General Discussion and Feedback
01 February 2013 - 09:09 AM
Reliquary download
01 February 2013 - 09:57 AM
04 February 2013 - 05:26 PM
more stuff 1
more stuff 2
Some content may overlap though.
08 February 2013 - 11:34 PM
09 February 2013 - 05:01 AM
07 March 2013 - 02:22 PM
Thank you so much for your development on this, Lufia 2 is one of the best RPGs on SNES, or ever made. I will definitely check this one out at a later time (currently almost done FFT1.3
Thanks again and I'm hoping you continue to work on it

Ancient Cave is calling me...
24 October 2013 - 11:33 AM
14 January 2016 - 10:21 AM
15 January 2016 - 07:53 AM
However, you forgot a few of the special magic attacks. Like Green/Blue/Red Dragon, Lucifer or Nosferatu and maybe some I overlooked as well.
15 January 2016 - 02:41 PM
I believe those attacks also deal damage based on intelligence, which is why I didn't alter their attack power. I only altered the attack power of non-stat based abilities.
15 January 2016 - 03:36 PM
15 January 2016 - 04:02 PM
15 January 2016 - 04:08 PM
However, Lucifer (Archfiend) might need some buff as his special magic attack is ridiculously low regarding the point he appears in the Ancient Cave.
15 January 2016 - 06:08 PM
Lucifer being an Ancient Cave only enemy should be buffed a bit. I'm running through the mod right now, so I'll probably wait until I get there to alter it. Likely it will be around double or triple the attack power.
I'll need to make a list of later game enemies that need buffed.
16 January 2016 - 07:53 AM
1. The max HP a normal enemy has shall not exceed 5000.
2. The max HP of all normal enemies simultaneous on screen shall not exceed 10000.
3. The highest ATK (and DFP) of a normal enemy shall not exceed 2000. (Even the highest ranking gods won't top this.)
4. The highest power of an AoE special attack (both physical and magical) shall not exceed 800.
As I've only changed very few regular enemies the only ones these rules really apply are thze metal dragons. They are supposed to be the biggest baddest shit you could imagine for a non-boss enemy. I thought about changing a few other late AC enemies as well, but then when realizing that the dragons actually start appearing exactly at the beginning of the last 20 floors (the final segment and exactly where the badass music kicks in), I didn't do it.
I guess the only problematic one might be #4. So we'll see about it then.
I wonder how it will turn out in the end because aside from personal preferences (I like my fodder as actual fodder) I see a very big balancing problem due to the way the Ancient Cave is designed. The more I think over it, the more I fucking hate the vanilla AC. The optimal winning strategy basically is farm dozens of hours for the right stuff while enduring the sheer boredom of repeating the same monotonous stuff again and again. That's what you have to do in order to minimize how much RNG luck will affect you on your final run.
And let's face it: On the overworld you just are better prepared and more ressourceful than you can ever dream of being in the AC. Therefore the endgame overworld enemies just should be stronger than the end of AC enemies. Especially considering you can easily level up to 99 on the overworld. In Retry Mode you even hit 99 without grinding by just taking with every enemy you encounter. Unfortunately these strongest overworld enemies appear around floor 70 in the AC.
I guess it'll work if you make the enemies not that strong. That is, prioritizing how it'll work out in the AC instead of the overworld.
01 February 2016 - 03:03 PM
The other increases look fine most of the time. I guess it works for all overworld enemies aside maybe some very few specific minor changes. Then again the AC stuff will need some more specific changes.
Edit: Okay, I'm doing these changes right now. Might be ready for testing in a few days. Overworld endgame enemies won't get changes, but AC only enemies will get minimal changes.
10 February 2016 - 11:31 AM
Been looking to replay this gem and spice things up a bit.
Does this mod include the various bugfix and correction patches? Has there ever been a retranslation of this game?
Whats recommended for a veteran player looking for a challenge but not something too crazy?
10 February 2016 - 05:13 PM
It's exactly made for veteran players and provides some challenge, but nothing too crazy... aside from maybe the optional stuff. It includes all the bugfixes as well as a retranslation. However, most enemies are unchanged as I only rebalanced what I felt was really necessary. Aside from optional challenges, it's the final bosses and a new battle mid-way which however are decently challenging.
Aside from this, there's Frue Lufia which only is bugfix+retranslation as well as Kureji Lufia which is insane hard (+bugfix/retrans).
11 February 2016 - 01:37 AM
My link
It's what Landon did, but with the monsters having less HP (*2 instead of *3). Fixed also a few little mistakes and also considered stuff like HP border query in case of monsters using different stuff when low on HP.
I went strictly for the formulas except for the AC only enemies who have some more personally changes.
It's the difficult version usable on a unmodifiied ROM. Now, it only has to be tested and to get a final check (mistakes are so easily made