Ok so have kinda hit a brick wall vs. Deadbeard and was wondering if I could get some advice from the vets that have cleared it. Have tried a variety of strategies to no avail and have also found myself getting LOLROFLPWND after about an hour of fighting the sod! Not exactly a desired outcome!
So, any tips? Thanks for reading!
Deadbeard Little help please?
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08 April 2013 - 10:28 AM
Deadbeard can be a bit tricky and may require a bit of turn manipulation via speed to hurt him. I personally had Ivan with a weapon that gave 2 turns and Mia with a 2 turn item garet and isaac were on damage reduction duty with garet wearing the genji gear + masamune he could act twice. so i had him do small summons on his second turn and always kept up either flash or granite. If you can try to limit his turns with spark plasma, it also may help if you debuff his agi while buffing your own IIRC some used this strat. I was more partial to using level 2 mars summons on him. Mia was on healing duty only. If he smacks you with a froth spiral have ivan and mia spam sacred waters and try to avoid setting ivan's djinn as a Pirate Brand can down him even through Flash and especially Granite. Also AnimaZero has a video on him which can be found below,
I hope this helps you out some and thanks for giving your support to the mod!
I hope this helps you out some and thanks for giving your support to the mod!
08 April 2013 - 11:14 AM
I cleared Deadbeard on the first try with what began as luck but turned into strategy. Basically I was able to keep him stunlocked via Planet Diver and one of Ivan's Psynergies, Spark Plasma. I was able to do it by keeping.. Vine, I think it is? The Venus Djinni that lowers the enemy's agility. Anyway, by keeping that one up on him at all times. Too fast and all of your guys will go before Deadbeard, making it impossible to stunlock him; too slow and he'll go first. You want to get one stun off, have him try to take his turn, then get the second off just before he tries to take his second action so that he's completely helpless for both.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.

08 April 2013 - 12:01 PM
Ok brilliant guys thanks. Was on the right tracks then - just got greedy with summons! Will give that a shot and get back to you guys.
Again, thanks for the advice.
Again, thanks for the advice.
08 April 2013 - 01:05 PM
Ok, the bastard is down! Just trying to sort out who should equip what!
Thanks Vanish and Advent - had more or less been doing that earlier but got to tweak/ refine it better due to your advice so cheers!
Thanks Vanish and Advent - had more or less been doing that earlier but got to tweak/ refine it better due to your advice so cheers!
09 April 2013 - 12:00 AM
kyozo22, on 08 April 2013 - 01:05 PM, said:
Ok, the bastard is down! Just trying to sort out who should equip what!
Thanks Vanish and Advent - had more or less been doing that earlier but got to tweak/ refine it better due to your advice so cheers!
Thanks Vanish and Advent - had more or less been doing that earlier but got to tweak/ refine it better due to your advice so cheers!
Glad you beat him. He is a very tough boss. Believe it or not he used to be far more deadly yet I wanted to make sure that players enjoyed the fighter and got them to think about how to handle each of the bosses in FS. Looking forward to seeing what you have to say about RS!~
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