The ultimate game content / spoiler / Q & A thread! (V8.0)
08 February 2016 - 10:02 PM
And did you get the second hidden chest in the Mushroom Kingdom shop basement? (The room where it teaches you about hidden chests.)
And did you look through all the Mushroom Forest stumps? I think there was one hidden chest in one of those.
09 February 2016 - 07:36 AM
I could make a list of the ones I have found, but I'd have to do that later
09 February 2016 - 09:27 AM
09 February 2016 - 02:19 PM
09 February 2016 - 08:14 PM
I apologize for the lack of updates to the OP, been pretty busy this week. However I found some time tonight to do some much needed updating! 'Bout to hop to it right now..
And again thanks to everyone for their contributions !!
09 February 2016 - 09:07 PM
09 February 2016 - 09:18 PM
darkkefka, on 09 February 2016 - 09:07 PM, said:
Amagod, Hard version incoming?!?!
Okay so I added some things to the OP, The main thing I would like to focus on at the moment is making a compilation of the hidden encounters & what items they give (and what you can do with said items). There are a lot of them, and my cell phone isn't working at all at the moment so I am unable to play the game and wander and explore them for myself.. (My cell phone is what I use to play). Thus, until I can start playing again, I have to rely on you guys to provide the information for me (at least until i get a new phone and can bumble around in there myself). I also plan on making a list of other misc. items that aren't given by hidden encounters/bosses/superbosses (like seed and fertilizer for example) as well as adding item drop info to the Superboss location list. Any information at all regarding these things would be super duper appreciated, and of course you will be credited in the OP for any info you provide.
Thanks in advance!
Also, if theres any topic that you think i should add to the list just let me know
Im going to skim through other threads to see if theres anything else thats helpful i could add ..
10 February 2016 - 06:35 AM
SocoNhydro420, on 09 February 2016 - 09:18 PM, said:
Okay so I added some things to the OP, The main thing I would like to focus on at the moment is making a compilation of the hidden encounters & what items they give (and what you can do with said items). There are a lot of them, and my cell phone isn't working at all at the moment so I am unable to play the game and wander and explore them for myself.. (My cell phone is what I use to play). Thus, until I can start playing again, I have to rely on you guys to provide the information for me (at least until i get a new phone and can bumble around in there myself). I also plan on making a list of other misc. items that aren't given by hidden encounters/bosses/superbosses (like seed and fertilizer for example) as well as adding item drop info to the Superboss location list. Any information at all regarding these things would be super duper appreciated, and of course you will be credited in the OP for any info you provide.
Thanks in advance!
Also, if theres any topic that you think i should add to the list just let me know
Im going to skim through other threads to see if theres anything else thats helpful i could add ..
Hidden treasure chest locations would be cool.
P.S.For hidden encounters, I know Brachiosaurs give Twin Stars, Cactuars (found in the desert area of Land's End, specifically on a large patch with trees but no whirlpools) give Speed Bracers, Don Tonberry (Star Hill) gives Healing Springs, and the Tonberry in Moleville Mines can drop a Tonberry Doll and/or a Gambler Spirit.
There are hidden encounters in Palace of Shadows and Via Infinito as well, but I'd have to check on what monsters those are and what they drop. I know someone gives Hyper Wrists in Via Infinito and Palace of Shadows has Dark versions of Amaze Dayzee, which drop dark versions of the gold petal/flower
10 February 2016 - 08:19 AM

That for now. I'll keep searching for more hidden encounters. With that info maybe you can make something a little more organized.
See you around.
10 February 2016 - 08:58 AM
Faroth, on 10 February 2016 - 08:19 AM, said:

That for now. I'll keep searching for more hidden encounters. With that info maybe you can make something a little more organized.
See you around.
There are other hidden monsters in Forest Maze? I just know about Brachiosaurs...can you fight the other one in your quest for Celebi or just the Brachiosaur?
10 February 2016 - 09:56 AM
AgJu, on 10 February 2016 - 08:58 AM, said:
Celebi only appears in the "maze" part of the forest maze I belive. So when you go to the secret area (the blue forest) you won't encounter celebi there. Altho EVERY hidden encounter moves the hidden counter of Gaz and Celebi
10 February 2016 - 10:35 AM
And I agree that hidden chest list would be a good section to add... Although it might be tedious and take me some time. Seems like it would be a very helpful subject to have
10 February 2016 - 11:49 AM
I was talking more about the visual organization, like in a chart or something xD I dont know if its possible tho xD
10 February 2016 - 12:44 PM
Faroth, on 10 February 2016 - 11:49 AM, said:
I was talking more about the visual organization, like in a chart or something xD I dont know if its possible tho xD
Ah yes.. Visual..
I would LOVE to make it more visually appealing.. Cause let's be honest here. The whole thing is fugly. But like you said I'm not sure a whole lot can be done about it. I will look into it at the very least.
[Just now realizing that you were saying that the info YOU gave needed to be organized! I thought you meant the whole OP lists!! So just to be clear I was calling my lists fugly not your info! xD sorry!]
That being said... Anyone know anything about forum coding/syntax/what ever you call it ?
Edit: Well I have some good news! I got a new phone today so I can start playing again. Sucks I have to start over tho. However this might be a good thing as I can write down all the chest locations and hidden encounters and all that stuff as I play through it so I may construct a complete list which is also in chronological order! I'm already working on it as we speak. Expect full lists of hidden chest locations and hidden encounters coming in the next few days!
11 February 2016 - 02:49 PM
Started on hidden chests by the way! Got a few more to add to OP. Before I have to go and play the game some more.
Edit: (currently up to chest 22/60, slowly but surely more will be added every day as I progress thru the game)
Right now I'm focused on getting some better equipment !
Edit: never mind I found how to get the claw. Gotta catch me some Pokémon
12 February 2016 - 04:21 PM
after finding the password i have revealed..that would make 5 sunken ship passwords yes?
soooo...the quiz master thing is also messed up..because i don't recall 5 being one of the answers..
although..of course..selecting 4 is what moves the platform
will this be fixed?..or no?
12 February 2016 - 04:37 PM
gamerX459, on 12 February 2016 - 04:21 PM, said:
after finding the password i have revealed..that would make 5 sunken ship passwords yes?
soooo...the quiz master thing is also messed up..because i don't recall 5 being one of the answers..
although..of course..selecting 4 is what moves the platform
will this be fixed?..or no?
I don't think so. The question is, "how many OTHER passwords are there?", meaning besides the one that opens the door.
12 February 2016 - 05:01 PM
By the way these Pokémon are tough, just caught the first 7 and now dawn wants me to fight all 7 of them now with beefed stats. How can she have 7? Anyone knows that the maximum pokemon you can carry is 6!!!!! She has an extra one stuck in her underwear
And yeah I remember seeing that question and being like wtf there's 5 not 4... Though AgJu might be right about the questions syntax
12 February 2016 - 05:03 PM
SocoNhydro420, on 12 February 2016 - 05:01 PM, said:
By the way these Pokémon are tough, just caught the first 7 and now dawn wants me to fight all 7 of them now with beefed stats. How can she have 7? Anyone knows that the maximum pokemon you can carry is 6!!!!! She has an extra one stuck in her underwear
you had to restart and you've already caught 7 pokemon? nice.

well this IS dk's hack