Jonathan Goad
Reputation: -16
- Group:
- Member
- Active Posts:
- 50 (0.41 per day)
- Joined:
- 26-December 16
- Profile Views:
- 0
- Last Active:
- 11 minutes ago
- Currently:
- Offline
My Information
- Member Title:
- A to 11
- Age:
- 32 years old
- Birthday:
- February 8, 1985
- Gender:
- Location:
- Pennsylvania
- Interests:
- Hello, my name is Jonathan. I love being myself, I am not much of a fan of NINTENDO but I do love playing Super Mario SNES games. My favorite game is SUPER MARIO RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars, I use LAZY SHELL Editor at times, I like to edit the properties of Super Mario RPG just to remake my own game, I am not good at creating or editing levels in Super Mario RPG but I am quite good at editing other stuff in the editor of the game. I was born with aspergers, I am alittle autistic. I am also optimistic, and also a Christian. I do have my reasons and my own opinions, I love and respect EVERYBODY for who they are. I like playing games, board games, walking, helping and supporting others, I like working out and being in good shape, I enjoy people's happiness. I sometimes do get very mad and angry it depends if someone makes me in a wrong mood or it depends on the weather! Not really much I want to say but I do love being social! :)
Contact Information
Jonathan Goad Has anyone ever tried RPG Maker 1, 2 and 3?. You can create your own RPG Game.
10 March 2017
Gi Nattak 13 March 2017
Ohhh, so THAT'S what they mean by RPG Maker... I always assumed it was a FPS.
RobertBeild 4 weeks ago
Я скинул промокшие майку и спортивные штаны, а затем и трусы. Но оно, все-таки, очень большое, а иногда начинает блестеть. Богато живет, " – подумал я. Голос у мужа, как мне показалось, был излишне возбужденный. Мощный, упругий, с синими венками под кожей, он казался мне античной статуей, которой надо поклоняться и поклоняться. А в городе, там всегда – улыбнулась мама – ну не расстраивайся – проговорила она подходя ближе – ну пожалуйста – она заискивающе стала смотреть на меня. Уже минуты...
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Jonathan Goad
3 weeks agoJonathan Goad
3 weeks agoJonathan Goad
3 weeks agoJonathan Goad
12 Feb 2017 - 18:45Jonathan Goad
26 Dec 2016 - 11:39