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In Topic: Man: This game is good
3 days ago
I played poorly, but this fight is fun as hell. I actually was talking a mile a minute here. So no need to say much more. -
In Topic: Man: This game is good
6 days ago
I like this fight. It's a different style of battle in the fact that it's yet another map that wasn't used in the original for fighting. It's great. This time I don't have much to say on it because I did a post commentary this time around and most of what I say is actually in the video. -
In Topic: Man: This game is good
A week ago
Emmy, on 15 April 2017 - 06:06 AM, said:
I watched your video. A couple points:
1. Seal evil works on everything, not just undead. This was to return some consistency in the game (faith = status) and the vanilla formula didn't use faith. It was also to make Seal Evil useful on more than just about 3 maps of the game.
2. Morbols have Poison Heal, which outpaces Regen. Along with this map, that's why that one was able to go from small amount of hp to full in the matter of a few turns.
3. I wouldn't say this fight *only* shuts down physical attacks, just the ghosts because of blade grasp. Puddings are magically/elementally defensive, and morbols are overall tanky. Innocent doesn't block all magic, just healing and status. Easiest way to deal with the ghosts is Holy elemental moves, Mold Breaker (bypasses Blade Grasp), or to catch them on a turn when they're not Innocent for a Petrify.
I do blame a lot of your issues also on the map itself. Anything short of Terrain Mastery, Float, Fly, or Teleport *really* struggles to navigate the map due to the obstacles/2 deep shit water, especially if they're not immune to Poison. The obstacles also block line of sight making it hard to make Mustadio as useful as he should be here. Poison is really potent in this mod (never wears off, 1/4 hp) so a lot of your trouble was with dealing with the poison.
Emmy, on 15 April 2017 - 06:06 AM, said:
I watched your video. A couple points:
1. Seal evil works on everything, not just undead. This was to return some consistency in the game (faith = status) and the vanilla formula didn't use faith. It was also to make Seal Evil useful on more than just about 3 maps of the game.
2. Morbols have Poison Heal, which outpaces Regen. Along with this map, that's why that one was able to go from small amount of hp to full in the matter of a few turns.
3. I wouldn't say this fight *only* shuts down physical attacks, just the ghosts because of blade grasp. Puddings are magically/elementally defensive, and morbols are overall tanky. Innocent doesn't block all magic, just healing and status. Easiest way to deal with the ghosts is Holy elemental moves, Mold Breaker (bypasses Blade Grasp), or to catch them on a turn when they're not Innocent for a Petrify.
I do blame a lot of your issues also on the map itself. Anything short of Terrain Mastery, Float, Fly, or Teleport *really* struggles to navigate the map due to the obstacles/2 deep shit water, especially if they're not immune to Poison. The obstacles also block line of sight making it hard to make Mustadio as useful as he should be here. Poison is really potent in this mod (never wears off, 1/4 hp) so a lot of your trouble was with dealing with the poison.
I know it works on a lot of things, that's why I started using it more later on, but at the time, it's just one of those things that's been ingrained in your mind so much that you can't help but think that. I just don't like that I finished the map by petrifying darn near everything.
2. Yeah, I noticed, because 1/4 heals are far stronger than regen's effects. No problem there, otherwise the move wouldn't have much use, and poison wouldn't be very useful. It's pretty powerful in this mod, and I'm thankful for that, don't get me wrong.
3. Yeah, that's why I ended up petrifying most of the ghost there because I felt that they were really annoying here. Like the least annoying thing to fight in this map is actually the puddings hilariously enough. And even with them being resistant to magic, you can still hit with with Don't Act, and leave them poisoned which still does enough damage to them, and because the things have magic, it's difficult to actually not be kited by them unless you kinda cruise for one like I did with my goblin.
Believe me, I would have cured the poison if I felt like there was enough time or if I knew that I wouldn't have to jump inside of the swamp again. It's honestly my least favorite fight in Ch. 2 by far. Monster Tactics shows why this map will forever be my least favorite map. The blocking of line of sights is probably well done, but terrain effects plus that is... Ugh,. and poison kicks your brother, your sister, and all of your friends so hard that I'm going to agree with Ramza's sentiments about the place. -
In Topic: low spell damage/ physical damage
A week ago
As Emmy stated, magical damage does not scale very well. The most balanced level for standard FFT-- and by extension 1.3, is around 35, and those 25-40 levels are rather glorious. After that point, the damage starts to favor physical attacks by an extreme margin, and magical attacks will never really catch up.
In the case of Spirit Surge doing bad damage, that's because Spirit Surge is a very weak attack. It starts out strong, and then never really gets much stronger than its base. White Mages go from one of the best classes all around to the worst by the end game-- reraise and Raise 2 / Full Life being their main draws towards the end. -
In Topic: Man: This game is good
A week ago
I have to say, I'm not a huge fan of this fight. Enemies that constantly run away are just annoying like that. And it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because everything in the fight is so tanky outside of the pudding monsters that anything short of petrifying them is a pain. But rather than just be like "I HATE THIS" with no explanation, let me explain first:
The setup is actually fine, but the way the fight shuts down physical so much I'm not okay with-- we just had a fight that did this literally one fight ago, and I haven't seen a fight yet that has had bias for physical monsters as of yet. This makes me a bit worried about the differences between physical and magical monsters in this regard as -- while I like the idea of fights encouraging certain things, it feels as though physical monsters right now are only there to compliment magical, but aren't able to stand on their own very well.
Most every monster that's physical and doesn't have a ton of move is severely hampered here-- enemy defenses cause reduced damage so attacking with anything short of magic is pretty weak unless you run up and punch an enemy in the face-- of which you're dealing with evasion so it's not a very good idea. Gust have blade grasp so physicals are pretty lackluster as well. Depth 1 water poisons your characters, so you need to be careful where you stand, and it heals some of the enemy characters. That's not so bad as it literally means that you need to be mindful of where you stand as well as the enemy (a nice change of pace), but it also means that monsters like the Goblin that rely on short range physical attacks are at a severe disadvantage-- again.
PS: Gust are just annoying. Having an enemy that can inflict undead/innocent, heal itself through a blood sucking inflicting move that will in turn cause the enemy to kill itself by attempting to suck on the gust is... While clever, probably one of the most annoying things I've ever seen in this game so far.
31 Dec 2016 - 09:53LucasBsAs
06 Sep 2016 - 16:32ey dud I need to check if my iso its correct from the vanilla,cos I don't know what else to do to raise mustadio stupids seal evil and arm aim (arm aim 38% and seal evil 40%)
where can I get a clan vanilla iso to patch and verify?
22 Oct 2015 - 19:47dawnbomb
20 Oct 2015 - 14:12