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- Master Hacker
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Topics I've Started
Insane Difficulty Software Update / Redesign
08 December 2016 - 10:48 AM
Hello Insane Difficulty!
With all of the new changes suggested for Insane Difficulty, the first necessary step to update the functionality and features of the website is to upgrade from IPS version 3.1.4 to IPS version 4.1. This will include many new features, and will hopefully improve some of the more unstable things on the current version.
Along with the update, I will likely be creating multiple themes, as well as keep the old theme (Updating the structure to 4.1) for you guys to choose from. Other side effects will hopefully include an amazing captcha (no more spam!) among many other security improvements.
Ninjasdf had an amazing idea to add a LP page on the site, since the media page isn't really used. This will include LP's from members of the site, organized by game / mod.
Any suggestions (especially right now, before the coding begins - I'm only designing right now) would be greatly appreciated - suggest things you want to see added to the updated site. This process could take quite a while, so if you think of something, please don't hesitate to mention it!
I will be updating this thread for all updates pertaining to the redesign.
Changes to ID
04 December 2016 - 02:55 PM
Hate to keep starting topics every time I have an update, but this post is going to include a major announcement.
Progress on back end is frustrating, as the Captcha is literally not anywhere to be found. It's not installed as a hook, so I'm still looking into things. Archael said it's around there somewhere, so I'll be continuing my search tonight.
As far as alternatives to Captcha go, 99% of the posts on IP board suggest key Captcha, so I will likely install this after I determine compatibility. In the meantime, we will probably just eliminate captcha all together and stick to the security question, as no one can register right now.
On to the major announcement -- I have decided to select Advent for another forum administrator. I am awaiting the OK from Archael right now. Advent and I have worked closely in the past, and share a lot of the same opinions and ideas. I trust him as much as Archael trusted me when he gave me Admin for ID. I really do think the community as a whole will support this decision, but if you must object, I'm all ears.
I will hop on discord tonight to address everyone's concerns. Advent and I will likely be on skype later on talking about ID - we will keep you posted.
Thank you for the suggestions and the help, you guys mean a lot to me. I hope to have the site running good as new within the week.
Insane Difficulty Redux
03 December 2016 - 12:35 PM
Members of the Insane Difficulty community,
It has been brought to my attention lately that the spark that this site once had has somewhat dwindled. The sites management seems to have gone downhill, along with the site's reliability. Something has to be done.
I have a lot more time as of recently, so I really wanted to take the time to make this post and give the community some hope! As of late, I have been seeing people mentioning the creation of a new site. I really think this is, A: Unnecessary and B: Rather detrimental to the site. I would assume that we would lose nearly 80% of the traffic that we get now. We would lose the domain, and all of the data on this site would essentially be an archive. I want to highlight other possible solutions so that we can remain on this domain. This website means WAY too much to me to see it go to a new domain.
As for possible solutions - I know have access to everything Archael does, and am learning the IP board format (fucking terrible, but powerful). I am planning on adding many new features that are available to the IP board community, in an attempt to try and reinvigorate the community. Below are some suggestions for potential things that I may add to the site. I hope to see feedback from everyone.
Leader boards
IP boards recently added a leader boards feature. This will highlight the most active, contributing members of the community. I believe this will give more incentive to take part and contribute in the community and shed light on contributions.
Badges / Achievements
The badges and achievements system was amazing for ID. I loved the idea of video recording yourself completing a challenge and being awarded a badge for completing said challenge. Of course, at first the achievements were mainly for 1.3 as Archael was mainly the only one making the badges, however, I am willing to make graphics for every single achievement that you all come up with. I wouldn't mind having a page displaying who has completed each achievement - perhaps a wiki page.
We need to host more tournaments. I am going to hopefully have an AI tournament again, and am seriously considering hosting a 1.3 tournament.
All of the above are suggestions to try to bring more traffic and engagement to the site which I am willing to take part in / host / create, As far as site maintenance and stability goes, I have been working with Archael on solutions to make sure the site remains usable and reliable. There are a multitude of different security features that we can implement as well.
Last but not least, I would like to appoint a few more moderators. I'm also considering adding a few more groups for fun.
I wanted to end by letting you all know how much the community means to me. I know i haven't been around much lately, but it's not because I don't want to be. I hope everyone is doing well and I will do everything I can to get the community back on track. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
EDIT: Fixing the Captcha as we speak. Sorry for being so late on this. Exam week has kept me busy.
Thank you so much Insane Difficulty,
Spam Bots
17 August 2016 - 05:04 PM
Having trouble keeping up with these spam bots. Going to talk to Archael tonight and see if there is anything we can do!
Sorry for the annoyance / inconvenience of said bots.
02 Feb 2017 - 04:28Jonathan Goad
28 Dec 2016 - 17:57Raffel
11 Sep 2015 - 06:55PD: I've tried FFTA: X, and I love how you rebalanced the game difficult!
23 Aug 2015 - 19:00FirmOmelette
23 Aug 2015 - 19:00FirmOmelette
23 Aug 2015 - 19:00Archael
21 Jan 2014 - 08:48FFTA
02 Jul 2013 - 19:03Hart-Hunt
02 Jul 2013 - 18:50Kihaku
11 Nov 2011 - 06:49gratz on that beforehand!
13 Jul 2011 - 10:59Archael
04 May 2011 - 14:26FFTA
25 Mar 2011 - 09:21Brood war just doesnt do it.
24 Mar 2011 - 04:30I'm thinking 2v2 we should fail pretty hard lol
02 Mar 2011 - 16:28