Gameplay Videos
25 March 2015 - 12:32 PM
I think from playing the game over and over again and seeing Gilbert with his starting Wyrms has lead me to always see Beast Master and Wyverns as companions.
11 April 2016 - 02:22 AM
Da Playlist!
The first video of GAMEPLAY!
Charlom District. You'll never guess what happens this time!
Edit: I can't get it to embed...
11 April 2016 - 04:31 PM

12 April 2016 - 02:50 PM
By the way, you didn't get bugged with Gilbert. I listed the exact requirements on getting Canopus and Gilbert in this forum post: http://www.gamefaqs....-queen/71469899
The key requirement you didn't have there was a reputation of 50 or more when you defeated Gilbert. While the game tries to give you a boost with the events that boost your reputation in that stage, being unlucky or not scrounging all the reputation you can get can thwart your efforts to recruit him.
15 April 2016 - 03:11 PM
zombero, on 12 April 2016 - 02:50 PM, said:
By the way, you didn't get bugged with Gilbert. I listed the exact requirements on getting Canopus and Gilbert in this forum post: http://www.gamefaqs....-queen/71469899
The key requirement you didn't have there was a reputation of 50 or more when you defeated Gilbert. While the game tries to give you a boost with the events that boost your reputation in that stage, being unlucky or not scrounging all the reputation you can get can thwart your efforts to recruit him.
I had a funny feeling reputation might be involved, but the game doesn't offer any explanation. Glad to finally have that cleared up, as contrary to many FAQs you can talk to Iuria before doing any of the quest and she has some unique dialogue. That also makes me a dirty cheater because I GameGenie'd him in.
So is the idea that one should try to liberate most/all of the stage, and then do the best they can to protect it? I kinda saw it as liberate your side of the stage, then fight your way through to the rest of the towns. I did note that the enemies seem to largely rush your HQ still, though they send units out to check if you're protecting the flank towns eventually. I notice this mostly in this video, wherein I lose horribly in the pogrom forest.
It was very delayed because my emulator crashed at the end and confused Bandicam resulting in the files being cut without properly closing the containers, which is really no big deal except Windows Movie Maker is a Microsoft product and is totally incapable of dealing with a little thing like not terminating a data stream properly so it took me some time to losslessly repair the streams so I could composite them.
I really like the new undead. The fact that they respawn even after taking holy damage eliminates the whole auto-lose to clerics issue, and even with their new vulnerabilities they feel very strong as a variant tank.
15 April 2016 - 05:46 PM
Devon_V, on 15 April 2016 - 03:11 PM, said:
I won't hold it against you.

Devon_V, on 15 April 2016 - 03:11 PM, said:
You may have just not lived long enough or explored far enough to find the enemies who went down the side routes... some of them don't head straight to your base along that path, so you'd need to go to them to find them in a timely manner. As to what's expected from you as far as towns... basically right now you're expected to acquire as many towns as is possible before the first run-in with the enemy. And then to in short order liberate any towns that can be gotten fairly soon after the initial fight or two. Beyond that, liberating more towns is just a bonus, tbh. When I get back to this hack, I'll likely be revamping enemy deployments and morale factor. I'd like for enemies to still only spawn from the enemy base, but for some of them to begin on towns throughout the stage, as well. So the fighting occurs sooner and across more of the map than it currently does. I'd also like for each enemy deployment to have its own expectation as far as how many towns you should have control of, and for this comparison to be visible to the player when they click on the enemy squad. It'll certainly take some work, but I think it's more elegant than the current system.
Devon_V, on 15 April 2016 - 03:11 PM, said:
Btw, Clerics now have to earn one-shotting undead, but they're generally expected to be able to do it or almost do it. But this stage comes after Lake Jansenia in this hack's progression, so your clerics were under performing.
16 April 2016 - 11:39 AM
I very much like the idea of forces holding some of the towns, especially if they're extra tough, not like the crap units that do it in OB64.
So I did find an actual bug: The Sun tarot's damage algo is backwards. It smites holy and does little to evil. Imagine my surprise when I pulled it out in a knight vs. undead fight and my 70ALI guys blew up instead.
(Recorded this shortly after the last post, but the files screwed up again at the end and I actually lost the entire boss fight)
18 April 2016 - 07:39 AM
Huh. From the looks of things, that algo may be more messed up than simply being backwards o_O. I wonder how that happened >_<. I must've been "lucky" (unlucky) in my test cases for Sun coming out normal when I implemented it. I will have to make a note to check it out, and in the mean time I guess it is useless.

It perhaps makes too much of a difference. Because this is a hardtype, part of me wants to be like "you have to liberate towns or you will fail". But it could probably be sufficient for liberation to be more on the very helpful side and less on the virtually necessary side.
So what do you think about the idea of:
-Having some of the initial enemy troops start on towns (yep, just like OB64, as you mentioned)
-Giving each enemy troop their own expectation of how many towns you should have to break even with them in morale, and displaying that comparison when you click on that troop (maybe like -1 if you have a 1 town advantage, +1 if the enemy has a town advantage)
18 April 2016 - 10:00 AM
18 April 2016 - 02:28 PM
I thought you had decided that the early Muses were a cool "gotcha" moment in that one unit. I'm probably misremembering the post.
So basically as the stage goes on, you need more and more towns to break even with the enemy on the morale bonus? The guys on the first towns are scaled for no towns held, while the initial wave from the base is set for 2-3, and the later guys for 4+, so you need to make progress through the stage to avoid being overwhelmed by the later guys? That would certainly make the opening parts of the stages much easier to deal with. I guess it depends on how much of a Hardtype you want it to be. Now that I've got the hang of the morale bonuses I don't think I'll have any more problems with that. I used the undead to set all my "good" units to 80+ ALI so I can liberate aggressively with units that can actually fight, then as night falls have them fade back and the werewolves and undead take over the bulk of the fighting through the night. They're pretty much all Low Sky as well so they can get were they're going.
The big question is how much abuse of revisiting stages do you want? I took the forest out of order precisely to get control of ALI fixing, I abused golems in the borders of Charlom and octopi in the Charlom district to make level 7 Black Dragons, and then used the undead to make level 7 Silvers. All my Clerics are 100/100, and all my Witches are level 9. I have an army of lycanthropes and undead. I have four more level 1 werewolves and a bunch of level 2 amazons waiting for Fullmoon and Dragos stones. All the tools are there to prepare your army if you know what you're doing, it's someone who is less familiar with the game, who just tries to run the stages in order who's likely to be punished by the morale factor. At least that's what I feel right now. If the initial land grab was easier, I probably wouldn't have done as much grinding as I did in the forest, and that's not a bad thing.
I'd say the town defenders definitely need to be beefy, because they're going to be hit by multiple units, and having them be totally vanilla was what made most of OB64 a joke in terms of difficulty. If they had the same rules as boss units where they cannot be knocked back and auto-recruit until you kill the leader that would be interesting.
Oh, two other things I noticed:
Neutral skeletons do black melee damage, but recruited ones do physical. This seemed odd since I thought they were the same unit, unless the change to bosses changed everything. The other thing is that cold attacks damage undead. (Or at least the neutral undead) That just seems weird, unless it's to prevent them from being immune to sea units. (Though I would think one would put fire/thunder weapons on them to counter other sea units anyway)
20 April 2016 - 08:37 AM
On neutral Skeletons, they do have the same attack as enemy and player skeletons, so I would guess the issue has something to do withcode that overrides elements with equipment and not taking neutral encounters into account somewhere. I'll add a note to take a look at it.
As to abusing returns to stages: I'm fine or mostly fine with the way it works now. I intend to add a mechanic that will make alignment easier to manage, so the player wouldn't even have to rely on revisiting stages very much. Namely, having dark weapons lower the Ali of good and neutral units and having holy weapons raise the Ali of evil and neutral units. The increase in difficulty makes it harder to control Ali because you have so many other things to worry about, so adding mechanics that brings that difficulty down is warranted.
Tell that to your Reputation.

That WOULD be interesting... and evil... hmm...
Well, they're only immune to Phys and Black, not Cold. They are, however, extremely resistant to cold. So generally you'd only expect to harm ghosts with physical cold attacks and skeletons with magical cold attacks, and not much damage in either case.
20 April 2016 - 10:51 AM
20 April 2016 - 03:46 PM
Maybe if there were some way that they couldn't fail to stun at least one enemy? Or like, 25% chance to fail, 50% chance to stun one, 25% chance to stun two. So generally they negate one enemy, balancing their own lack of contribution, sometimes they fail, but sometimes they get a bonus stun, and they never just stun the entire unit.
Or perhaps an entirely different mechanism? I have no idea of the degree of difficulty, but if it worked like some of the spells in D&D where the Witch has a "total stun power", maybe just her INT, and it's compared to the INT of the lowest enemy. If hers is greater, it's stunned, then her INT say -30 is compared to the next lowest and so on with cumulative penalties until she fails to get a stun. So a witch is only really going to get one guy most of the time, but if they have crappy INT and she has a decent item she might get two. If she's overleveled, she might get 3. An underpowered Witch will fail regularly against all by the dullest foes. Could play into beguiling fools, but really not being an answer to mages and the like, who die to Archers and Samurai anyway.
As for my rep, I've got that under control.
During a stage managing alignment is definitely right out, but dropping it is fairly easy and the forest is a karma Houdini for anything that isn't level 9 yet. The holy/unholy weapons would be very useful for spot fixing a unit that strayed a little out of its alignment range though.
25 April 2016 - 06:45 AM
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. As such, I'm very hesitant to include safety measures that give a guaranteed amount of success or even of failure. If tweaking the rate does work, maybe stun could have an enhanced rate in specific situations, like extra effective against humans maybe.
Alas, you only have one more completed stage left. :/ Hopefully it won't be too long before I get back to this. It's definitely going to be my next hack project that I work on, and I'd say absence has made the heart grow fonder when it comes to working on this hack, and your videos contribute significantly to that. It was just my primary focus for so long (making all those system changes) that when it came time to do stages I was just burnt out.
25 April 2016 - 03:53 PM
Unmei no Wa is fantastic. I'm still glad that I played the original just so I can say I beat that hateful thing, but the remake is hard without being brutal, and has so much more gameplay. I also enjoyed the revised consistent translations since Atlus's choices aren't entirely consistent between 6 and 7, and some of that was carrying forward errors or changes from 5, where Enix apparently made more than a few mistakes reinserting string tables.
I've actually been trying, with little luck, to get the Saturn version of Ogre Battle working. I'd heard that, unlike the PSX version, the Saturn port actually had enhancements, yet screenshots of it are rare. The best I've been able to do so far is get into Stage 1 with glitchy audio, but the game crashes when it attempts to enter combat with Warren. It also crashes on the Wild Man during the Entrance Parade. All I've been able to see is that the Lord has a 32 color palette which was used to better differentiate areas of the sprite and improve shading, the Fighter's colors were tweaked to make it obvious that he has pants, and the Cleric has an entirely different sprite that isn't all poofy. That and the map sprites are like OB64.
The Saturn version also loads drastically faster than the PSX version, which is sad.
26 April 2016 - 06:31 AM
Ooo... I'd be interested in seeing some screenshots from the Saturn version if you'd be up for taking any. The fact that the PSX version pauses the restarts the stage music every time you pause and unpause completely disqualifies that game for me, so I've barely even played that one. The game feel also just feels largely lost in the PSX version, and I'm discovering lately that game feel means a lot more to me than I realized. In FFT, for instance, the timing and forcefulness of your enemy-slaying attacks is just so satisfying, it feels great, and Tactics Ogre has a lot of that same feel, too. Attacks in the PSX version of OB feel floaty and detached. I don't know if any of that is making sense.
Early PSX had some pretty abysmal load times. Remember when Square re-released FF1, now with load times! Loading on disk-based systems has been a bit of a thorn in my side in my Nocturne hack. Since loading is infrequent on these systems, generally everything important is kept in memory at all times. This means in order to refresh changes to enemies, items, skills, etc. I have to reset the game and load a save file and then get back to the place I was trying to test (savestates won't work, because they'll load the same RAM state that they saved). However, just last night I got past that problem by making a script that writes my changes to the emulator's RAM rather than just the game disk, which should up my efficiency tremendously.
Well, hopefully you do finish, I've been enjoying the show! Between the vids, Tactics Ogre, and some design talks for the hack I've been having: I'm keeping my interest at a simmer so it'll be ready to boil once Nocturne is done. I think I am pretty sold on the idea of having some of the initial wave of enemies spawn on towns, rather than from the enemy base, which means the first thing I work on will probably be getting morale to show when clicking on enemy squads in-game. Just need to come up with a term that fits for a comparison of your army's morale vs. that enemy squad's morale... attrition? I dunno.
29 April 2016 - 02:07 PM
30 April 2016 - 07:24 AM
30 April 2016 - 05:24 PM
[EDIT] Or maybe just 'Liberate x.' Also, it could also affect AGI and turn order. Some % increase to strike first.
Anyway, that was a great catch on the Sun card. Out of all the things I tried to test, that was not one of them. I've only used a Sun card twice in my life, and the second time was to make sure I didn't hate them. I did.
01 May 2016 - 07:13 AM
The Sun card was much more useful than the original game back when it worked properly, I swear!
I dunno... I don't feel like "Siege" or "Liberate" are very intuitive terms for what the effect does.