Note that I don't use save states because I don't suck

So as in any RPG, the first thing we do is go to Config and put the text speed to max. Next, we name Zidane Pimp, because that's what his journey is all about. Now let's see if we patched the game correctly
Yup, sounds about right. After finally stealing everything, Blank defeats the mysterious man-dragon-pig by himself (and a Potion)
After appropriately naming Vivi ''Dealer'', we fast forward trough amazing music and an amazing atmosphere (did I tell you this is my 2nd favorite FF?) to the oh-so delightful sword fighting mini-game. After seeing this screen a handful of times
the stars align, I see the matrix, become one with my controller and impress all those fucking nobles who shower me with all their gold (err). This also make the queen happy enough to give Steiner (who I happily renamed Retard) a Moonstone for some reason.
After kidnapping the princess and Steiner barely avoiding a jihad (to be fair, we did warn him)
we make it out alive in the Evil Forest.
First plant mini bosses are fairly simple. Since there's nothing to Steal you just turret damage and heal accordingly. Note that Tidal Flame is not so great here

Anyway, pretty simple boss fight. Steal while Steiner and Vivi hit like trucks. Swd Mag-Fire deals 300+ damage and the boss barely have over 1000 HP. I actually had to reset because I killed it too fast. Note that you can manually bring Zidane in critical to make Blank appear faster.
Next time we tackle the Ice Cavern but with such a balanced party it should still be easy.