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In Topic: 2.0 Idea? Maybe?
18 March 2017 - 10:17 AM
Does that 'queue' carry over from a random battle into a boss battle such that you can know for sure what your next summon will be? Because if so, the problem persists. -
In Topic: FFT 1.4: Awesome Difficulty, The Official Development Thread
17 March 2017 - 11:21 AM
Hart-Hunt, on 16 March 2017 - 02:24 PM, said:
what would happen if 2002 Spiderman was released today? It'd be absolutely trash, because technology, and super hero movies directing and scripts have vastly improved. But at the time they did try their best to make a Spiderman movie that would be remembered. Bringing the analogy back to earth, if someone tried to make a good FFT mod and released a mod with the same problems 1.3 had today, then I'm sure we would just look the other way.
Fair enough!
ShadowCrimson, on 16 March 2017 - 04:33 PM, said:
<Lots of things that are true>
Hear! hear! -
In Topic: FFT 1.4: Awesome Difficulty, The Official Development Thread
16 March 2017 - 11:35 AM
My two cents (as it happens, I have exactly two distinct ideas!):
1. Don't shoot for perfection.
Others above have talked about scope, and I'm just saying the same thing over again, but I tend to think about 1.3 in a different way (perhaps because I am not a modder myself). I had a metric ton of pure fun playing 1.3 the first time through. The game was a delightful puzzle the way I remember Vanilla being as a kid. Now as it turns out, yes, the key to the puzzle is "gotta go fast", and the vast majority of end-game battles guide you into perfecting one strategy which becomes the best and only strategy, but I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. Will the game get better if the issues so eloquently explained by Emmy are addressed? Yes, of course. But I think 1.3 was a necessary step to learn these lessons.
An analogy from the world of film: the 2002 Spider-Man movie was ... forgettable. Enjoyable perhaps, but not on many "best films of all time" lists. And yet Sam Raimi proved that technology had finally come to the point where superheroes could be convincingly portrayed on screen in the same way we knew them from from the comic books. The success of that film paved the way both for cinematic genius like The Dark Knight as well as for the hugely successful spate of recent Marvel films.
I think mods are like that: Philsov's 1.2 proved that there was an enormous amount of additional potential in this engine, and Archael's 1.3 continued to work out the implications of those explorations. (Various other FFT mods could be cited as well, of course.) Would Emmy's amazing work be here without 1.3? Even if it were, I'm sure it would not be as good, because from the community there emerged a lot of collective wisdom that has furthered the discussion. The conclusion I draw from all this is that so long as you set out to do something new and do that thing really well, whatever it is, it adds something important to the experience, even if it's not the definitive installment in the genre.
2. The script
There was a discussion very recently over in BNW about that mod's script, and I've vented here before about the terrible PSP translation for Tactics. You may decide that your scope will be limited to gameplay changes, but if you want a partner in crime for tweaking the script, let me know. I've already got some notes on the subject (this has been in the back of my mind for some time), including analysis of the Japanese from from a Discord discussion with Kain Stryder.
Good luck! -
In Topic: Garbage Self-Referential, Immature, Inconsistent writing.
15 March 2017 - 09:24 AM
I sure picked the wrong day not to stop by the forum!
thzfunnymzn, on 12 March 2017 - 04:56 PM, said:
That said, there's been enough comments on this that I wouldn't mind seeing an alternate script mod. Heck, if I was a decent writer or knew the design goal to shoot for, I'd offer to do the back-breaking work myself.
Polaris, on 12 March 2017 - 09:21 PM, said:
I’m hoping to make one someday, although nothing that’s managed will satisfy everyone.
Miacis, on 12 March 2017 - 09:20 AM, said:
To be honest, the script hasn't received major alterations since... what? The Celes edgy meltdown? There were also Bishop's (?) changes to make Cyan speak better faux-shakespearian.
All I can say is, if you ever need "better faux-shakespearian" dialogue, I'm your man! And since there's two feet of snow outside my window and all my meetings for the afternoon have been canceled, I feel like giving some commentary on the tiny part I've played in this grand adventure.
Just to give you an idea of what I did when BTB invited me to contribute script tweaks (which invitation I received as a great honor): I looked at both the Woolsey and Lina Darkstar translations of the original script, and then compared the (sometimes modified) BNW (1.5?) lines with the rules of grammar and authentic Early Modern English texts, which I quoted wherever possible.
Most of what I did was to make sure that the archaic -eth was always used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs. For example, this was my note on Cyan's introduction to Sabin:
The problem with “alloweth me the honor” is that “alloweth” means “He allows,” not “I command you to allow”. So instead I've suggested opening the quotation with “I beseech thee.” In reality the formal “you” might be used instead of the familiar “thee”, but even if so this a good compromise between the historical use of English and the desired tone.
[caption #532]
I beseech thee, allow me the honor!
Not all of my tweaks made it in unaltered (context forced occasional changes), but here are some examples of the direct-quotations I referenced:
Coriolanus III, 1 & paraphrase of Comedy of Errors V, 1. Note that “who art thou” is indeed found in Shakespeare, in Henry VI, Part I V, 3.
[caption #69]
<A$02>: Be calm, be calm.<P> Now, O rough, rude and wild one, who art thou?<P>
All's Well That Ends Well III, 6
[caption #76]
<A$02>: Is not this a strange fellow, sir <A$05>?<P>
Canst Not. I found it in Act III Scene III of Romeo & Juliet. It's legit.
[caption #654]
<A2>: _Sir <A5>. Thou canst not be serious_
“Beheld her countenance.” Judith 10:14 in the KJV. Totally legit.
[caption #851]
<A2>: It IS her! I knew I had beheld her countenance before. Sir <A11>, step aside!
Twelfth Night [II, 3] where Sir Toby Belch says “Let's to bed, knight. Thou hadst need send for more money.” Subtle references! We all love those, right? Can we make this work? Can we? You just know that twenty years from now someone will finally have to background to get the joke and laugh uproariously.
[caption #798]
<A2>: But Sir <A5>_ <D>thou hadst need send for more money.
I will close by saying that my delight at imagining someone picking up on these obscure quotations of Shakespeare and the Bible is compounded by the image of them searching this forum and finding a thread named "Garbage Self-Referential, Immature, Inconsistent writing." -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
07 March 2017 - 08:37 AM
Bastard Poetry
30 Jul 2015 - 21:01