So, I was thinking of something I could do to play pokemon in a dumb way...
Let ID pick my team.
Rough Rules:
I can catch 1 pokemon per badge
You guys vote on my starter, and who I get to catch
The pokemon can only be caught on a route that gets unlocked after each badge. This is a very rough draft rule, I'd think of actual terms for which routes are considered part of "each badge."
Revives are banned.
If you guys vote me out of an HM, im allowed a slave. It is never allowed to fight under any circumstances.
Im not allowed to exceed the level of the lowest level of a battle sequence. For example, i can't be higher than the worst pokemon in any gym leader, and I can get as high as the lowest level in the elite 4.
If I do this, it will be on fire red (it would be blue, except for the whole 'special stat' thing). Give me some more rules that sound good, but keep in mind that Im lazy as shit. The "dont exceed levels" is more of a formality than anything. I'd rather sit there and die, if i think i can win, the go grind.
Pokemon "Get fucked by ID" Challenge
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15 February 2015 - 07:17 AM
Starter: Dunsparce
First Route: Dunsparce
Second Route: Dunsparce
Third Route: Dunsparce
First Route: Dunsparce
Second Route: Dunsparce
Third Route: Dunsparce
15 February 2015 - 07:19 AM
Starter: Mew Magikarp 
First Route: Magikarp
Second Route: Magikarp
Third Route: Magikarp

First Route: Magikarp
Second Route: Magikarp
Third Route: Magikarp
15 February 2015 - 12:30 PM
Assuming Fire Red?
Starter: Bulbasaur.
Weak to some of the later fights. Weak to some of the later fights for the E4. Not a huge advantage on the later fights. Sure, it helps you against Brock and Misty, but that's as easy as stalling out honestly.
Post Brock:
Paras. Shitty pokemon. Spore is the only thing it has going for it. Also, because it's rare it'll make you have to search for it for awhile. So slow that it'll always go second and without a level advantage it's brittle as hell.
Post Misty: Ekans
Yes, it's in a route after Misty, go to the grass outside of the S.S. Anne. It sucks too. But hey, you get Glare... Right? Technically it comes before you do Surge because you can access this before you fight him because you have to get cut.
Post Surge:
Because you can't get Crobat. So you have to use the mediocre Zubat/Golbat and it adds yet another poison type to your arsenal of poison which means that oh my god Sabrina is going to suck. But hey, you sleep, paralyze and confusion. You should be able to squeak out a win. It'll also mean you can't be poisoned by rocket members.
Post Eirika (or however it's spelled in that version):
Yes. You have to evolve it from Eevee. Yes, it sucks. Yeah, that fire Pokemon WOULD have been nice before Eirika. Deal with it.
Post Koga (yeah, you can fight Sabrina first IIRC but Koga is technically 5th).
Goldeen is your final pokemon. It can learn Surf. So you get no HM slave.
You have the essentials Strength, Cut, and Surf. Flash? Walk through the cave in the darkness. And no, you can actually see because it uses Ru/Sa's engine for lighting caves, so it's possible. You just won't be able to see very well. As for the rest of them, are you allowing yourself more than 6 Pokemon?
Also, I have another clause. No Mart. Every item shall be a sacred item that dictates that fate of your success. If you get stuck on the E4, This also means you can't dick around while trying to catch a Pokemon because if you run out of Pokeballs you can't get them at all. And yes, there are enough Pokeballs dropped in the game to make a full team.
Starter: Bulbasaur.
Weak to some of the later fights. Weak to some of the later fights for the E4. Not a huge advantage on the later fights. Sure, it helps you against Brock and Misty, but that's as easy as stalling out honestly.
Post Brock:
Paras. Shitty pokemon. Spore is the only thing it has going for it. Also, because it's rare it'll make you have to search for it for awhile. So slow that it'll always go second and without a level advantage it's brittle as hell.
Post Misty: Ekans
Yes, it's in a route after Misty, go to the grass outside of the S.S. Anne. It sucks too. But hey, you get Glare... Right? Technically it comes before you do Surge because you can access this before you fight him because you have to get cut.
Post Surge:
Because you can't get Crobat. So you have to use the mediocre Zubat/Golbat and it adds yet another poison type to your arsenal of poison which means that oh my god Sabrina is going to suck. But hey, you sleep, paralyze and confusion. You should be able to squeak out a win. It'll also mean you can't be poisoned by rocket members.
Post Eirika (or however it's spelled in that version):
Yes. You have to evolve it from Eevee. Yes, it sucks. Yeah, that fire Pokemon WOULD have been nice before Eirika. Deal with it.
Post Koga (yeah, you can fight Sabrina first IIRC but Koga is technically 5th).
Goldeen is your final pokemon. It can learn Surf. So you get no HM slave.
You have the essentials Strength, Cut, and Surf. Flash? Walk through the cave in the darkness. And no, you can actually see because it uses Ru/Sa's engine for lighting caves, so it's possible. You just won't be able to see very well. As for the rest of them, are you allowing yourself more than 6 Pokemon?
Also, I have another clause. No Mart. Every item shall be a sacred item that dictates that fate of your success. If you get stuck on the E4, This also means you can't dick around while trying to catch a Pokemon because if you run out of Pokeballs you can't get them at all. And yes, there are enough Pokeballs dropped in the game to make a full team.
15 February 2015 - 03:18 PM
I like that setup, that makes up for a very interesting challenge. The no mart might be too evil, I would allow a $ cap per part of the game.
15 February 2015 - 07:06 PM
Hart-Hunt, on 15 February 2015 - 03:18 PM, said:
I like that setup, that makes up for a very interesting challenge. The no mart might be too evil, I would allow a $ cap per part of the game.
You might be right... Even though I managed to do it in R/B, that was primarily because I took advantage of the broken critical mechanic. SLASH for life. Alright, IIRC there is about 500k money you can make over the course of the game... So let's see... Let's count the bosses in the game:
8 Gym Leaders
2 Gio fights
4 Elite Members
6 Rival fights (Nugget Bridge, S.S Anne, Lavender Town, Rocket Headquarters, Pre-Elite 4, Pokemon Master)
So 20 "bosses" over the course of the game.
I say give him 2,000 per boss. So you get a total of 40,000. He can spend it as he wants. Whenever, but spend wisely.
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