At the second milleuda fight all she would do is revive making it very easy just kept killing right demon over and over essentially kept her out of the fight
Don't no if this is intended or just how her script works either way thought to throw it out there
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15 April 2016 - 03:21 PM
You probably just got her in a loop; made her prioritize reviving the demon instead of self-defense. Still, good thing you mention it 'cause you never know what it could be. Though, I'm betting on my first guess.
15 April 2016 - 03:25 PM
Yeah, I'm willing to agree with Laith here. The question should be if she should have the ability to res at all, or if that should be some of her lackeys' job instead, to keep her from ending up in said loop.
I say this with no knowledge of Monster Tactics, just FFT knowledge in general.
I say this with no knowledge of Monster Tactics, just FFT knowledge in general.
15 April 2016 - 03:27 PM
How did you get a demon in ch 1?
Or do you mean the Pisco Demon?
Anyway, that's something I was hoping beginner players would catch onto in the beginning of the game - ai's tendency towards prioritizing revival in most situations over dealing damage. As Laith said it sounds like you got the ai into a loop, prioritizing revival on a mostly useless unit, which could be used to squeeze more turns out of it. This is helpful to know about.

Anyway, that's something I was hoping beginner players would catch onto in the beginning of the game - ai's tendency towards prioritizing revival in most situations over dealing damage. As Laith said it sounds like you got the ai into a loop, prioritizing revival on a mostly useless unit, which could be used to squeeze more turns out of it. This is helpful to know about.
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