Here's something I've been wanting to do for a while. This is a run I've just started on Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel, with a randomized file by the use of the randomizer linked above. It randomizes:
- The codes of every BattleChip;
- Your starting folder;
- The enemies in every virus encounter;
- Which BattleChips are dropped by enemies;
- Which BattleChips are found in mystery data;
- Which BattleChips can be bought in shops.
- And some more!
So far, it's been a blast. You don't know what to expect, but it seems like they handled it pretty well, because you don't seem to encounter tier 2 or tier 3 enemies at the beginning of the game, so they knew what they were doing.
What's neat about randomizers, is that by selecting the same seed as me, you can play with the same randomized aspects! A "seed" is simply a number, so if you want to play along, I'm playing with the "1337" seed.

About the creator of the randomizer, he's called Prof.9 from the The RockMan Exe Zone forums. He's one of my main helpers for my BN3 project, and the guy simply rocks at ASM and general BN knowledge.
Anyway, to start out this run, we explore the early ACDC areas before digging into the storyline.
Episode 1 - Rough Start: