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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Mario Weapons!?
11 March 2017 - 12:36 PM
Iirc he also gets punches same as vanilla. I believe one of them is thunder punch (or something like that). I dunno I haven;t played this in forever. Waiting the the public release of v9 -
In Topic: Version 9 Beta Public Beta Test Download
27 February 2017 - 03:41 PM
Doomsday, on 27 February 2017 - 12:42 PM, said:
Where have you been the past 2 months? Living under a rock?
v9 will hopefully come out sooner than than the soon that was said a month ago. As for the "public beta", it was actually only a limited public beta. If you didn't get it when it was available, you'll have to wait until the next release.
Either way.... HYPE
I have been busy. I do more than just play SMRPGA
I do have a stream to look after you know -
In Topic: Insane Difficulty Olympics 2017 - Brainstorming Challenges!
27 February 2017 - 01:19 AM
What about beating -insert boss here- at level -insert number here-? -
In Topic: Version 9 Beta Public Beta Test Download
26 February 2017 - 11:40 PM
VERSION 9 YOU SAY?? I shall have to look into this so called V9 and what has been changed since 8.5... -
In Topic: Version with the "impossible" Terra?
17 September 2016 - 05:58 PM
No thats not true. You could outdamage her. But she healed her current life to full plus a life. I tihnk it was the fact that the damage didn't stack onto the next life was what the main problem was. If it could then the fight was possible. I recall spending like 2 hours on that fight trying different tactics on stream with DK watching and looking at the battle script and I believe that was what was the biggest problem in that fight. I was killing a life every turn or something like that with bowser/mario/geno(?) or peach.
I think you would just have to look at the editor to see when she heals a life.
EDIT: Forget everything I said here and just scroll down on that link you posted to see what the problem was and why we couldn't beat her.
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