I start a new game ,this time playing with a lot of spells and magic on the team.
I'm now at CH4 Betlha Garrison (Generic team of 4 / Mustadio / rafa-malak / mother fucker onion beast) and I get stucked again

My lvl is 20 with Ramza and some generics (I know i know it's much for the place where I stay,some people who rules won the game at this level ,but I really enjoy it,I learn a lot and get funny momentss)

Well I have questions so here we go:
1)Hamedo and teleport(the best),where in the hell can I get it?( I mean in the random batlles ,no at the story line batlles,'cos i'm stucked)
2)Hart told me once that enginner job could gear 2 guns at the same time (double shoot),it's that truth? I reach at 2 swords in Mustadio and doesn't work .. which guns ? or it's not possible ( i have 2 magic cannons)
3)This its older : north wall seems easier and better in the reward ( stealeble important bow),but what about the south wall I read something about a Faith rod?''

that is alll for now
thank u and GL,from argentina