Windows X
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In Topic: Unendorsed FFT WOTL 1.3 Vanilla mod released
16 December 2016 - 11:55 AM
It's 1.3 with Vanilla map positioning. Enemies are still challenging as before. But you'll get to face them as how you see in vanilla. It's based on with some changes like job tree and abilities set from and keep price of potions, ethers and stuff as vanilla. -
In Topic: [Unendorsed Guide] Getting 1.3 Content with vanilla story battle
16 December 2016 - 07:27 AM
I just want to take leisure playing old tactics casually after spending months on clearing Fire Emblem games at harder difficulties. Maybe it was presumptuous of me to think some people may want to have 1.3 with vanilla fights here. Sorry for sharing this then.
Also, it's not like I find 1.3 impossible to beat. I did clear a few hard SRPG games and it's doable with effort and strategies. I don't want to go through all that 1.3 stuff again after forgetting it for years and decide to take a breather making casual run version. Except replacing units and positioning, all characters still have all stuff as before like having reraise and such. It's still challenging though being less than original.
And calling someone stealing is quite offensive. I posted guide in here before and just make things easier with a single patch. I also gave credits to original workers in another thread. Blame PPF Studio for not allowing to make longer sentence. I gave proper credits in my own post without trying to claim as my own work. -
In Topic: [Unendorsed Guide] Getting 1.3 Content with vanilla story battle
16 December 2016 - 01:23 AM
Putting Vanilla positioning into 1.3 won't make the game easier than real vanilla, will it? -
In Topic: [Unendorsed Guide] Getting 1.3 Content with vanilla story battle
15 December 2016 - 11:09 AM
Well, I expect some unhappy comments to make supposed hard things easier for casual run. But believe me, many people want new refreshing contents and improvements without making the game too much harder. Event formation maybe the same but the mechanics, character traits and other improvements is still making the game more challenging and actually more fun than vanilla version.
For example, I can just make Ramza walking around in prologue and the game will end in few turns. But in this version, depending on mods you're using, the game is progressing much longer. Changes in equipment/skills/jobs/items/etc. is still giving a new life while giving some more challenges comparing to Vanilla version.
It may look stupid for some die hard fans but this project is long gone for few years already. At least allow me to dig up something that could give replay values for casual run, OK? -
In Topic: [Unendorsed Guide] Getting 1.3 Content with vanilla story battle
15 December 2016 - 07:35 AM
For some built-in character stats, it will still have it like early chapter having reraise on some units. It took me a long while to clear prolouge chapters. Quite annoying when the rest move up on their own with random abilities. Sometimes they keep spamming speedsap instead of attacking and angrias is healer. WTF lol.
But over all it's much easier and more manageable. You get Vanilla fights with 1.3 mechanics. I've been dreaming for this and realized recently that I can just drop story events into 1.3 and enjoy the ride.
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