A Dummy
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
21 March 2017 - 10:06 PM
Clearly the joke needs to be completed by having the old man give you a fish with an iron sword stuck in it for getting him the cider, and the old man would just say "Here's the password." -
In Topic: Brave New World drinking game
15 March 2017 - 11:29 PM
I don't know if this one has been done yet.
Take a drink every time a critical party member dies before an already queued potion can save them, finish drink if it's an Elixir. -
In Topic: Insane Difficulty Olympics 2017 - Brainstorming Challenges!
25 February 2017 - 03:20 PM
One idea for a challenge I can think of is to fight a wallchange boss without the use of Scan. (Either Magimaster or Kaiser Dragon.)
I figure it could work for newer players as well as veterans since both of these bosses will give hints to what their weakness is by how they attack. (Most of you guys probably beat these bosses without the use of Scan anyway.)
In Topic: Some questions regarding either hacks.
17 February 2017 - 11:26 AM
There is a sort of in-game timing cheat that does all timings automatically.
It's done through the use of a single-use item called Found Illusion that does all attack and defend timings for you for the rest of a battle, though it doesn't work for a select few super bosses and the item itself is pretty rare.
You could edit a store to contain these items with the Lazy Shell editor so you have access to them all the time. (There's two in the editor, you want the one with an item description.)
Though it probably wouldn't be too convenient if you're wanting it for every fight and not just for boss fights, though in theory you could also check the "reusable" flag for it so you can carry just one with you and use it over and over, but I'm not sure what bugs it might cause.
Though worst that would happen is most likely is it would clone the Found Illusion in the fights where it's disabled because of the way it works, probably what the second "empty" Found Illusion is for.
Would probably work better than trying to use game genie codes made for the vanilla game though. -
In Topic: Some help please?
30 January 2017 - 02:31 PM
Wait Shocker only has one timed hit?
Then what's causing the additional yellow flash at the end of the spell animation, perfect timing? (Because it certainly feels like it only happens when I hit the button a second time right as the bolt disappears.)
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