just made it to chapter 4, and i'm doing the sidequest with beowulf and reis... beat the first battle with the holy knights and now i'm stuck at the second battle with the gunners. how can i find a way to survive to deal with the gunners? i have reflex on all my characters but i think i need something more...
need help on sidequest.
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17 March 2015 - 05:06 PM
put equip guns and first strike (Hamedo) on my characters and i still have problems with a nearby gunner she uses chirjaden then one shots my characters after dealing 520 damage to them. i might have to comeback later. all my characters range from lvl 19 to 20.
17 March 2015 - 05:36 PM
I'd suggest keep trying it at low level.
Is the one with draw out in the 2-person cave? if so, try
If you have Rafa, then it's GG as well. Point one of her skills right in the last panel of the cave before they get out, and unleash it. With a decent RNG, you should be able to at least put one of them in critical, if not kill one of them.
Is the one with draw out in the 2-person cave? if so, try
If you have Rafa, then it's GG as well. Point one of her skills right in the last panel of the cave before they get out, and unleash it. With a decent RNG, you should be able to at least put one of them in critical, if not kill one of them.
17 March 2015 - 05:42 PM
thx guys, i managed to beat it... for some reason that engineer with the drawout ignored beowulf and i got really lucky. i'll keep you guys updated for other battles probably...
19 March 2015 - 08:54 PM
now i'm stuck on the final battle of the sidequest to rescue reis. i tried rushing with a samurai and dragoon and i even charmed some of the demons which helped alot but keeping reis alive is a pain... and almageist from the main demon does 999 damage... i'm still around lvl 20. i didnt have this much trouble until i attempted this sidequest but help is appreciated...
19 March 2015 - 09:27 PM
No worries, the colliery ain't easy. Yeah, status is the way to go on this battle. Use your favourite status on the demons, but may I suggest something that disables them, not just turn them to your side. Berserk + Hamedo (sorry, you'll have to get used to the PSX names around here) works well. Frog iirc works as well.
As for Sinogue itself though... Can you Don't Act (iirc it's Disable for you) somehow? Mustadio may help out here. Also, try some of the Talk Skills. But yeah, simply control the battle with status, then unleash damage on the Archaic Demon.
As for Sinogue itself though... Can you Don't Act (iirc it's Disable for you) somehow? Mustadio may help out here. Also, try some of the Talk Skills. But yeah, simply control the battle with status, then unleash damage on the Archaic Demon.
19 March 2015 - 09:41 PM
If all else fails, you can try using an extreme status setup like this: http://www.twitch.tv...ian42/c/5401514
That was the only way I was able to beat that video in lv1 Content.
That was the only way I was able to beat that video in lv1 Content.
19 March 2015 - 10:32 PM
thx ludovician and hart... i love twitch and would love to see more people stream 1.3. i originally tried this with 2 sages and a samurai and dragoon. i'm gonna try your setup later and i appreciate the help.
19 March 2015 - 11:42 PM
If you have a Faith Rod, you can smack him to inflict the Faith status, and then Frog him. That's what I did. 
Frog 2 will wreck that battle in any case, since everything is vulnerable to it in that fight.

Frog 2 will wreck that battle in any case, since everything is vulnerable to it in that fight.
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