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In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
03 January 2017 - 05:16 AM
One really minor thing I wanted to point out, is that I realized with the removal of the % from MBlock%, you could probably rename that stat to include a period as "M.Block".
Thanks for all your continued hard work. -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
02 January 2017 - 08:20 PM
Hello. So, I like to mess around with options in the config menu, and I went to go set my character commands to Short and tried to edit their arrangements. No dice--I press the A Button while hovering over Cmd.Set has "Short" selected, and I can't rearrange commands. No biggie, maybe it's a menu thing. So I go down to Controller, change it from Single to Multiple, and press the A Button to set my characters' controls.
Oh. Oh dear. You can no longer make FFVI a multiplayer game. That... seems like a bigger issue.
Thought I'd throw in a report, as much as I am loathe to. (I'm TiresomeTeddybear / Moeman_, the guy who keeps complaining about the volume of updates.)
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