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In Topic: BNW Fork Project: No Prayer for the Dying
02 March 2017 - 03:17 PM
I'm certainly on board with the idea, but you'll have to be careful with how you make the game more difficult.
The main aspect of "difficulty" in this hack comes from how you setup your party and what you do in battle. This is precisely why I, somewhat of a noob at FFVI can breeze through the game whereas a speedrunner of Vanilla can take FOREVER just to beat Atma Weapon.
In other words, if you're not going to rely on buffing enemy stats, your best option is probably to limit what setups/moves can be used to make it through the game. Having a plethora of solutions to any particular roadblock, provided you aren't performing Vanilla habits is one of the selling points of BNW, hence why even newcomers can play it (and are arguably better off for it)
You need to find a way to limit what works and what doesn't, which I'm on the fence about, as I love the hack the way it is.
Personally, a good idea, albeit cumbersome, is an idea I pitched to BTB awhile back known as the "Level Zero" approach, which has every character start and STAY at level 0, with set stats, meaning that the ONLY way to increase those stats is through your equipment setup. You'll be no "stronger" at Kefka's Tower than you are at Narshe, but the difference is the variety of equipment/relics you have at your disposal. This discourages grinding for EXP/EL's, which is indeed an issue that people come across (hence the option to turn EXP off)
This of course presents a problem with how you work out Esper Levels and the like. Perhaps you can you can remove Esper Levels altogether and just have each Esper increase stats upon equipping, which has it's own set of problems, of course.
Basically what it comes down to is: Does the mod NEED to be more difficult?, HOW can you make the mod more difficult, and CAN you do so without removing design choices that players of the mod have come to enjoy.
I certainly wouldn't mind a "hard type" hack of Brave New World, as I've been plowing through the game lately, but that's almost entirely because of my setup as opposed to grinding. (Do NOT make your hack more difficult in a way that causes the player to grind their way out) -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
20 February 2017 - 10:19 PM
Not exactly a veteran of the mod, so I'll just say this:
Bio Blast is insanely powerful, but it's not perfect. From my experience, using it in Narshe often gets Edgar killed from counters.
It's not super useful later on, but if people are so upset over it being a dominating force early on, then you can always throw in enemies who specifically counter it enough to make spamming it a non option. That way you don't have to reduce it's potency, thereby making it useless in the WoR. This also teaches players not to spam their best option every time.
But then again, not everything needs to be perfectly balanced to a tee. Edgar and Sabin are great characters, but you can still curb stomp the WoB with the right setup on other characters. -
In Topic: Brainstormed a Chrono Trigger Hack
05 February 2017 - 10:04 PM
REALLY like this idea. I cannot stand how easy it is to mash A through most of Chrono Trigger's early battles.
I've had some thoughts on trying to mod this, but there's a problem: I have zero modding experience, and drop projects as quickly as I pick them up.
Ideally though, I'd like to give it a shot. I've always loved Chrono Trigger, but felt it was too damn easy. Lavos Awakening is difficult, but ultimately requires you to grind absurd amounts to be able to win (I'm literally STUCK on the Dragon Tank) it's fun and intense, but it can also get very boring.
On the other hand, there's Level Zero, which as it implies, gives your characters set HP/MP, and stats, and the only way to increase those stats is with equipment set up, which is a GENIUs idea that prevents players from overleveling to get past a hurdle, however the game was also too easy, and not much more difficult than the original.
Something of a hybrid would be nice. I'd also like to try and alter character stats to be abit more balanced (Why in the fuck is Ayla the fastest AND the strongest while still having awesome defense?) granted I know very little about how Chrono Trigger functions in terms of its stats. -
In Topic: 1.8.0 with CTB Patch = infinite Sap/Regen?
04 February 2017 - 07:26 AM
Mishrak, on 12 January 2017 - 03:32 PM, said:
CTB is a 2.0 feature as it will require a full adjustment of all scripts in the game. In its current form it is not really good for BNW's functionality.
Really? I would LOVE CTB to be auto patched into BNW. (With the option to turn it on/off of course like EXP. Gain) -
In Topic: Grab your alcohol of choice and prepare yourselves.
04 February 2017 - 07:24 AM
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