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- Creator of Kureji Lufia
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals
2 days ago
How about you just make the event stat event usable again after using the skill reset? I guess it's just an ordinary event flag which has to be set properly then. -
In Topic: General Discussion and Feedback
6 days ago
Actually I did some additional balancing for Spekkio (everything else is unchanged).
My link
Added a little quirk to the Master of the Ancient Cave - which may or may not actually be helpful.
I'd say everything is final now gameplay-wise, but I'm always saying this. So better wait some more month if you're waiting for the real (likely) final version. -
In Topic: General Discussion and Feedback
A week ago
Erm, they are two completely different hacks made by completely different creators.
In a nutshell, Kureji is a hard mode whereas Age more is a rebalance hack. And whereas in Kureji the actual core gameplay is basically unchanged, in Age there are more drastically changes to the actual game like changing the damage formula. -
In Topic: General Discussion and Feedback
A week ago
As I said, it's still a beta, but I didn't explicitly call it that way, hoping it actually will be the final version in the end.
I don't think there will be any major changes. But there's a good chance I'll change some more enemy names in the next months, if I get a proper translation which is somewhat likely. -
In Topic: General Discussion and Feedback
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago