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In Topic: Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals
6 days ago
the Version 5 is the final version? -
In Topic: ROTDS 1.7.1 boss walktrough for expert mode
6 days ago
well we begin in ronan scenario with 4 bosses on the same area some are just minibosses or obrigatory battles but i will put here anyway S.Knight: he is just a tutorial battle for avalon he can cast some spells like regen,berserk,drain and rasp to put his hp to max this battle is not difficult at all the enemy is vulnarable to poison,confuse, and blind you should defeat him no problem via havoc Kefka 1: Well oboro steps in to the group the offence here is Shurikens and fist of thuder if you dont have meteostrike he can cure himself cast regen, cura, all level 1 spell and virus no problem at all Telstar: you have to steal him the t´hai chi cap and kill him fast to not summon other enemys with fist of thunder and shurikens .Raider he is hard he and cast air blast and drain air blast should deal 300 and call friends this battle is all luck bacuse avalon can attack or havoc to deal status to him overall not really hard next will be hard -
In Topic: Bugs 1.7.3
A week ago
i wanst expecting a another update GI -
In Topic: Bugs 1.7.3
A week ago
wow another one man im lucky well i will finish the the boss playtrough on ID at least good job GI -
In Topic: General Discussion and Feedback
A week ago
I Have a question what is the diference bewthen Kureiji Lufia and Age of the sinistrals?
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