But hey, thanks to all for the input. The massive interest and participation in this thread already shows that there is certainly a market for this mod. I'll do the best I can. So, onto the specifics:
To Augestein:
Yeah. All of the changes I refer to are relative to 1.3 since that will be the basis for this mod in many ways. Hence, 1.4.
To Emmy,
2. Figure out whether you want linear or quadratic formulas and stick with your decision for all abilities.
3. Learn how to balance boss pacing, innates, and skillsets...
4. Make as many abilities as possible interesting and useful...
5. Vary your fights! .
1. Eliminate or significantly reduce assassination missions that are not boss fights
2. Scale enemies' levels and stats...this means enemy lv = party lv, not party lv +25
3. Use RNG as a tool to make things more interesting, but not in a way that encourages players to reset repeatedly for it.
4. Be careful with your usage of immortal flag.
1. This sounds like the best option to me since I'd rather not cap levels. I'd love further insight on how to accomplish this.
2. I'll likely make all formulas quadratic.
3. A lot to that. But I'll see what I can do.
4. One of the ways in which this will follow 1.3 is that most of the abilities will be the same. Others have pointed out that the classes have useful and unique abilities, for the most part.
5. With gusto.
1. I don't recall most of these bothering me much, but I'll take a look.
2. Exactly what I'd intended to do.
3. Broad, but I'll see what I can do.
4. It'll be used minimally.
To Hart:
2. On the same train of thought, evasion goes sky high. It doesn't make any sense to be able to have something as ridiculous as 100% physical and magical evasion
3. Horrible growth and modifier parameters...Speed goes sky high. Speed should always be at a value below 10 throughout the game, given the game's system...Not helped at all with haste, which speeds you up to 50% more. Suggestion about that is changing this to 25%.
4. MP's growth is massively high. It starts at a decent balance, and quickly goes sky high. Doesn't help that equipment boosts it enormously either. Suggestion: extremely low growths and low bonus by equipment to keep MP management as relevant throughout the game.
1. This seems interesting, but perhaps a little extreme, and would definitely alter gameplay a lot. I'll think about this one, as it, combined with giving chocobos +1 move, could make riding chocos a lot more viable for transportation reasons, which I have always wanted.
2. Good point, I'll probably lower the evasion of mantles and shields somewhat.
3. The speed differentials have never bothered me that much, but I will consider modifying them. Below 10 definitely seems extreme though. Ideally I'll nerf speed gear and find a way to make spells consistently good.
4. An interesting point. I've never paid too much attention to this, or seen it as a huge pro/con, but I will lower MP growths somewhat.
Fair. This will be removed for general purposes, although there might be, as you suggest, 1 or 2 bosses that can do this, and no more.
To Bish:
2. The script
There was a discussion very recently over in BNW about that mod's script, and I've vented here before about the terrible PSP translation for Tactics.
1. I appreciate the moderation and realistic wisdom here.
2. So just to be clear, while I intend to include more WOTL content, I have no plans to make a WoTL/PSP version of this. Granted, the script could be freshened up or even properly medievalized, but I'm curious as to how involved of a project that would become – I can't dedicate much time to this particular aspect.
From the inverse point of view, and using your analogy (which I 100% agree on), what would happen if 2002 Spiderman was released today? It'd be absolutely trash, because technology, and super hero movies directing and scripts have vastly improved. But at the time they did try their best to make a Spiderman movie that would be remembered. Bringing the analogy back to earth, if someone tried to make a good FFT mod and released a mod with the same problems 1.3 had today, then I'm sure we would just look the other way.
I think one thing that Bishop was getting it (at least what I read into it) was that “perfection” means different things to different people, and, to say nothing of the fact that I am an individual and not a large movie company with enormous resources. Logistically, my mod cannot perfectly please everyone who offers an opinion here. While there are some common points, everyone has a different vision. On that point, and speaking of movies, I actually enjoyed the 2002 Spiderman more than some of the more recent versions. Why? Because the first one, while cheesy, seemed to have more heart, and appealed to me more than its more technically polished successors. Same is true of the Star Wars saga: the first two films were classic, and despite the fact that the modern prequels benefited from bigger budgets, better technology, better special effects, and a larger pool of collective experience to draw from, their impact on me (and on our culture) is much less substantial and less positive than the originals. Something to keep in mind too, considering the game in question is rather old. It can only be “updated” or “balanced” so much without becoming something completely different, but there's a reason that I'm still playing this game and almost no games made within the past 10 years. You feel me? Some of the changes I've suggested are considered radical, but so are some of the suggestions made in the name of balance (e.g. cutting the max level down to 50). So even the two concepts of what we've come to think of as “balance” and “being true to the original” must compete with each other at times.
So, I think it's best to say now, that while I will make a reasonable effort to accommodate the ideas presented here, especially those shared by multiple people, there is a good chance, nay a guarantee that this mod will not be as technically superior, as balanced, as some would like. But I will fix what I can, add variety, and try to make it fun, without neutering the difficulty. You may consider that last sentence my mission statement, and I regard it as more important than how my mod comes to compare with a perfectly balanced and bland game such as “rock, paper scissors”.
One other reason for this inevitable gap is that the vision I have for the mod is somewhat different than that of many on this forum. I have never made a post or thread about how unfair/hard any aspect of the game is, because it's never bothered me for long. Sure, I can intellectually understand the frustration of having enemies use elixirs when you're not allowed to, or fighting bosses with insane stats, and can even feel a little of that frustration, but I know I'm going to beat them, and it's that much more satisfying when I do. By nature I'm kind of an adrenaline junkie & I tend to enjoy somewhat edgier, more challenging things than your average joe. In order for a game to provide this level of challenge, enemies need unfair advantages (and psychologically, the uncertain rewards system provided sometimes by mid to low-chance, uncertain wins can be fun, or dare I say, addictive). But I realize that this type of attitude is a minority here, so I have to try to strike a balance between the mod Gotham deserves versus the mod Gotham needs. Early on, in one of my other threads, I realized I would probably have to make a hard version and a normal version, much like 1.3 and 1.3 content. So I will probably do that. But first I will work on the things we can agree on.
letting the Enemy Dual Wield Guns is prob the biggest offender of this.
1. The massive amount of Concentrate and Break Gear Battles.
a. The First Battle
b. Elmdor. He can teleport right into the middle of your whole party and wipe you before you get a single turn.
c. Ultima. Her stats are through the roof. She has no charge time so can spam Angelic/All-Ultima/Grand Cross I suggest making an Item that Cures Chicken or bring in Brave Effects back.
0. So, I agree that it's difficult when the AI has access to things that the player does not, but this is kind of a staple when you think about it (e.g. zodiac bosses). Even a fantastic AI (which Tactics does not have) is not really a fair match against a human. But if there are any dual-wielders outside of the colliery or Balk, I'll probably remove them. Or at least give Mustadio the option to wield 2 guns.
1. I will likely reduce the number of ranged units with Battle Skill
a. Will be made easier. There's no reason to have a hard battle before you can save.
b. Tis a bummer. Elmdor's a beast, and the Elmdor steal is rightly difficult, because it's an extra, and he's kind of a major boss. Setting all enemy levels to party level instead of party level +. might be the only change I make here, and it would make this battle slightly easier.
c. Fair. I likely will do something about Altima II.
2. Dragoon: That class it's waaaaay too one-sided, it needs something new to keep the pace with all the other classes
3. Revamped equipment: AVOID spd+ gear like the plague unless it's balanced accordingly (MT's butter knife), mix up status inmunities, elemental nullification/absorption/weakness and maybe innate abilities so they can be used even on the late game and the decision isn't just a bland "what give me more PA/MA or HP/MP
1. Not bad ideas, I'll consider them, although if status is to become more important, multi-status cures may not be the way to go.
2. I actually think lancers are pretty good. Simple and effective, like spears. What did you have in mind?
3. I can certainly nerf the damage of speed weapons/ the hp of speed armor/clothes, but the MT butter knife isn't really part of my vision. Mixing up items is a good idea, and I'll probably go for a system that's a hybrid between progressively better gear and varied endgame gear.
To Tamagoyaki:
2. The thing is that I don't see any really easy ways to fix these and keep things as hard as they are now. I can see why all of these problems evolved in response to advantage-exploitation by players, too.
I've come to believe that there is only so hard that a game can be and still have lots of options and not feel like it's just cheating. It may be that 1.3 has just gone too far down that road already. I don't really want the game to be easier for the sake of being easy, in fact, I'd like it to be harder if that difficulty could be "fun difficulty". But it looks like to me that all the things people complain about in 1.3 are things done to push the difficulty just that little bit further, and you can't have it both ways. The only way to solve some of these problems might be to back off the challenge just a little bit. People can always handicap themselves by playing with a small team or other limits.
3. Remain faithful to Vanilla FFT. If changes are made, they should be in the spirit of the original. E.g. if you add a character, it should be Olan, Balmafula, Gafgarion, Miluda... not Marche or Gatsu. If you change archer to make it not useless, it should still be about shooting arrows at things.
1. Understood. And when I say “adding classes,” I refer mostly to special classes, in the same way that 1.3 added rift travelers, death knights, and others, that add more variety to the game. That's my intention.
2. So this is a really, really good point that nobody else has brought up yet, and it's the secret to my reluctance to immediately acquiesce to every request made in the name of balance. I think a majority of the changes that are being suggested, while they would make the game more balanced, would also make it easier overall. Frankly, I'm impressed that, despite how hard 1.3 can be, people have beaten it with some really interesting and difficult challenges. So the struggle of my mod is the tradeoff, wanting to maintain that difficult dynamic, while making some changes that bring more balance to the force. My nature tends towards favoring the former, while the push here in the community is clearly towards the latter. Obviously there are some easy fixes that add a lot to balance while only taking a little from the difficulty, but not all of the changes can be this way.
3. I tend to agree with the minimalistic approach, although many characters (e.g. Balmafula) leave so little impact on me that I wouldn't mind replacing them. Other examples of forgettable characters are Rad, Alicia, and Lavian. I think they'd benefit from being new classes. As is, they're just generics without even the advantage of being named by the player. Also, regarding new characters from other worlds, I don't think it's a bad idea to expand the (unfinished) vision of tactics Ivalice, and I don't think it's necessary to put a cap on creativity. Does Cloud belong in Ivalice? No, but he's there for the seeking. I'm thinking of adding some Rurouni Kenshin characters in a completely optional sidequest, but I'd have to figure out how to make room for that. Besides, for how long this game has been around (almost 20 years!), I think it's not enough to finally make it simply a balanced version of vanilla. Within reason, I'm thinking more along the lines of an expansion pack (kind of like what WoTL tried to do) with more variety, but in a similar spirit.
To Stann, about Rafa and Malak
As they currently exist. My plan was to keep their names and roles in the story, but I wanted to make them both death knights (or a death knight and an onion knight) instead of Hitoshi and give them different sprites, since I never find much use for the heaven/heck knight classes (and honesty, who uses Rafa when you can get Reis). Then I'd make Hitoshi a ronin or something.
Like the plague...good one.

Have some faith in me now. TBH a fairly low effort project could be made that would address most of the concerns expressed in this thread. I'm marginally surprised it hasn't happened already. I could show you some flashy sprites right now, but I'd rather get more of the heavy lifting done first.