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In Topic: BNW Fork Project: No Prayer for the Dying
12 March 2017 - 05:05 PM
thzfunnymzn, on 12 March 2017 - 05:01 PM, said:
What, exactly, is gained from individual HP / MP tables? The further apart values are, the harder they are to balance, plus it creates more of a development headache.
That's largely why I haven't done it yet. I'm also waiting on 1.8.5 right now because it's going to have some bugfixes, and I'll have to start over anyway.
Some bosses could use a tune-up. Some of them I feel are a little too easy once you solve them (see: Water Dragon, Wind Dragon, Poison Dragon). Also, if you've got scripting room, I think? that the WoB bosses have more gimmicks / flavor than the WoR bosses. You could do interesting stuff like having Zone Eater pull an Ultros II with changing position by burrowing underground & such.
I have plenty of space for scripting with expansion. Dragons are going to be overhauled. The Zone Eater idea is interesting, though I really don't consider that a boss. I'd be more inclined to add a proper boss inside Gogo's cave and make Zone Eater itself easier, really. -
In Topic: BNW Fork Project: No Prayer for the Dying
12 March 2017 - 04:27 PM
Currently considering adding individual HP and MP tables, but I'm not sure at this point how to balance that out with present party composition. I'm also bad in general at handling curves like that. Main benefit is it means I could avoid very low starting values while still keeping end values under control.
Also considering whether I want to overhaul bosses or try to retain their present theming. Most bosses run on a fairly simple template, with the exception of Ultros 2 and Guardian, though the latter is mostly just several phases. All dragons follow the same template, and most randoms run on their own template as well. Also trying to discern where I want to begin rolling out the big changes such as the new AI code which vanilla completely lacked. -
In Topic: BNW Fork Project: No Prayer for the Dying
05 March 2017 - 01:02 AM
That's a massive fundamental change which makes it no longer BNW at all. It'd also require very substantial rebalancing. I'd basically be doing a full hack on a concept that is kind of sketchy to begin with. -
In Topic: BNW Fork Project: No Prayer for the Dying
05 March 2017 - 12:20 AM
I think I have a few potential ideas about exp.
1) level compares and exp manipulation in script. this allows specific enemy compares where I feel it's appropriate, rather than a hardcoded check, but means somewhat more complex scripts that use more space.
2)using the metamorph byte (presently unused) as either a minimum or maximum level value, and somehow working that into a check.
3) making a new struct for formations, consisting of a single byte per formation, which will serve as the formation's level, which I can check against the party's average level to determine experience modification.
These are only cursory ideas though. -
In Topic: BNW Fork Project: No Prayer for the Dying
03 March 2017 - 08:12 PM
It's something I'd rather see in action before making a final decision on. Even level 50 still isn't a free ride through the final dungeon as-is. It's easier, but not vanilla easy.
I may consider changing SP gains but I'd realistically need to also raise spell purchase costs if I do so.
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