Pokemon Crystal Randomizer Nuzlocke challenge
06 December 2014 - 04:33 PM
This is something I've been hoping to start for awhile now, so I'm hoping it's also something everybody would be interested in watching. I've been planning on starting a new Let's Play account, and I thought this would be a fun way to start it. I don't have the first episode posted yet, but I'm hoping to have it up possibly next Tuesday, and from there, I plan on posting an episode every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
I wanted to ask you guys if you would choose my starter for me whenever I see the options. Typically, bigger named YouTubers will have their viewers choose their starter for them in randomizers. However, since this will be my first video on this channel, I won't have enough viewers to choose for me. Let me know if you guys would be interested in helping me pick!
This will follow typical Nuzlocke rules, except the randomizer will make it so I have no idea what Pokemon I will be running into. Rules are as follows:
-Any Pokemon that faints will be considered dead, and must either be released or boxed.
-Only the first Pokemon in a new area may be caught. If they faint or flee, there are no second chances.
-Every Pokemon caught must be nicknamed.
-Fixed encounters and Pokemon that are given/traded will NOT count as the only Pokemon available for that area, and another may still be caught in that area.
-Species clause will be in effect.
-Capture rules will not be in effect until I receive Poke Balls.
-No random legendary Pokemon.
Also, just as a side note, I'll be playing this with a facecam as well. I'm hoping it will make it all that much more interesting to watch.
I wanted to ask you guys if you would choose my starter for me whenever I see the options. Typically, bigger named YouTubers will have their viewers choose their starter for them in randomizers. However, since this will be my first video on this channel, I won't have enough viewers to choose for me. Let me know if you guys would be interested in helping me pick!
This will follow typical Nuzlocke rules, except the randomizer will make it so I have no idea what Pokemon I will be running into. Rules are as follows:
-Any Pokemon that faints will be considered dead, and must either be released or boxed.
-Only the first Pokemon in a new area may be caught. If they faint or flee, there are no second chances.
-Every Pokemon caught must be nicknamed.
-Fixed encounters and Pokemon that are given/traded will NOT count as the only Pokemon available for that area, and another may still be caught in that area.
-Species clause will be in effect.
-Capture rules will not be in effect until I receive Poke Balls.
-No random legendary Pokemon.
Also, just as a side note, I'll be playing this with a facecam as well. I'm hoping it will make it all that much more interesting to watch.
06 December 2014 - 05:23 PM
I remember using a randomiser once. I picked Cubone as my starter and then found in the obligatory first battle that his only attacks were Growl and Tail Whip. It was not the longest Nuzlocke run.
So if any of them are Cubone, do not pick Cubone.
So if any of them are Cubone, do not pick Cubone.
07 December 2014 - 09:39 AM
So can I take it you gentlemen are willing to help me decide my starter when I see my choices?
(PS, sorry for the double post; can't remember if that's frowned upon here.)
(PS, sorry for the double post; can't remember if that's frowned upon here.)
07 December 2014 - 09:40 AM
Well, when they're that far apart in time, and on different subjects (like, this one is clearly different from the last in content), it's not so bad.
10 December 2014 - 04:50 PM
Starter results are in. My choices are Dunsparce, Magneton, and Dodrio.
Everybody please feel free to tell me your choice for who I should pick; I have a few days until the next recording needs to be done. I'm really hoping you guys are nice to me with this decision, haha.
Everybody please feel free to tell me your choice for who I should pick; I have a few days until the next recording needs to be done. I'm really hoping you guys are nice to me with this decision, haha.
10 December 2014 - 05:08 PM
(Are we bad people? Should have used a D20 instead of letting us mess with it
(Are we bad people? Should have used a D20 instead of letting us mess with it

10 December 2014 - 06:00 PM