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In Topic: Problems with PPF-O-Matic and Windows 10
3 weeks ago
Emuparadise was actually where I got the first image. Not sure what's up with PPF-O-Matic: the reason I didn't just leave it overnight is because I was watching the activity in Task Manager and Resmon and didn't see anything for the program after a few minutes (watching it for several minutes), though the program was technically still responsive (it just kept saying it was still applying the patch). Likely something was blocking it in a way this old program couldn't deal with--it doesn't even come with a progress indicator--but I don't know why it'd also do this on a virtualized Windows XP install. Sometimes too much knowledge of troubleshooting can be a dangerous thing. Anyway, instead of asking that my thread be deleted I thought I might keep it up in case someone else encounters this. #ppfomatic
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