- Cactuars added to the game! Give your thanks to Jon for their AMAZING Artwork!!!
- No Monsters had to be replaced to bring Cactuars in - your Uribos are safe!
- Click here for full data on the Cactuar
- Click here to see its abilities in action
- Added Cactuars to Zeklaus Desert, Bed Desert, Fovoham, and other areas
- Fixed a bug affecting Beat Down's vertical tolerance
- Onion Knight and Hitoshi are now easier to Rescue
- Intro Battle Lezales is now easier to kill
- Toned down overall level scaling during Chapter 1 and 2
- Lowered the instances of Item use by the AI in the early game
- All Special Characters now join at Party Level + 0, so recruiting them is not a penalty
- Mocking Strike and Gaze of Terror are now unusable by the AI
- Recruitable Uribos have been added to early Araguay Woods East and West
- More recruitable Hydras have been added to Bervenia Volcano
- Merry Christmas FFT Fans!
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