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Some Questions about Coding
25 December 2016 - 11:00 AM
I've been reading through some of your discussion about the game mechanics, particularly enemy movement and tactics, with interest. I've been thinking about the possibility of making a more minimal mod aimed at making the game harder. I suspect that the main problems are poor enemy unit design in the mid and late game, poor enemy tactics and strategy, and player item abuse. Some of these would be reasonably easy to change (if the data layout is sane), like enemy formations and what items are available in shops and their costs. Enemy tactics and movement would be harder, but it sounds like you've already done some work in that direction.
- What tools do you use the modify the rom?
- Have you written anything about the changes you've made, at the memory/code level, like what enemy tactics or pathfinding are available?
- Do you have a map to the data for shops and enemy unit formations?
- What tools do you use the modify the rom?
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