So what I plan on doing is managing this thread in which people may come to ask questions about the game and its contents without having to create a new thread each time. I will keep a record in this original post of all the information we accumulate from everyone's questions and answers, thus creating a compilation of knowledge in a sort of FAQ format!
So basically, if you would like to know something that isn't on the list, just ask! Either I or someone else will be happy to help.
And if you know of some useful information that isn't on the list, share your knowledge!
And lastly, if you come across any errors or think of any ideas for improvement, let me know!
ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITH SPOILER TAGS!!! Unless its something thats not considered a spoiler of course. You guys are normally good at this anyway so we shouldn't have any problems.
Alright guys, ask and answer away!
<Give this post a +1 if you have found it helpful! I'd like to see how helpful this stuff really is to you guys! Also anyone who contributes information gets an automatic +1 from me! >
SuperBoss Locations *Provided by Darkkefka*
Ultima Weapon:
Location in Kero Sewers. You need to jump on a boo to reach it.
This is no longer solo fight. She's in the Ice Cave down the pipe in the next to the last room. You can't go down the pipe until you beat the Frost Pirahna inside it. You win Shiva's Ring..which will come in handy against many of the Pokemon....
Same the Lazy Shell Cloud. You know how to get there....Seed and Fertilizer. Hunt Shy ways and Anti-Shy Away.
She's still on Star Hill, but in a new spot.
Emerald Weapon:
Same place as the sea in the small room.
Kaiser Dragon:
In the Volcano where Rubicante (Stumpet) once was.
This is actually a re-colored Ultima Weapon from FF6. He's at the end of the Via Infinito in Lands's End( Belome Temple)
He's in the Factory. Now you need to fall from the Moving platforms where the Lil' Boos use to be to get to him. He's tough.
Same place as the area that looks like Bandit's Way after you beat Yard. Watch out for Long Guis in this area too....
He's been moved. He's now at the Hot springs. You can't fight him until you'e beaten the Axem Rangers.
A new Boss for Version 8. You'll run into her sooner or later. Located on Star Hill.....
Mysterious Girl:
This girl is tough! Located in the Forest Maze secret area. But you can't battle her until the above boss has been defeated...
Naturally, he's hiding inside a chest! Which one? I'm not telling!!!! This is a long and hard fight. In the hard mode, make sure you have a dark matter/chaos grenade ready before the final blow.....
The Ultimate Final Fantasy Boss located at the end of the FF Boss Rush. Some already know who it is, and some don't. I think the fight should be possible this time around. Good Luck, because this is the game's 2nd hardest opponent. You win the Paladin for victory.
Lookout, because Pokemon have invaded the Mushroom Kingdom!! There are 13 of them in this hack.
Go to the Pokemon thread for more details
Shadow Queen:
Everybody Knows she's in this game by now, but she is no longer the final boss of the boss rush. She's been moved to a new spot. But she's easy to find. As for the final boss in the Mario RPG Boss Rush, THAT honor now belongs too.........
I'm sorry, I can't spoil this boss yet. Just know that some of you will be pleased...and heart broken at the same time to be fighting this person.
If you lose, you'll need to do it all over again. So make a save state before trying. This is actually the 3rd hardest opponent in the entire game!! Good Luck!
Same place as before, in the sea. She no longer has her Desperation move from the past, and that saddens me greatly, but I simply didn't have enough space to make it again.
Magus and Schala:
They are still in Monstro Town.... But this time you need a Found Illusion to Open the Door. Don't's not consumed after.
?????????: THE NEW ULTIMATE BOSS!!!!!
Ok, I don't know what the hell I was smoking when I created this thing. And I don't know if victory is even possible. This boss can actually be challenge halfway in the game. Of course, if you fight it at that point, you'll be dead in a few seconds......but it's worth a peek. The sleeping man and the Master gives you clues on where to find this boss.
(See "Sunken ship passwords" for how to fight ultimate boss)
Ultima Weapon:
Location in Kero Sewers. You need to jump on a boo to reach it.
This is no longer solo fight. She's in the Ice Cave down the pipe in the next to the last room. You can't go down the pipe until you beat the Frost Pirahna inside it. You win Shiva's Ring..which will come in handy against many of the Pokemon....
Same the Lazy Shell Cloud. You know how to get there....Seed and Fertilizer. Hunt Shy ways and Anti-Shy Away.
She's still on Star Hill, but in a new spot.
Emerald Weapon:
Same place as the sea in the small room.
Kaiser Dragon:
In the Volcano where Rubicante (Stumpet) once was.
This is actually a re-colored Ultima Weapon from FF6. He's at the end of the Via Infinito in Lands's End( Belome Temple)
He's in the Factory. Now you need to fall from the Moving platforms where the Lil' Boos use to be to get to him. He's tough.
Same place as the area that looks like Bandit's Way after you beat Yard. Watch out for Long Guis in this area too....
He's been moved. He's now at the Hot springs. You can't fight him until you'e beaten the Axem Rangers.
A new Boss for Version 8. You'll run into her sooner or later. Located on Star Hill.....
Mysterious Girl:
This girl is tough! Located in the Forest Maze secret area. But you can't battle her until the above boss has been defeated...
Naturally, he's hiding inside a chest! Which one? I'm not telling!!!! This is a long and hard fight. In the hard mode, make sure you have a dark matter/chaos grenade ready before the final blow.....
The Ultimate Final Fantasy Boss located at the end of the FF Boss Rush. Some already know who it is, and some don't. I think the fight should be possible this time around. Good Luck, because this is the game's 2nd hardest opponent. You win the Paladin for victory.
Lookout, because Pokemon have invaded the Mushroom Kingdom!! There are 13 of them in this hack.
Go to the Pokemon thread for more details
Shadow Queen:
Everybody Knows she's in this game by now, but she is no longer the final boss of the boss rush. She's been moved to a new spot. But she's easy to find. As for the final boss in the Mario RPG Boss Rush, THAT honor now belongs too.........
I'm sorry, I can't spoil this boss yet. Just know that some of you will be pleased...and heart broken at the same time to be fighting this person.
If you lose, you'll need to do it all over again. So make a save state before trying. This is actually the 3rd hardest opponent in the entire game!! Good Luck!
Same place as before, in the sea. She no longer has her Desperation move from the past, and that saddens me greatly, but I simply didn't have enough space to make it again.
Magus and Schala:
They are still in Monstro Town.... But this time you need a Found Illusion to Open the Door. Don't's not consumed after.
?????????: THE NEW ULTIMATE BOSS!!!!!
Ok, I don't know what the hell I was smoking when I created this thing. And I don't know if victory is even possible. This boss can actually be challenge halfway in the game. Of course, if you fight it at that point, you'll be dead in a few seconds......but it's worth a peek. The sleeping man and the Master gives you clues on where to find this boss.
(See "Sunken ship passwords" for how to fight ultimate boss)
Elemental Dragon Locations (& what they drop) [Hidden Encounters] *Provided by Faroth*
Blue Dragon in Shiva's Room (Ice Cave)
Drops Ice Armor
Gold Dragon in Sea (the room where the vendor was in the Vanilla)
Drops Diamond Armor
Red Dragon in Barrel Volcano
Drops Fire Armor
Shadow dragon in Via Infinito
Drops Demon Mail
Crystal/Light (?) Dragon in Via Infinito
Drops Crystal Mail
Blue Dragon in Shiva's Room (Ice Cave)
Drops Ice Armor
Gold Dragon in Sea (the room where the vendor was in the Vanilla)
Drops Diamond Armor
Red Dragon in Barrel Volcano
Drops Fire Armor
Shadow dragon in Via Infinito
Drops Demon Mail
Crystal/Light (?) Dragon in Via Infinito
Drops Crystal Mail
How to upgrade armors dropped by elemental dragons *Provided by DruidVorse
You have to get the armors given by the elemental dragons and then you have to get Trapezohedrons from Long Gui (in Seaside Town as a hidden encounter, there is a hidden path in the north corner of the area that you fight Yaridovich, long gui is up there), after you get both items talk to Magikoopa (located in bowsers keep).
You have to get the armors given by the elemental dragons and then you have to get Trapezohedrons from Long Gui (in Seaside Town as a hidden encounter, there is a hidden path in the north corner of the area that you fight Yaridovich, long gui is up there), after you get both items talk to Magikoopa (located in bowsers keep).
How to get Ribbons *Provided by Faroth*
You can get Ribbons if you get some Tonberry Dolls at Moleville Mountain (Hidden encounter where Pulchinello was). Take the doll to the little mole lass (the one that you get a shiny stone from in the vanilla, shes by some crates) and you can trade it for a Ribbon.
- Ribbon is a fine accesory for everyone that nulls status changes and has good stats.
You can get Ribbons if you get some Tonberry Dolls at Moleville Mountain (Hidden encounter where Pulchinello was). Take the doll to the little mole lass (the one that you get a shiny stone from in the vanilla, shes by some crates) and you can trade it for a Ribbon.
- Ribbon is a fine accesory for everyone that nulls status changes and has good stats.
Sunken Ship passwords *Provided by DruidVorse and gamerX459
Hatsune Miku - opens the door in the room
Len Kagemine - gives Found Illusion
Rin Kagemine - gives Found Illusion
Luka Megurine - gives Found Illusion
OathKeeper - password needed to fight the ultimate boss. This boss is located on what used to be Yo'ster Isle
Hatsune Miku - opens the door in the room
Len Kagemine - gives Found Illusion
Rin Kagemine - gives Found Illusion
Luka Megurine - gives Found Illusion
OathKeeper - password needed to fight the ultimate boss. This boss is located on what used to be Yo'ster Isle
Hidden Encounters & items they give (A work in progress, if you know of any not on this list & what they drop please post it!!)
*Contributes: Faroth, AgJu*
For Elemental Dragons, see "Elemental Dragons" ;D
These are by no means in any sort of chronological order or order of difficulty... But this will most likely change soon.
Long Gui:
Located in the hidden area above the place where you fight Yaridovich, same area where Yiazmat (sp?) can be found.
Drops: Gold Bars, Trapozehedron [Used for upgrading armors from elemental dragons]
Located in Forest Maze where the path splits into 4 exits
Drops: Twin Stars
Located in Moleville mines in the room where you encounter the boss Punchinello
Drops: Gamblers Spirit, Tonberry Doll [Can be traded for a Ribbon by the little mole girl that gave shiny stone in the vanilla]
Amazy Dayzee:
Located in Rose Way in the area where you encounter Bowser and his little brigade of troops on their mission to reclaim their castle.
Drops: Golden Petal [Can be traded with Daisy for a Safety Ring]
Note: They like to flee very often, try to kill as quickly as possible.
Located in the desert area of Land's End, specifically on a large patch with trees but no whirlpools.
Drops: Speed Bracer
Don Tonberry:
Located in star hill
Drops Healing Springs
(Added AgJu's info, will add Faroth's later, gotta run some errands right now)
For Elemental Dragons, see "Elemental Dragons" ;D
These are by no means in any sort of chronological order or order of difficulty... But this will most likely change soon.
Long Gui:
Located in the hidden area above the place where you fight Yaridovich, same area where Yiazmat (sp?) can be found.
Drops: Gold Bars, Trapozehedron [Used for upgrading armors from elemental dragons]
Located in Forest Maze where the path splits into 4 exits
Drops: Twin Stars
Located in Moleville mines in the room where you encounter the boss Punchinello
Drops: Gamblers Spirit, Tonberry Doll [Can be traded for a Ribbon by the little mole girl that gave shiny stone in the vanilla]
Amazy Dayzee:
Located in Rose Way in the area where you encounter Bowser and his little brigade of troops on their mission to reclaim their castle.
Drops: Golden Petal [Can be traded with Daisy for a Safety Ring]
Note: They like to flee very often, try to kill as quickly as possible.
Located in the desert area of Land's End, specifically on a large patch with trees but no whirlpools.
Drops: Speed Bracer
Don Tonberry:
Located in star hill
Drops Healing Springs
(Added AgJu's info, will add Faroth's later, gotta run some errands right now)
Hidden Chest locations and contents (finished!!!) *Provided by yours truly*
Mushroom Way
Chest 1: life shroom shake x3
right at the very beginning entrance of mushroom way
Chest 2: life shroom shake x3
to the left of the pipe entrance to lake guardian temple thingy
Mushroom Kingdom
Chest 3: frog coin
in the basement of the item shop. Directly above the mushroom lady
Chest 4: frog coin
same exact room as chest 3. Located in the right corner of the room. Need to jump from lady's head to reach
Chest 5: frog coin
first room when you enter mushroom palace. 4 squares back from the door that leads to chancellor. Jump on a toad to reach, said toad does not appear till later in the game, not sure what event triggers him to meander around in the right place.
Chest 6 : didn't see
room just outside Daisy's bedroom. Bottom left corner of the stairs leading down to nowhere
Bandit's Way
Chest 7: poison shroom
In the area where you first encounter those blue wolf things.. Jump to the right off the spinning flower near the exit of the area
Rose Way
Chest 8: Life Shroom Shake x3
In the area with the two yellow platforms swaying back and forth with shy guys upon them. Chest is just to the right of the second yellow platform, and you need to jump from that 2nd platform to reach it.
Rose Town
Chest 9: Frog Coin
Found in the towns item shop. Chest is in the top corner above the shelf.
Chest 10: Frog Coin
Located in the upper floor of the house that's in the top corner of the town. It's the one where you press the green button to let the guy get up to his house. Chest is above the bed, bounce around on it to get it.
Forest Maze
Chest 11: Kerokerocola
Located in the very first area when you enter forest maze level. Chest is near the left corner.
Chest 12: Ultra Shroom x3? Not sure, I missed it
When you come up the tree pipe from the first underground section you come to, there is a chest 3 squares northwest of the pipe you pop out of.
Chest 13: Flower
If you enter the bottom right trunk pipe in the area with 7 trunk pipes, then walk to the bottom corner of the cave, the chest is there in the very middle of the lightened circle near that bottom corner.
Chest 14: Kerokerocola
Also within the 7 trunk pipe area, go down the second pipe from area entrance on the left. It's in the top of the corner kinda near the spring.
Chest 15: Kerokerocola
Go down the last pipe in the seven pipe area, the one closest to the areas exit that has the caterpillar inside that you need to wake up. The chest is directly above the Caterpillar, but you will need to wake him first.
Chest 16: Kerokerocola
In the area just before entering the maze with 4 paths, there is a chest in the corner just to the right of the exit.
Ice Cave
Chest 17: Frog Coin
Top corner of the island where the pipe to enter the cave is.
Chest18: Kerocola x3
Go down the entrance pipe to the ice cave and go left. Hop over the spring and keep going left until you start walking on a invisible path. Keep going till the path stops and then jump. Voila.
Chest 19: Frog Coin
Enter ice cave and go right and take the second pipe, and then enter the very next pipe in front of you when you come up. You will see a ledge with galaxy coins below it. Jump right in front of the start of the ledge to spawn a yellow block and use it to get ontop of the ledge. Chest is on the 4th square of the ledge.
Chest 20: Frog Coin
Stand underneath chest #19, then walk 4 blocks to the right and jump. Bingo.
Chest 21: Life Shroom Shake x3
From the mine entrance, walk southwest till you hit a house and go inside. Chest is at the foot of the bed on the left.
Chest 22: Ultra Shroom Shake x3
Go inside the house located in the far right corner of the town. Chest is above the dresser in the right corner.
Chest 23: Healing Spring
Enter the mines and proceed to the next room. You will see a wooden ledge above a doorway. Chest is on top of the wooden ledge in the right corner.
Chest 24: Kerocola x3
Continue along the mines until you reach the spring that use to knock yourself unconscious to spawn croco, then proceed into the room to the right. About halfway through that room will be a wooden ledge in the top corner. Use the boxes to jump on top of the ledge, the chest is up there in the top corner.
Booster Pass
Chest 25: Flower
In the very first area upon entering booster pass, go to the far left. The chest is above the plant along the far left wall.
Chest 26: Kerokerocola
Same area as chest 25. This time go to the right and climb to the top of the little mountain. The chest is in the corner just to the left of the entrance that leads to the anti guy and his "playground."
Booster Tower
Chest 27: Frog Coin
Enter the tower and go up the stairs to the next room. The room will have an endless line of shy guys parading down the stairs. Go to the top platform in this room. The chest is one square to the left of the top corner.
Chest 28: Life Shroom Shake x3
Continue through the tower until you reach the room that has those red curtains that turns you into 8bit Mario when you go behind them. Chest is in the far left corner on the upper platform.
Chest 29: Frog Coin
Progress through the tower until you reach a seesaw with a bomb omb (NOT the one near the beginning that boosts you to an unhidden chest). Use the seesaw to bounce up to the next area. Once you're there, the chest is in the far left corner.
Chest 30: Kerocola x3
Continue through the tower until you get to the room with a bunch of galaxy coins with trapped tiles that you encounter those fireball enemies from (DK is so evil for reintroducing those f*%kers). Get the key and go into the locked door. Chest is in the left corner.
Chest 31: Flower
Mosey along until you get to the green apprentice snift and go into the next room. Chest is in the far right bottom corner.
Chest 32: Found Illusion
In the same room as chest 31, hop up the platforms and jump on top of the chest that's there (not the hidden one). Chest is there directly above the chest I just told you to jump on top of.
Chest 33: Frog Coin
Go into the marrymore hotel and go up the stairs to the second floor and enter the bedroom. Chest is above the dresser in the left corner.
Chest 34: Exp Booster
Enter the wedding chapel through the secret back door, chest is right there in the top left corner above the box.
Star Hill
Chest 35: Three Stars
Located in the first area you appear in when you enter Star Hill. Chest is just to the right of the "flower that lost its power". The one you use fertilizer on.
Seaside Town
Chest 36: Life Shroom Shake x3
Located in the shop that's to the left of the store that sells pokéballs. The chest is in the middle between the counter and the shelf... You need to jump from the shelf to reach it.
The Sea
Chest 37: Ultra Ball
Continue through the level until you reach the first area with some water, then turn around and go back to the previous room. Walk along the bottom wall towards your right till you hit the corner, the chest is in the very next little corner just to the right of you.
Sunken Ship
Chest 38: Dark Matter
Immediately upon entering the sunken ship, go into the door on the right. Chest is above the barrel in the right corner of the room.
Chest 39: Poison Shroom
At the very beginning of the sunken ship, go through the left door this time. Chest is above a barrel in the top corner of room.
Chest 40: Healing Spring
Continue along through the ship until you reach that spooky doppelganger of Mario that mirrors your every move. Off to the right along the "mirror" line is an invisible box, jump around until you hit it (you may have to run around and jump a little bit to get the Mario clone out of synch with you first). Hitting this invisible switch box will make the hidden chest appear on the other side. Jump from on top of the fake Mario's head to reach it. (This might be a little tricky to get him to cooperate and line up correctly)
Lands End
Chest 41: Life Shroom Shake x3
In the very first area when entering lands end, use the funny looking cannon to shoot yourself onto the yellow block that's going up and down ( or overshoot the block and go back and get on it). The chest is just to the north of the platform, so jump in that direction when the yellow block is at its highest point to reach it.
Chest 42: Kerocola x3
This one is a little difficult to explain in words so bear with me. Go to the next room after chest 41 and use the cannon to shoot yourself onto the cliff and spook up some dogs. Jump out of the little hole you shot yourself into and then jump at the front edge of the pit to make another yellow block appear. After that, go back to the cannon and a well timed shot will land you right on top of the block. It will swing you around to get an unhidden chest, then jump onto the very top part of the mountain hill thing. Chest is in the left most corner up here.
Chest 43: Frog Coin
Journey on past the shooting lizards spectacle to the area after that with some flowers and wasps. Go to the right of the rocky hill to find three blue flowers along the right wall. Chest is in the middle between the second and third flower.
Chest 44: Kerocola x3
Progress through lands end until you get to the underground section and keep going until you encounter a massive clusterf%ck of lizards that you use the star in the rooms chest to plow your way through. So do some star powered plowing and go to the next room. Go left a bit and you will see 4 crates stacked into a square with a blue mushroom bush next to it (cause we all know that mushrooms grow from bushes). The chest is just to the left of the second crate so hop on the boxes and jump to reach it. (You will be jumping from the box's corner not the edge i.e. directly West vs. Northwest).
Monstro Town
Chest 45: Kerocola x3
Go into MonsterMama's house (I shouldn't need to tell you this but her house is the left most door in the town). The chest is above the bookshelf in the top corner of the room.
Chest 46: Life Shroom Shake x3
Enter the house next to MonsterMama's place with the shaman and the pirana plant. The chest is pretty much in the dead center of the room. You will need to jump from the shamans head in order to reach it though.
Chest 47: Frog Coin
Go into the tiny room with the exit door of Monstro town. Chest is in the bottom left corner behind the bush.
Bean Valley
Chest 48: Frog Coin
Right when you enter the level take the pipe on the right. Chest is in the left corner of that tiny clearing.
Chest 49: Kerocola x2
Continue along until you get to the room with 5 pipes covered with piranha plants and an anti shy fly watering them. Let the shy fly water the plants until he waters the plant on top of the right most pipe (it's the only pipe that's completely surrounded by the light brown colored ground). Kill the plant, go down the pipe, and then walk around the little path to the end. The chest is one square away from the left, right, and bottom wall, so in the middle of the end of the walk way.
Nimbus Land
Chest 50: Frog Coin
Go into the item shop and climb the pile of boxes behind the clerk. Of the two boxes at the very top, stand on the left one and jump off in the direction of the clerk to reach the chest.
Chest 51: Life Shroom Shake x3
Go into the house in the bottom right corner of the town. Chest is near the middle of the room, three squares in front of the stove. You will need to jump from the guys head to reach it.
Chest 52: Frog Coin
Go into the palace and continue along until you reach the room with three doors in a line. Chest is in the top left corner right next to a bird cage.
Chest 53: Frog Coin
From the room with chest #52, go through the left door, and then proceed through the next door after that. Go around the corner and walk down the stairs, the chest is one square before the exit to the room.
Chest 54: Frog Coin
In the same room as chest #53. Start from where the last chest was, and walk left along the bottom wall while trying to walk into it slightly, you will soon pass into an invisible path. Walk down the path until you hit the end, then turn left and walk a few more squares until you can't go any further and jump. Ta da!
Chest 55: Frog Coin
Go back to the room where chest #52 was, and go through the middle door this time (you will need the key you get from the guy in the room right after chest 53&54s room). Fight birdo to get another key and go into the next room. You will see an unhidden chest to the right of this rooms exit, and the hidden chest is directly above it.
Chest 56: Hyper M. Guard
Go to the very end of the palace on to the tiny ledge you fall off of. Chest is on the right tile. (You will need to come back for this one since Mario runs right off the edge the first time you come here.)
Barrel Volcano
Chest 57: Life Shroom Shake x3
Okay this one is hard to describe since the rooms before and after are pretty unremarkable and don't have any good landmarks I can lead you from... The only way I can describe it is to go through the volcano until you reach a room that has a save point and a chest with a star in it (on the top of a little hill that you climb up). From there, go into the next room, and then continue into the next room after that, this is the room with the hidden chest. Climb the stairs and the chest is on the very top platform right on the edge of the "staircase".
Bowser's Keep
Chest 58: Fire Claws
This one was a real bitch to find. Go through the castle until you get to the room full of lava with the two platforms that rotate around one another. Make your way over to the far top left corner. The chest is in this corner, 3 squares from the left wall, and 4 squares from the right wall. Good luck, DK is so evil for this one. (Shout out to Faroth for his hint to which corner it was in, NEVER would have found it without that info, thank you.)
Palace of Shadow
Chest 59: Kerocola x3
In the room right before the room where shadow queen is. Chest is right by the exit of the room in the bottom corner of the square platform your on, one square back from the tip of the corner.
The Gate
Chest 60: Found Illusion
Go through until you get to a small room with an unhidden chest and a save box. The hidden chest is in the left corner.
Congratulations!! You have found every hidden chest in the game! Now go back to Monstro town and talk to the shaman and he will give you the lazy armor! Used to be a second paladin armor but this was changed. Lazy shell armor is still one of the best armors in the game however. It has high defense but low attack and mg attack, so a good character to use it is geno with his geno whirl that does 9999 regardless of his stats.
Mushroom Way
Chest 1: life shroom shake x3
right at the very beginning entrance of mushroom way
Chest 2: life shroom shake x3
to the left of the pipe entrance to lake guardian temple thingy
Mushroom Kingdom
Chest 3: frog coin
in the basement of the item shop. Directly above the mushroom lady
Chest 4: frog coin
same exact room as chest 3. Located in the right corner of the room. Need to jump from lady's head to reach
Chest 5: frog coin
first room when you enter mushroom palace. 4 squares back from the door that leads to chancellor. Jump on a toad to reach, said toad does not appear till later in the game, not sure what event triggers him to meander around in the right place.
Chest 6 : didn't see

room just outside Daisy's bedroom. Bottom left corner of the stairs leading down to nowhere
Bandit's Way
Chest 7: poison shroom
In the area where you first encounter those blue wolf things.. Jump to the right off the spinning flower near the exit of the area
Rose Way
Chest 8: Life Shroom Shake x3
In the area with the two yellow platforms swaying back and forth with shy guys upon them. Chest is just to the right of the second yellow platform, and you need to jump from that 2nd platform to reach it.
Rose Town
Chest 9: Frog Coin
Found in the towns item shop. Chest is in the top corner above the shelf.
Chest 10: Frog Coin
Located in the upper floor of the house that's in the top corner of the town. It's the one where you press the green button to let the guy get up to his house. Chest is above the bed, bounce around on it to get it.
Forest Maze
Chest 11: Kerokerocola
Located in the very first area when you enter forest maze level. Chest is near the left corner.
Chest 12: Ultra Shroom x3? Not sure, I missed it
When you come up the tree pipe from the first underground section you come to, there is a chest 3 squares northwest of the pipe you pop out of.
Chest 13: Flower
If you enter the bottom right trunk pipe in the area with 7 trunk pipes, then walk to the bottom corner of the cave, the chest is there in the very middle of the lightened circle near that bottom corner.
Chest 14: Kerokerocola
Also within the 7 trunk pipe area, go down the second pipe from area entrance on the left. It's in the top of the corner kinda near the spring.
Chest 15: Kerokerocola
Go down the last pipe in the seven pipe area, the one closest to the areas exit that has the caterpillar inside that you need to wake up. The chest is directly above the Caterpillar, but you will need to wake him first.
Chest 16: Kerokerocola
In the area just before entering the maze with 4 paths, there is a chest in the corner just to the right of the exit.
Ice Cave
Chest 17: Frog Coin
Top corner of the island where the pipe to enter the cave is.
Chest18: Kerocola x3
Go down the entrance pipe to the ice cave and go left. Hop over the spring and keep going left until you start walking on a invisible path. Keep going till the path stops and then jump. Voila.
Chest 19: Frog Coin
Enter ice cave and go right and take the second pipe, and then enter the very next pipe in front of you when you come up. You will see a ledge with galaxy coins below it. Jump right in front of the start of the ledge to spawn a yellow block and use it to get ontop of the ledge. Chest is on the 4th square of the ledge.
Chest 20: Frog Coin
Stand underneath chest #19, then walk 4 blocks to the right and jump. Bingo.
Chest 21: Life Shroom Shake x3
From the mine entrance, walk southwest till you hit a house and go inside. Chest is at the foot of the bed on the left.
Chest 22: Ultra Shroom Shake x3
Go inside the house located in the far right corner of the town. Chest is above the dresser in the right corner.
Chest 23: Healing Spring
Enter the mines and proceed to the next room. You will see a wooden ledge above a doorway. Chest is on top of the wooden ledge in the right corner.
Chest 24: Kerocola x3
Continue along the mines until you reach the spring that use to knock yourself unconscious to spawn croco, then proceed into the room to the right. About halfway through that room will be a wooden ledge in the top corner. Use the boxes to jump on top of the ledge, the chest is up there in the top corner.
Booster Pass
Chest 25: Flower
In the very first area upon entering booster pass, go to the far left. The chest is above the plant along the far left wall.
Chest 26: Kerokerocola
Same area as chest 25. This time go to the right and climb to the top of the little mountain. The chest is in the corner just to the left of the entrance that leads to the anti guy and his "playground."
Booster Tower
Chest 27: Frog Coin
Enter the tower and go up the stairs to the next room. The room will have an endless line of shy guys parading down the stairs. Go to the top platform in this room. The chest is one square to the left of the top corner.
Chest 28: Life Shroom Shake x3
Continue through the tower until you reach the room that has those red curtains that turns you into 8bit Mario when you go behind them. Chest is in the far left corner on the upper platform.
Chest 29: Frog Coin
Progress through the tower until you reach a seesaw with a bomb omb (NOT the one near the beginning that boosts you to an unhidden chest). Use the seesaw to bounce up to the next area. Once you're there, the chest is in the far left corner.
Chest 30: Kerocola x3
Continue through the tower until you get to the room with a bunch of galaxy coins with trapped tiles that you encounter those fireball enemies from (DK is so evil for reintroducing those f*%kers). Get the key and go into the locked door. Chest is in the left corner.
Chest 31: Flower
Mosey along until you get to the green apprentice snift and go into the next room. Chest is in the far right bottom corner.
Chest 32: Found Illusion
In the same room as chest 31, hop up the platforms and jump on top of the chest that's there (not the hidden one). Chest is there directly above the chest I just told you to jump on top of.
Chest 33: Frog Coin
Go into the marrymore hotel and go up the stairs to the second floor and enter the bedroom. Chest is above the dresser in the left corner.
Chest 34: Exp Booster
Enter the wedding chapel through the secret back door, chest is right there in the top left corner above the box.
Star Hill
Chest 35: Three Stars
Located in the first area you appear in when you enter Star Hill. Chest is just to the right of the "flower that lost its power". The one you use fertilizer on.
Seaside Town
Chest 36: Life Shroom Shake x3
Located in the shop that's to the left of the store that sells pokéballs. The chest is in the middle between the counter and the shelf... You need to jump from the shelf to reach it.
The Sea
Chest 37: Ultra Ball
Continue through the level until you reach the first area with some water, then turn around and go back to the previous room. Walk along the bottom wall towards your right till you hit the corner, the chest is in the very next little corner just to the right of you.
Sunken Ship
Chest 38: Dark Matter
Immediately upon entering the sunken ship, go into the door on the right. Chest is above the barrel in the right corner of the room.
Chest 39: Poison Shroom
At the very beginning of the sunken ship, go through the left door this time. Chest is above a barrel in the top corner of room.
Chest 40: Healing Spring
Continue along through the ship until you reach that spooky doppelganger of Mario that mirrors your every move. Off to the right along the "mirror" line is an invisible box, jump around until you hit it (you may have to run around and jump a little bit to get the Mario clone out of synch with you first). Hitting this invisible switch box will make the hidden chest appear on the other side. Jump from on top of the fake Mario's head to reach it. (This might be a little tricky to get him to cooperate and line up correctly)
Lands End
Chest 41: Life Shroom Shake x3
In the very first area when entering lands end, use the funny looking cannon to shoot yourself onto the yellow block that's going up and down ( or overshoot the block and go back and get on it). The chest is just to the north of the platform, so jump in that direction when the yellow block is at its highest point to reach it.
Chest 42: Kerocola x3
This one is a little difficult to explain in words so bear with me. Go to the next room after chest 41 and use the cannon to shoot yourself onto the cliff and spook up some dogs. Jump out of the little hole you shot yourself into and then jump at the front edge of the pit to make another yellow block appear. After that, go back to the cannon and a well timed shot will land you right on top of the block. It will swing you around to get an unhidden chest, then jump onto the very top part of the mountain hill thing. Chest is in the left most corner up here.
Chest 43: Frog Coin
Journey on past the shooting lizards spectacle to the area after that with some flowers and wasps. Go to the right of the rocky hill to find three blue flowers along the right wall. Chest is in the middle between the second and third flower.
Chest 44: Kerocola x3
Progress through lands end until you get to the underground section and keep going until you encounter a massive clusterf%ck of lizards that you use the star in the rooms chest to plow your way through. So do some star powered plowing and go to the next room. Go left a bit and you will see 4 crates stacked into a square with a blue mushroom bush next to it (cause we all know that mushrooms grow from bushes). The chest is just to the left of the second crate so hop on the boxes and jump to reach it. (You will be jumping from the box's corner not the edge i.e. directly West vs. Northwest).
Monstro Town
Chest 45: Kerocola x3
Go into MonsterMama's house (I shouldn't need to tell you this but her house is the left most door in the town). The chest is above the bookshelf in the top corner of the room.
Chest 46: Life Shroom Shake x3
Enter the house next to MonsterMama's place with the shaman and the pirana plant. The chest is pretty much in the dead center of the room. You will need to jump from the shamans head in order to reach it though.
Chest 47: Frog Coin
Go into the tiny room with the exit door of Monstro town. Chest is in the bottom left corner behind the bush.
Bean Valley
Chest 48: Frog Coin
Right when you enter the level take the pipe on the right. Chest is in the left corner of that tiny clearing.
Chest 49: Kerocola x2
Continue along until you get to the room with 5 pipes covered with piranha plants and an anti shy fly watering them. Let the shy fly water the plants until he waters the plant on top of the right most pipe (it's the only pipe that's completely surrounded by the light brown colored ground). Kill the plant, go down the pipe, and then walk around the little path to the end. The chest is one square away from the left, right, and bottom wall, so in the middle of the end of the walk way.
Nimbus Land
Chest 50: Frog Coin
Go into the item shop and climb the pile of boxes behind the clerk. Of the two boxes at the very top, stand on the left one and jump off in the direction of the clerk to reach the chest.
Chest 51: Life Shroom Shake x3
Go into the house in the bottom right corner of the town. Chest is near the middle of the room, three squares in front of the stove. You will need to jump from the guys head to reach it.
Chest 52: Frog Coin
Go into the palace and continue along until you reach the room with three doors in a line. Chest is in the top left corner right next to a bird cage.
Chest 53: Frog Coin
From the room with chest #52, go through the left door, and then proceed through the next door after that. Go around the corner and walk down the stairs, the chest is one square before the exit to the room.
Chest 54: Frog Coin
In the same room as chest #53. Start from where the last chest was, and walk left along the bottom wall while trying to walk into it slightly, you will soon pass into an invisible path. Walk down the path until you hit the end, then turn left and walk a few more squares until you can't go any further and jump. Ta da!
Chest 55: Frog Coin
Go back to the room where chest #52 was, and go through the middle door this time (you will need the key you get from the guy in the room right after chest 53&54s room). Fight birdo to get another key and go into the next room. You will see an unhidden chest to the right of this rooms exit, and the hidden chest is directly above it.
Chest 56: Hyper M. Guard
Go to the very end of the palace on to the tiny ledge you fall off of. Chest is on the right tile. (You will need to come back for this one since Mario runs right off the edge the first time you come here.)
Barrel Volcano
Chest 57: Life Shroom Shake x3
Okay this one is hard to describe since the rooms before and after are pretty unremarkable and don't have any good landmarks I can lead you from... The only way I can describe it is to go through the volcano until you reach a room that has a save point and a chest with a star in it (on the top of a little hill that you climb up). From there, go into the next room, and then continue into the next room after that, this is the room with the hidden chest. Climb the stairs and the chest is on the very top platform right on the edge of the "staircase".
Bowser's Keep
Chest 58: Fire Claws
This one was a real bitch to find. Go through the castle until you get to the room full of lava with the two platforms that rotate around one another. Make your way over to the far top left corner. The chest is in this corner, 3 squares from the left wall, and 4 squares from the right wall. Good luck, DK is so evil for this one. (Shout out to Faroth for his hint to which corner it was in, NEVER would have found it without that info, thank you.)
Palace of Shadow
Chest 59: Kerocola x3
In the room right before the room where shadow queen is. Chest is right by the exit of the room in the bottom corner of the square platform your on, one square back from the tip of the corner.
The Gate
Chest 60: Found Illusion
Go through until you get to a small room with an unhidden chest and a save box. The hidden chest is in the left corner.
Congratulations!! You have found every hidden chest in the game! Now go back to Monstro town and talk to the shaman and he will give you the lazy armor! Used to be a second paladin armor but this was changed. Lazy shell armor is still one of the best armors in the game however. It has high defense but low attack and mg attack, so a good character to use it is geno with his geno whirl that does 9999 regardless of his stats.