Final Fantasy IX - Unleashed v2.0.9
28 July 2012 - 07:32 PM

06 August 2012 - 10:35 PM
I think Marcus needs a buff: he was already pretty weak in vanilla and in this mod he is just dead weight. I know he is there for a very short time in the game but after reaching the beginning of Disc 2 I was a bit annoyed to see Marcus so ridiculously weak.
(As I am typing this I am at the Gargan Roo, all 3 characters(Dagger,Steiner,Marcus) Level 9.)
To start off, Marcus has no access to skills, passive abilities, and trance. He's almost as fragile as Dagger but yet his regular attacks deal 20-40 damage w/ Mithril Sword, while Dagger is dealing 90-110 damage with the Multina Racket, and Steiner has almost 200 more HP than him but can deal 80-100 damage with MP Attack on. He does not sound "rebalanced" to me.
I don't think it would hurt to increase his base stats-
either make him be somewhat fragile with decent damage (he should AT LEAST deal the same damage as Dagger)
OR give him durability with crappy damage (he should AT LEAST get +150 Max HP).
I don't even mind if you make the last Black Waltz fight/ Snake(forgot the name ATM) fight more challenging to compensate for these buffs, but just overall this part of the games feels terrible.
I know this is probably very low on the priority list considering how short of a time Marcus is in your party but every part of the game counts.
09 August 2012 - 11:59 PM
Wouldyou say this is a "final" version, or at least close to it? We rather wait than start playing an unfinished version. We'dlike to help you test it, but unfortunately we don't have much freetime in our hands...
Well, thaks for your work and time, this looks amazing!
10 August 2012 - 11:37 AM
25 August 2012 - 03:18 PM
I think others may have not had this issue if they grinded with Steiner earlier on, but I truly tried not to grind unless I absolutely had to. Now, it seems like it bit me in the ass since I can't even progress the game.
For the time being, I'm starting school and this project will probably go on hold for a bit. This part was so frustrating that I sort of lost interest.
25 August 2012 - 03:34 PM
pmac135, on 25 August 2012 - 03:18 PM, said:
I think others may have not had this issue if they grinded with Steiner earlier on, but I truly tried not to grind unless I absolutely had to. Now, it seems like it bit me in the ass since I can't even progress the game.
For the time being, I'm starting school and this project will probably go on hold for a bit. This part was so frustrating that I sort of lost interest.
Sleep Sword works great on them. Fire and sleep protection help a lot too. But yes, level 13 is really low. Levels impact a lot on damage dealt/received amongst other things. You mustn't have every abilities learned if you,Re that low level, right?
Best bet would be healing with Beatrix and sleeping one, then quickly kill the other.
25 August 2012 - 03:39 PM
XtraT, on 25 August 2012 - 03:34 PM, said:
Best bet would be healing with Beatrix and sleeping one, then quickly kill the other.
It's just not an option when Steiner (front row) takes 900 damage from Fira, ~500-600 from Mist, and front row Head Attacks do ~400-500. If I throw him back row, yes, I can sleep sword, but that means I have to use Thunder Blade to actually do any damage (since Beatrix's attack does ~100, which is horrible.) and that means I have to use an ether/elixir everytime I want to do damage. All the while, taking crap tons of damage and barely being able to heal. I can't just farm Elixirs from the previous save point (since there's not even a place to do so, and its a ridiculous answer anyway,) and even if I farmed Ethers I would still have the HP issue.
The regular game never punished you for underleveling. You always had the option to grind a bit if you had to. And this particular part, Beatrix was so beast that you couldn't possibly get stuck. Not anymore.
25 August 2012 - 04:32 PM
Level 13 is a bit low, I'd probably be at 15 or 16. However, with the right setup and strategy those fights are beatable.
25 August 2012 - 05:24 PM
LandonRay, on 25 August 2012 - 04:32 PM, said:
Level 13 is a bit low, I'd probably be at 15 or 16. However, with the right setup and strategy those fights are beatable.
With intense save stating, I was able to do it once. I had all those things, the best equips, everything. I managed to put Level Up on Steiner and kill Beatrix for the first two battles, which gives him L18. But still, taking ~850 BACK ROW from Mist during some of those battles is too much. Sleep/Quiet sword isn't even 100%!
I suppose I can continue on, but my two cents is that Beatrix got nerfed too bad. I don't mean to yell, since I think LandonRay has done a fine job with most of this, but there's a clear difference between hard and nigh-impossible difficulty.
25 August 2012 - 06:32 PM
Don't want to be mean but it is a hard mod, so you should know the game somewhat. Being lvl 13 on Disc 3 isn't really the mod's fault.
25 August 2012 - 06:32 PM
Sleep Sword and Quiet Sword have a base hitrate of 100%. Mistodon's have 4% magic evade and are level 19. If Steiner is at level 13 that would give the Mistodon a 10% chance to evade.
That series of fights is hard, probably as hard as anything on disc 1 or 2. However having developed a proper strategy and setup on my first playthrough, I was able to beat it in a single attempt on both my second and third playthroughs, without using save states. The point is, if those fights are giving you that much trouble it is likely you're doing something wrong.
25 August 2012 - 07:13 PM
Anyhow, I think something may be buggy. Landon I know you probably don't remember this particular part exactly, but the very first Mistodon behaves very differently than all the rest of them in the fight. Is there some invisible game mechanic at work? At first, my levels are Steiner 13 and Beatrix 17, and that first fight is easy. Then, someone levels up, bringing the average of my team over 15. The next fight is a HUGE difference. Steiner goes from taking ~400 dmg from Fira at L13 to about ~900 at L15-16. I'd be glad to make a video of it if it helps.
25 August 2012 - 07:37 PM
26 August 2012 - 03:29 AM
Anyhow, thanks for the help. I'll come up with a solution. I just think its a bit frustrating only because of this particular instance of the game- I can't really get more equips from the last save point, can't level up, on and on. But I'll get it down.
26 August 2012 - 04:39 AM
Btw, the Monster List FAQ I use doesn't list Mistodons as Beasts, only Undead.
26 August 2012 - 05:11 AM
26 August 2012 - 05:48 AM
Base = Spell Power - Mag Def
Bonus = Mag + Rnd MOD ([(Lvl + Mag) / 8] + 1)
Damage = Base * Bonus
Basically, the Rnd MOD is a number between 1 and 100, that's why the damage fluctuate a lot. That's true for about every non fixed damage in FF9.
26 August 2012 - 10:30 AM
And that first Mistodon is lowering its magic stat through the AI. Magic stat AI alterations do occur on a few enemies, Ghost and Ladybugs for instance.
Equip Steiner with a Gold Choker and Beatrix's Cross Helm (you'll take around 600 damage from the more powerful version of Fira). Give him Auto Potion, Beast Killer, and Insomniac (and HP+5% if you have enough magic stones). Have Beatrix (in the back row) cast Blind and heal with High Potions, have Steiner (in the back row) use Silence Sword (and Sleep Sword if there are two Mistodons) then move to the front row and attack with the Coral Sword/Thunder Gloves/Beast Killer combo.
03 September 2012 - 09:47 AM
Great mod, nearing the end of disc 1 (I think...been forever since I played this game).