruits, which can happen if it randoms absolutely nothing.
*Edit* Removed the line, there's no way to differentiate between Rafa and Reis Holy dragons in the eventing code.
I've never seen an ultra pathetic random, but it sounds like what happened was the only units present were the recruits, which can happen if it randoms absolutely nothing.
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