1. MP Switch now works properly. As a side effect to fixing what was wrong with it, it is now free priority! This means it reacts alongside other reactions freely, and overall makes it a lot stronger than it was in vanilla on units with multiple reactions.
2. New ability Sturdy - Unit has a current hp/max hp chance to survive any attack with 1 hp. This works on multi-hitting moves. For example, a unit with 800 max hp + sturdy vs. a 3 hit move that does 500 damage per hit: Hit 1 the ability doesn't matter, unit has 300 HP left. Hit 2, the unit has a 3/8 chance of survival with 1 HP. Hit 3, the unit has a 1/800 chance to survive with 1 HP. Given innately to Birds and randomly to several other units.
3. Chakra bugs properly fixed. As a side effect, Divine Gift no longer affects its formula. Sorry

4. Random battles have been edited. The following edits have been made:
a. Ch 2 units no longer appear in ch 1 battles. Ch 1 units no longer appear into ch 2. Starting in ch 3, the buffed units appear at all random locations and unbuffed units no longer appear. These buffs are different from the ones that appear in other ch 3 and 4 locations. Enjoy the new variety!
b. "Rare" battles (which is a bit of a misnomer because they weren't actually rare in vanilla) have been removed. These were largely poorly designed/filler garbage. Depending on how much ENTD/event space I have left when I'm done with ch 5/extra battles, they may return but will be better written.
5. Under the hood change: Entd locations for all ch 1-4 battles/events and several extra battles have been moved, because OCD. I'm letting you guys know in case there's any issues with the wrong battle loading or similar weirdness at any point to notify me immediately. There weren't any issues on my end when I tested these.
6. New Extra battles: Too Many! 2 (unlocks at ch 5 start), Moogle Playground (unlocks after Mandalia 2).
7. New ch 5 battles: Riovanes Gate 2, Bervenia Volcano. Good luck, both of these are quite tough.

8. Jump has been fixed and added to the Dragoon set. It appears as a secondary command (due to hardcoding). Anything with Dragoon set now also has the Jump command, whether human or monster. Jump formula changed to PA^2, with a 100-br% chance for 1.5x damage.
9. Several minor AI changes. These are detailed in the FAQ. Overall, fixes some minor derps/bugs with the AI for an overall more positive change.