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Same enemy stats on 4 cds (how to copy between discs) *help needed*
23 November 2016 - 03:19 PM
Hi guys,
I am a modding enthusiast. I have been modding Final Fantasy 8 and got my difficulty mod working on the pc version. But now I'm trying to get it work on the PS1 version of FF8. I have already started modding the enemies on disc1 with hex editor and I know what I'm doing since I'm using the same values I did on pc the version. The problem is once I get the job done on disc 1 I'd have to do the same thing for 3 other discs of the game. It would be easy if there wasn't a 3-bit code value that's different on all the discs. There is a 3-bit code value that is always at the end of certain segment of the code and they are different on each discs.
Does anyone here happen to have knowledge on how to easily copy the enemy values from disc 1 to the other 3 cds? Maybe a program that can copy only the inserted code from disc 1 to other discs?
Thanks in advance.
-zedorfed66 -
Final Fantasy X International - Sinful Difficulty Mod v1.0
29 June 2016 - 04:53 AM
Hi guys,
This is my difficulty mod for Final Fantasy X International that will make the enemies more powerful and act faster in battle.
When making this mod I had the mindset of not putting the player through too much level grinding when playing the game. Those who use right strategies on bosses should be able to beat them as long as you're in the right level for the area. There are a few bosses that remained untouched. Most notably Chocobo Eater since I still want to give the player a chance to knock him off the ledge. All normal enemies (including Omega Ruins foes) were modded faster and more powerful.
Monster arena enemies weren't touched, and so weren't Belgemine's challenges. All other enemies were modded including Ultima Weapon and Omega Weapon.
This is the initial version of the mod but I have ran several tests and beat the game using the mod so not much should need re-modding, but still if there is something that is wrong with any enemy let me know and I'll look into it.
Also I tried modding Belgemine's Temple duels but just couldn't find them in the data. So if anyone knows where those stats are located I'd be really greatful if you could let me know.
Anyway, here's the download link for the mod for those who want to give it a try:
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