a. As it currently is, many things you get right in ch 1 or 2 outclass what is available late game overall. This is a worse problem than late game stuff outclassing early game stuff, since it discourages experimentation and encourages people to stick with what worked before.
b. Universal use skills are hard to balance with limited use skills when a character can only have 4 skills including its physical attack. What I mean by this, is a skill like Revive is going to be useful in 100% of battles, while a skill like Silence is only going to be useful against enemies who are vulnerable to it and worth the action to silence. Due to the nature of the game, these oddball status effects are quite good in several battles. However, a monster whose 3 skills are Revive, Chakra, Remedy is going to be useful in far more situations than the one who can Aqua Rake, Frog, Foxbird. It's a lot easier to balance skills with limited use when I can give some things up to 16 skills, and others 6, for example.
c. Several skills are even mostly redundant with themselves. Mega Fire and Mega Ice are only different from each other due to hitting different elemental weaknesses/absorbs, but have the same flags, formula, etc. Vs. a neutral target with no weaknesses or resistances, these skills are exactly the same.
d. More options will simply make the game more interesting and fun as a whole. This change will stretch globally, so both players and ai will have these upgraded monsters. Lower tier monsters will still be viable party members in the early game, and still annoying AI units even in late game. It'll be more interesting to write/play optional battles, as well.
I have the skillsets for these monsters made. Just need names for skillsets for the following: Chocobo, Goblin, Bomb, Panther, Squid, Ghost, Plague, Bird, Sacred, Morbol, Behemoth, Tiamat.
2. Movement is a curious balance problem. Right now, human movement far outclasses all monsters except Ghosts, due to access to a 4 move class + shoes + your choice of Teleport/Move+2. Most monsters right now only have 4 move + a move ability, while humans get up to 7 or 5 with teleport. I like the presence of Move+2 in the game, because it gives something to compete with Teleport, which would otherwise be the only movement ability worth getting on a human. Right now my options for balancing this:
a. Buff all monsters/bosses, keep all humans same. This will lead to playable monsters at move 4-7, which balances better with the current human average setup of 5 move.
b. Lower all human move. Might be preferred to make some maps more of an obstacle, but 2 base move in some classes is too crap for the game imo.
c. Remove human access to Teleport and Move +2. This option is a bit boring imo, and could turn them nearly useless on maps like Zalmo 2 or several of the Deep Dungeon maps, where most players would use flying/teleporting monsters due to the nature of the maps and mobility there is key.