So I played through the first battle and looked at some of the documentation and this mod looks awesome. Orbonne went pretty smoothly once I got both revivers dead simultaneously so they couldn't keep sandbag looping each other.
However, as soon as I get to the first fight in ch. 1 I try to equip Ramza with Rough Skin or any other abilities and the game freezes, forcing me to hard shutoff and restart my PSP. I patched an unheadered .bin of FFT with ppf-o-matic, converted that into an eboot with PSX2PSP, and transferred that onto my PSP via usb. Do I specifically need an iso file for this to work?
Ability-equipping freeze
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21 November 2016 - 02:27 PM
Oh nevermind, I just saw the other thread that says this doesn't work on PSP. That sucks, I was excited to play this and probably can't now.
21 November 2016 - 02:55 PM
if u typed that via a computer then you can......... just get a vanilla unmodified iso of final fantasy tactics and download/apply the patch and get ePSXe and ur good to
21 November 2016 - 02:55 PM
Yeah, I couldn't even get MT started past the Orbonne intro sequence on my PSP.

21 November 2016 - 03:49 PM
Hart-Hunt, on 21 November 2016 - 02:56 PM, said:
Have you played MT on your PSP?
I don't think it matters whether he has or not (and given the circumstances, he probably hasn't, since no one can due to all the changes made to the game), since he was suggesting the use of an emulator to play on PC, which is also a valid alternative, unless OP has a good reason for not being able to do that.
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