Feel free to post any bugs you come across. Screenshot them (with as much info in the screenshots as possible) and/or describe what happened as best as possible here.
1. Funny bug - AOE attack targeted 2 bombs, one enemy one ally, both of whom got their critical Quick. Enemy bomb went first, killed ally bomb. Because its critical quick triggered, I was able to move it at 0 HP, and it promptly died after moving.
2. Don't Act - Enemies can start charging a spell if it's set to go off after Don't Act ends. (Due to the CT of Don't Act, usually requires a long spell) Players can't. No clue/bug.
3. Prankster - Does not display the updated CT correctly. My attempt to fix this screwed up every screen. So for now just remember which abilities are instant when a Panther uses them.
4. Amplify - Does not display the new MP cost correctly. Take the MP cost in tooltips and double that.