Man: This game is good
16 December 2016 - 11:57 AM
The Extra Battles-- Which I started calling "Hunts" thank you Final Fantasy XII, are the best part of this game. They are hellish trials far beyond the difficulty of a standard battle and take a massive dump on you... Until you win. But that's not all, the game dangles these super powerful items in front of you so if you win, you get some amazing items.
Monsters are... Interesting. They all of a ton of passives and they have a ton of abilities instead of just having the lame "lol 3 abilities and 4 with Monster Skill." Recruiting a monsters if fun and easy on the account that randoms have set monsters for you to recruit and ... IT'S IN THEIR DESCRIPTIONS. Speaking of descriptions, they are everywhere in this game. Skills have formula descriptions, monsters tell you what they resist and what they have innately. It adds for a surprising amount of depth.
Emmy, I'm moving right now, but I swear to you that I'll start posting videos soon enough (And probably be on Discord as well, but I have to get a constant internet connection where I'm not typing on my phone)! I've done 33 battles, and get this, I'm not even close to Chapter 4. It's crazy how many battles have been added to this game.
I'll post up something more detailed later, but seriously, this game needs more love. It's still actively being worked on, and it can only get better at this point.
16 December 2016 - 12:44 PM
Can't wait to watch dem vids.
16 December 2016 - 06:48 PM
17 December 2016 - 07:19 AM
17 December 2016 - 08:38 AM
Also quad, join the chat, we miss you.

17 December 2016 - 08:50 AM
New version coming *very* soon. Just looking to fix a few minor issues and test 1 additional battle before its release.
17 December 2016 - 02:06 PM
Just like that.
ETA: Sorry, bad timing. Gonna leave on a vacation, so it'll have to wait anyway. Oh well, soon enough.
ETA2: Oh, what the hell. I'll try it out now just to see if I get the feels, and then I can pick it up later again.
31 December 2016 - 05:00 AM

31 December 2016 - 07:01 AM
quadpolar, on 31 December 2016 - 05:00 AM, said:

Wow. That's crazy, I just moved too, and that's exactly what happened to me. That said, I did start doing things to show it off again so the community has a playthrough to look at again. I'll be honest and say that I am a bit farther than this, it's just that I wanted to clean up some of the crud around the videos first before I upload them.
The first battle is pretty easy overall, but I think it does a good job of showing what the mod is about. It's also in my opinion, difficult enough to be sort of interesting to watch to boot. For starters, as you can see, the monsters have a far expanded moveset list from before, so instead of having their skill set as 4 moves, it's been expanded to have a standard moveset like a human character. This makes for better balance between monsters and humans, as monsters now have a moveset that can compete with humans, and because of the passives that monsters are generally given, in some cases they are actually superior to humans. They definitely have better stats all around than humans -- as usual, so having an expanded set of moves only makes monsters more appetizing.
That's not to say that humans don't have their strengths as well, they still have the same strength they did from Vanilla, 1.3, or any Final Fantasy Tactics game, the humans have versatility that is unparalleled to the monsters. Ramza can change his gear and skills at any time to have skills that he was previously lacking. Sure, he might do it "worse" than monsters, but he can do a little bit more than any individual unit. Even if it's slightly weaker. I'll talk about that more later when I actually have videos where I can make that make a bit more sense.
About Guest: They no longer are AI controlled. This is good. Period. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about it because it's always been a FFT / Tactics Ogre steeple, but now that I have control of them, there's no reason to ever *not* have this. In addition to having units that are sorta random but under your control to contribute to the battle, you don't have some random scumbag ruining your day with rather lackluster moves that you more often than not, would not make. What this means is that you need to actually care for your guest rather than taking Vanilla's approach and ignoring them, or 1.3's where you just use them as a form of "life insurance" while you dismantle the rest of the enemy team. And because of the way they work now, they also have the added effect of giving you more gear after they "leave."
... It also means that Emmy can balance the enemy strength around you having Guest. Because they are you, and she expects you to not make brain dead moves with them.
PS: Hart, I saw that trailer. I'm holding off on Hard Type now if only because that trailer looked so much better than the one you have now. I liked the part where X died in the trailer.

31 December 2016 - 07:31 AM
1. It seems you are on an older version (before my title screen at least). The floating monsters in the first cutscene seemed to disappear when I made the changes necessary to make Orbonne Chapel map playable. I'm not 100% sure why they were floating, but it probably has something to do with the mispointed coordinates on that map.
2. Bombs have Bulletproof - it blocks arrows, gunshots, and a few specific formulas as Blade Grasp blocks the Grasp flag. Missile, Magnet Bomb, a few sword skills, Boomburst, Fell Stinger, Throw Spirit, and a couple other moves share these formulas. When in doubt, tooltips (or ask me if it's unclear and I'll fix the tooltips for the next version)
3. Reverse on undead = undead take damage. A move that doesn't reverse on undead is capable of healing undead.
LOL@ the accidental mount in the end
31 December 2016 - 09:03 AM
Emmy, on 31 December 2016 - 07:31 AM, said:
1. It seems you are on an older version (before my title screen at least). The floating monsters in the first cutscene seemed to disappear when I made the changes necessary to make Orbonne Chapel map playable. I'm not 100% sure why they were floating, but it probably has something to do with the mispointed coordinates on that map.
2. Bombs have Bulletproof - it blocks arrows, gunshots, and a few specific formulas as Blade Grasp blocks the Grasp flag. Missile, Magnet Bomb, a few sword skills, Boomburst, Fell Stinger, Throw Spirit, and a couple other moves share these formulas. When in doubt, tooltips (or ask me if it's unclear and I'll fix the tooltips for the next version)
3. Reverse on undead = undead take damage. A move that doesn't reverse on undead is capable of healing undead.
LOL@ the accidental mount in the end
1. That's true for now, but I've actually updated later on. I usually record a lot of things first before I actually post them just so I can keep a continuous trickle so in the event that I ever get busy, there can still be battles that come out without a stop.
2. Yeah, I noticed that later on, it was just impossible for me to have none early on because I didn't have the ability to read bulletproof at the time. It's definitely clear later on. Just not for the first battle.
3. Yeah, reverse on undead makes sense. I just didn't know what it meant when I first read it. I know now, and abuse it religiously.
01 January 2017 - 01:10 PM
08 January 2017 - 01:39 PM
This fight is pretty simply and seems to be more intent on just getting you used to fighting monsters. It's still harder than Vanilla in the sense that you can die pretty easily if you aren't careful-- or at least, you can lose the objective much easier than you could in Vanilla if you insist on rescuing Algus.
08 January 2017 - 03:28 PM
Also, DS stands for Death Sentence.
08 January 2017 - 07:33 PM
Laith, on 08 January 2017 - 03:28 PM, said:
Also, DS stands for Death Sentence.
Yeah, to be honest, I'm really liking the chill pacing at which it's going. Having to rely off of the monsters is a bit different from having a team of humans. Because instead of just using Chapter 1 to branch out and learn as many jobs as I can, I'm instead having to learn as much about the quirks of the monsters as I can in chapter 1.
14 January 2017 - 09:43 AM
This it the first fight where you we see an immortal enemy, and it is a far departure from the Vanilla FFT with immortal enemies. The main thing here being that it's able to be hit by status effects so you can stop it from harassing you too much. It's not a bad choice to do so here.
It also marks the beginning of a departure from Vanilla in terms of the amount of battles. This is the first new battle that we get, and I must say, Igros Castle isn't even that bad of a map to fight on overall. Makes me wonder why they never really used it too much. Oh well. It's used now; better late than never.
PS: I'm curious how many people will actually get that title reference without having to look it up.
15 January 2017 - 08:33 PM
It's about as hard as you can expect Sweegy to be without being insanely impossible. That said, it's still pretty easy in terms of difficulty, just... Don't go in expecting a cakewalk sweep like you would in Vanilla. I'd say it's a bit harder than 1.3's Sweegy on the account that you can't evade stack on all of your units here like you can in 1.3. Which is actually... Kinda shocking honestly.
16 January 2017 - 09:10 AM
As for evasion, monster evasion has been significantly buffed from vanilla. It is full evasion from the front, 50% from sides, 25% from back. This is to support proper positioning, but also because evasion with vanilla numbers was so horrible compared to what humans could get even early on between weapon evade, accessories, and shields. Overall, evasion here is less than that of human evasion in vanilla/1.3 ch 4; but still high enough for abilities that ignore evasion to be significant. Status effects no longer have an evasion check, only a faith check. And again, Bulletproof is the reason for Missile's normally 100% accuracy to drop to 30ish here.