Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals
04 January 2017 - 12:07 PM
05 January 2017 - 08:46 PM
How I managed to end the fight with Tia alive alongside everyone else...dumb luck, simple as that.
As for the Merix skill resetter...looks like it's indeed required to deal with Gades over at the Ancient Tower first before that unlocks.
Trio's currently sitting in Merix, all at lv35.
05 January 2017 - 11:31 PM
06 January 2017 - 03:29 AM
06 January 2017 - 07:43 PM
At first after skill resetting, I was curious if it was bugged because my stats didn't automatically update. Turns out I had to go to any shop that displayed your stats (armory, item shop, skill shop), peruse the wares, back out, and it updated correctly.

Turns out you hold on to your previous max hp/mp amount, even after normalizing stats post-skill resetting. Nothing I'd be worried about though since it's a minor advantage at best.
07 January 2017 - 01:37 AM
16 January 2017 - 08:04 PM
16 January 2017 - 08:39 PM
16 January 2017 - 11:38 PM
I had Maxim crit him for 180 with a regular weapon, x3 for that weapon, higher STR, some buffs, yeah can hit 1k.
Or even add Undead Ring for another x2?
That's why I (much) earlier said:
Praetarius5018, on 20 December 2016 - 12:32 PM, said:
Crits aren't that good early on because they only ignore defense, which early on is as good as 0.
Later, e.g. against Gades, it is almost too good, ignore massive 200-300 defense when you have < 300 ATP? I'll take that.
with the right weapon and against high defense it might as well be the best skill period.
Of course most physical skills can crit, too, on top of their other modifiers. But that is down to chance.
17 January 2017 - 02:22 PM
That is, the fact that Lexis and Artea cannot wear any of the blue chest armors.
Should something get changed there - and if so who shall be able to wear what armor (out of Mirac Plate and Ruse/Lucina Armor)?
As I'm not completely sure what to do, I wonder what you think about this issue.
17 January 2017 - 03:20 PM
17 January 2017 - 03:24 PM
17 January 2017 - 04:37 PM
09 February 2017 - 08:57 AM
Currently, YT videos of my playthrough are up past the third Idura fight. Got videos still to post/encode which will take me all the way to my current area, Ferim Kingdom. Everyone's lv61 right now.
Dankirk North Dungeon had some...odd enemy designs stat wise. Ramias I don't think were touched at all stat wise as even a weak little spell that does ~150 damage to all or so took them down and they didn't give anywhere near as much exp compared to other enemies in the dungeon (or they were an enemy in a previous dungeon and I just never ran into one, that too) and Desert Roses hit for jack squat damage (like 20-25 damage against most of my team who's around 390-400+ defense).
Really haven't been in that much trouble difficulty wise for a long time right now. I blame that on the fact that X + Inferno usually results in a dead enemy group or damn near it (and then Selan and/or Lexis finishes the job, heh).
Probably going to do one final skill reset once Artea joins up (Think I'm two dungeons away from that).
Now then, I ran into a weird & nasty bug that I can't for the life of me figure out how I triggered. Was doing my recording yesterday for the trip from Treadool all the way past the events at Dankirk North Dungeon. All's fine until I realize my boat has magically disappeared. Warping to a town doesn't make it reappear.
Only thing I remember doing during the recording was a save & reload at the first save point in Dankirk North Dungeon due to recording software shenanigans. Going to assume that triggered it somehow.
Here's the weird thing with that save at Treadool before the Dankirk North Dungeon events had the ship just fine before I triggered whatever. Afterwards? It too had a disappearing ship result from a save reload.
No idea what happened to make the bug appear or what. Part of me wants to say this bug happened with some other version (vanilla or otherwise) before. Might be some weird emulator bug that got tripped (Using snes9x, latest version). Hell, could even be random ass X shenanigans (That guy is ALWAYS breaking traditional rpg rules!).
Thankfully, I can just lean on save states to save progress for now until I figure out what's causing this and if I can remedy it or if I'll have to rely on save states for now until the end of the playthrough.
09 February 2017 - 11:24 AM
If before, the ship won't appear at towns - excluding the later ones starting from Treadool. Maybe you just forgot where you parked the ship and warped to the wrong towns...?
09 February 2017 - 12:46 PM