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In Topic: Final Fantasy X International - Sinful Difficulty Mod v1.0
18 December 2016 - 05:00 PM
Hello Insane Difficulty community,
I am sorry for misleading you guys. I really thought I had been modding the International version of FFX but in fact the PAL version. PAL version is pretty much identical with the International version. It has all same optional bosses and stuff. I also noticed the patch I had made was pretty bad.
The intention of this post is to release PPF patch of this mod. Yeah it is PAL version just to make it clear.
Here is the URL for the ppf patch of this mod:
https://www.dropbox....lty_mod.7z?dl=0 -
In Topic: Final Fantasy X - International - Punishment v1.5
12 July 2016 - 08:43 AM
ShittyCumSquat, on 11 July 2016 - 02:03 PM, said:
I wasn't expecting much of a bump but the debuff came across as a shock to me, but I'm starting to get used to them now. Have you beaten them on both versions, How much more difficult are they on this version compared to the regular version?
I don't have much patience for intense leveling so I have never beaten the Dark Aeons. The only way one could (possibly) beat the Dark Aeons on NSG challenge is by sacrificing Aeons and having Rikku do her most powerful mixes. Even then they have so much HP I really don't think it's possible to beat them in NSG.
Edit: With Rikku's Hyper Mighty G pretty much anything is possible since it grants Auto-Life and Haste. Protect and Shell are useless since you will get KOd by every single strike. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy X - International - Punishment v1.5
11 July 2016 - 07:08 AM
ShittyCumSquat, on 11 July 2016 - 05:34 AM, said:
I get that a lot.
That was my first guess but they're beatable even in a NSG challenge (Penance excluded) and unless the changes to the ESG and more drastic then I suspect, even Penance should be beatable without the debuff.
The changes are pretty severe. Like +4 stat ups have been changed to +2, and other stuff. I'm pretty sure LandonRay knows what he's doing. Also the original values for the Dark Aeons often go as high as 255 which is the highest possible value. Since you can't mod them any harder, if you want them to be the way you want yourself you will definitely have to nerf them. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy X International - Sinful Difficulty Mod v1.0
29 June 2016 - 07:42 PM
Foyboy, on 29 June 2016 - 06:47 PM, said:
Is there a changelog available? Or was it literally just a straight increase to str/mag/agil of monsters?
Pretty much. All normal enemies have the same amount of increase in str & mag, except for Besaid fiends which gain a bit more str & mag and also the fishes in Gagazet Cave only gain agl boost.
Enemies before the Home attack have little increase to agl where in Home and after they gain way more of it. This actually doesn't change things too much since you gain agl a lot at the same time. It's a good strat to keep the party members with high agility at the start of battle to get possible initiative.
Bosses vary more. Lots of late game bosses only gain agl cause they already have high damage levels but for example the Spherimorph boss in Macalania Woods gains double the str & mag and 4x agl. I didn't increase the HP of any enemy in the game. I thought it wasn't necessary. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy X International - Sinful Difficulty Mod v1.0
29 June 2016 - 10:43 AM
Foyboy, on 29 June 2016 - 08:58 AM, said:
This sounds cool. FFX is my favorite game of all time. Unfortunately I'm in the middle of an NSGNSNTQNENNE challenge that will transition into an OSGMANSNTQND challenge, so I won't have time to test this out for a while. But I am looking forward to trying it this summer.
Thanks man. I'm not very good at naming things so I hope the name for this mod doesn't sound too horrendousI go by the name SinfulOcelot so I thought I'd use that in the name.
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