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Topics I've Started
For those wondering when the next version (v9) will come out...
3 weeks ago
Hey guys!
I've been working with DK lately to add a bunch of new features that were previously unobtainable. For example, the HP cap going all the way to 9999 was assembly changes that I provided. There are a lot of changes to various mechanics in store for this that I hope everyone will enjoy!
At the present time, there is very little, if anything, left for me to do before v9 can be released. DK is currently balancing and tweaking the game, and that requires quite a bit of time to do correctly. Furthermore, he has a youtube channel that he makes a living off of, so a lot of his time goes to that.
Long story short, it shouldn't be too long now, although it wouldn't hurt to support his youtube channel in the meantime... -
Who here is familiar with the Lazy Shell editor?
4 weeks ago
As my focus shifts beyond v9 and Armageddon itself, I'm taking an interest in upgrading the Lazy Shell editor rather than creating my own from scratch. Improvements would include better memory management, more dynamic options, more complete coverage, and of course an actual assembly editor. As an example of a dynamic option, the current editor cannot handle Armageddon's level bonuses as there are more than 30 (and likely in a different location in memory). As another example, it cannot properly represent 16-bit attack and magic attack for monsters.
Thus far, I've found a git respository with all the source for an unreleased v4.0.1b, and I've successfully been able to modify it such that the 8th status effect (rage?) is visible/modifiable in the checkboxes. I can of course proceed like this to achieve my goals, but it's always good to share and get feedback. At some point I'll likely upload my own version similar to what jpmac26 did or merge it back into the main version if possible.
With all that in mind, does anyone know what the current status of Lazy Shell is? -
Alternatives to 5 digit damage display
27 January 2017 - 07:58 AM
Hey guys, just thought I'd open up a brainstorming thread for the best way to represent 10,000+ in the game while we wait for v9. As most of you know, every time damage or healing is done, up to 4 objects appear for a brief time. Unfortunately, this does not translate well to a number with 5 digits.
The current implementation fudges support for up to 31,999 by making every single object in that memory space correspond to a different number... meaning a green zero is equal to 16, a blue 7 is equal to 27, and an M is equal to 10. While this is definitely functional and provides the maximum amount of information, it is sometimes hard to read and unintuitive, needing to be explained to nearly everyone before they understand it.
As such, I'm hoping we can brainstorm a better way to represent 5 digit numbers in 4 objects. Note that increasing the number of objects to 5 is NOT an option because it would have a major VRAM memory cost, reducing the maximum number of targettable enemies at a time. Here are the rules:
- Each object can be different, but must fit in an 8x8 space
- No more than 32 unique objects may be used
- 4 of the objects must be M, I, S, and the cursor
- 20 of the objects must be 0~9 for both damage and healing
- 4 of the objects must be M, I, S, and the cursor
- Damage must support 0~30,000
- Healing must support 0~9999 and 30,000
- The result must be easy to read in the span of 1 second
- The result must be easy to understand without special explanation
- The result must not lose critical information
There are also other considerations, such as how much additional ROM memory is required to do it and how visually appealing it is, but these can be weighed against other options. For now, let's just come up with potential solutions, then figure out how to implement them later. - Each object can be different, but must fit in an 8x8 space
Balancing the feather, speed bracer, etc. (v9 mechanics)
30 December 2016 - 12:15 PM
As mentioned in the title, this thread will be discussing mechanics that only appear in v9 and later. If you don't wish to learn about them before playing the game, stop reading now.
Anyone who saw my stream will know that the double turns provided by various items completely overpowers all the other accessories. Rather than make DK shoulder all the burden of figuring out how to balance this (or limit it to only a single late item), we should see if we can come up with potential "balancing" changes that would keep double turn items from being strictly better.
First, here are the base benefits of double turns:
- Can deal twice as much damage per wave at double the FP cost and double the counter rate
- Alternatively, can take 1/4 damage per wave except the first turn and when defend would normally be used
- Can heal and defend, heal and attack, etc.
- Gives more options in general, such as attacking, getting countered, then healing and defending
Looking at the above, double turns could be balanced by effectively having them apply a permanent "full break" to the user. This could either stack with full break or overwrite it. The net effect would then be the following:
- Deal normal damage per wave at double the FP cost and double the counter rate
- Alternatively, can take 1/2 damage per wave except the first turn and when defend would normally be used
- Can heal and defend, heal and attack, etc.
- Gives more options in general, such as attacking, getting countered, then healing and defending
With the above balance change, double turns would turn into a tank-healer-class item as opposed to a DPS-tank-healer-everythingexceptstatusailments-class item.
Thoughts? - Can deal twice as much damage per wave at double the FP cost and double the counter rate
Streaming the v9 Beta! (COMPLETE!)
24 December 2016 - 12:11 PM
Hey guys, I'm going to be streaming my playthrough of the beta all day today. Hopefully, we don't run into anything TOO broken!
After around 44 hours of playtime, I've beaten every super, uber, and god boss, concluding with the Ultimate boss! Thanks to everyone who showed up and provided support! If you'd like to watch the videos while they're still up, here are the links:
Please note that the videos will only last two weeks.
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