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In Topic: Why Do Girl Gamers Seek Attention? Awesome Response
14 August 2016 - 12:46 PM
Racna, on 14 August 2016 - 07:52 AM, said:
What? You rather women dont speak on the mic with the male gamers who they play with? So you rather a woman stay silent in order to be treated with respect and men can speak freely? How does that make any sense?
So to sum it up. Correct me if im wrong. You dont see a problem with stream sluts who use our hobby to make a buck, they shouldnt be silent but real female gamers should stay silent so they can be treated with respect? So they arent harassed by the same morons who give the streamer sluts attention.
Women who open their mouths are treated with more than respect because male gamers are so thirsty. The existence of whores who use gaming as a means to exploit these thirsty males is just evidence of that fact. It's nice to play a game without having to worry about special treatment. -
In Topic: Why Do Girl Gamers Seek Attention? Awesome Response
14 August 2016 - 12:43 PM
In Topic: Why Do Girl Gamers Seek Attention? Awesome Response
13 August 2016 - 11:54 PM
In Topic: Why Do Girl Gamers Seek Attention? Awesome Response
13 August 2016 - 03:36 PM
Racna, on 13 August 2016 - 09:46 AM, said:
When I say let the gender war die I mean where things get to a point where incidents are so infrequent that it they aren't used against the community. Where everything is pretty much evened out. Really more women with thick skin need to speak out
Right, you won't end terrorism, racism or religion. But take racism for example. Racism is nowhere like it was back then. Does it exist? Yup.
Men get the most harassment online but that stuff isn't pointed out or even noticed because as you said journalist are lies and have their own agenda. But what do we have to battle that? Nothing. With more women in the community being open we can Damn sure turn the tide. But with the way media acts now and with ammo given women aren't going to openly game as much as we would like to see.
Hell I have met many women online who won't speak on the mic. They won't even say what gender they are. And while most are just being paranoid as hell there is some reason for them to be because the way the community is towards them. I would like for women to just get some thick skin but that's too much to ask. But it isn't wrong or white knighting to admit the community can use a change.
Speaking out sounds like something someone who cares would do. Why would someone thick skinned even care? Honestly I rather like the idea that women won't speak on the mic. It means male players who can't help but get thirsty the minute a woman shows up will treat them like other men, and these women won't tear communities of virgins apart simply by being present. It sounds like these women are smart. Openness is quite frankly, overrated.
That said misinformation is the real problem. If the media can convince people that 1 in 5 women are raped on college campuses then they can convince you of anything. The truth is entirely irrelevant. No amount of speaking out will stop the lies. No amount of truth will stop the lies. -
In Topic: Why Do Girl Gamers Seek Attention? Awesome Response
12 August 2016 - 09:13 PM
Racna, on 12 August 2016 - 07:17 AM, said:
I agree with you about handling the shit talking on the internet. Unfortunately alot of people dont see it that way. And just because people like you and I can handle it doesnt mean someone has to put up with it. Just because you or I can take harassment doesnt mean its right for people to do it. Men get death threats, harassed, trolled all the time. Anyone doing youtube, twitch, forums or anything online will face the inevitable trolls and morons who say and do what they want behind the safety of a screen, your gender doesnt give you immunity.
But with that being said, media and communities with their own agenda make this out to be a womans issue. As if only women get this treatment. And they make it seem majority of this only happens in the gaming community. Attention seeking females who really dont game as a hobby and getting famous for being over sexualized, begged for "tits", getting donations like a cam girl or harassed are whats used to generalized a female gamer. And thats some bull
To answer your question. I want more women to have more exposure in the gaming community so that it may put this stupid gender war to rest. While there are alot of female gamers, many of them wont make it known or put themselves out there like men. I just want to see a change in the community.
I'm not arguing that it's right for people to do it, but it should most certainly be allowed. You think people are going to grow in a world that shields them from even mean words on the internet? We don't need to turn every community into a safe space because the most sensitive person in the room can't handle it. And your gender actually does play a part if it's known. A male is more likely to get harassed than a female both off and online. People are weak, and we don't need to promote this weakness further.
A journalist's job is to lie, and the idea that a journalist's job is to be objective is just another one of those lies that even your layman sees through nowadays. If framing it as a women's issue means you're going to click their site and read their shitty article then they've done their job. To put it bluntly women don't handle criticism or insults as well as men who don't have an army of white knights ready to protect them, neither do most women see it as a way of bonding like men often do. Yes yes there are exceptions. Go look up the meaning of the word.
The gender war will only end when every last human being is dead. You might as well be asking for the debate on the existence of god to end while you're at it--and maybe for an encore France will grow a spine, ISIS will convert to Buddhism, and Stephen Hawking will compete at the Olympics. I'm sure everyone wants the gaming community to change on some level, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of what popularity has done to gaming so I can't say I agree with you in wanting more women or more of anyone for that matter. More people more problems. I just want my hobby to be fun, uncensored, and filled with fanservice. That's all I've ever wanted out of life. More people will most certainly mean less of all those things.
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