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In Topic: Garbage Self-Referential, Immature, Inconsistent writing.
13 March 2017 - 04:59 PM
(My own post)
... most of the dialogue changes come from a translated cross section between the Japanese Dialogue and the English Dialogue, making most of it far more faithful to the original Japanese dialogue.
Reiker, on 13 March 2017 - 08:13 AM, said:
such as Brave New World's translation being more faithful to the original Japanese script (really?).
I found that, after playing the entirety of the mod, many of the changes that were not references, or bits that I found amusing (and I apologize because I should have been more clear about that when I wrote what I did regarding it), were rather close to a translators efforts, which can be found here. So, yes, I really do believe that.
As for other concerns with dialogue in the game being too left field, yes Miacis has made well-illustrated points that I could also agree with. Perhaps down the line from here and in a future version, we can add, change, or remove aspects of it as BTB or Synchsi desires and agrees with for their work.
If not, well, I wouldn't personally mind snapping into a Slim Jim if we still had them inNarsheCanada. -
In Topic: Garbage Self-Referential, Immature, Inconsistent writing.
11 March 2017 - 06:26 PM
From my own personal experiences with the mod, I cannot say that this is actually as you say it is, but perhaps I can agree with it in some extreme cases.
Fact is, outside of the 'fan wankery' that you have witnessed (The King's Spear is *maybe* the most agregious immature dialogue jokes in the mod, Mog breaking the 4th wall appears amateur but is actually done in the old Japanese commercials and done as a minor personal touch if you happen to actually talk to him in Vector.), I can't exactly say the script work is entirely bad at all. In fact, except in spots here and there, Sabin channeling his inner Rei from BoF III, and rather obscure references, most of the dialogue changes come from a translated cross section between the Japanese Dialogue and the English Dialogue, making most of it far more faithful to the original Japanese dialogue.
Another thing to keep in mind, and this you should hopefully be aware of bring an ex-modder, is that dialogue space is not infinite. More often than not the creators have run into cases where they cannot change much more because they have literal bytes left to work with, barely enough to fork another whole word, let alone work a deeper and closer revision to the original game.
While there is also occasional bashing of Ted Woosley, there is still an acknowledgement that he was working within extreme time constraints, without much or any context to the game, and also working within a limited dialogue bank just like the mod authors had to work with. They also agree that there are parts that were very well done by him even under these conditions.
So, yes, while the dialogue is somehow so obtuse and rotten to you that you appear to have almost entirely written off a mod, it doesn't mean that the mod authors haven't done proper research into the dialogues of both major language versions and worked with it proper, while adding their own flavours so that it can be more unique, regardless of ametuerity, than just straight ripping off one dialogue or the other.
That all being said, I would believe that you, like anyone else that plays this mod and comes into here to give feedback, we can appreciate your point of view on the mod and its various aspects. If you have more specific areas of the dialogue that you feel might be able to be improved upon, I'd ask you to share those. If perhaps you have other questions or feedback to give to us about the games inner workings past the dialogue, we'd be happy to hear those as well. And thank you for taking time to come here, because although you dislike the dialogue, we don't dislike you for coming forward with your feedback. -
In Topic: Hellish dream
10 March 2017 - 12:15 AM
I really can't think of much to say in response to something like that, besides maybe consider seeing a psych. -
In Topic: Dawnbomb on Chat Moderation
06 March 2017 - 01:58 PM
Outside of everything else that has been said, the one time my name got changed (unneededly?) I got a bit pissed too because, as far as I was aware, it was entirely unwarranted as there was no silly discussion prior to it in which I could relate it to and have a laugh at. All that took was me grabbing a new invite, leaving, and coming back in again, just needed to wait for a reauthorization so I could go about my Discord business as usual.
To make that shorter and more to the point, annoyed as I was and the person that changed it did get a bit of a "Hey what the fuck?" from me, I never choose to get irrationally pissy and call them a child or threaten them over it. He apologized and that was that.
We're (mostly) civil around here, but when we get someone stark raving mad about something and hasn't previously gone through the appropriate channels to deal with it privately, we aren't going to crumble and cater to your whims when you shout and cry foul. This was escalated way farther than it ever needed to be simply because you wanted the owner above all else, because that somehow changed anything when an Overlord (Admin) whose been entrusted with that position could have easily have helped.
We also don't often pull punches around here, and for good reason. It builds respect for one another and it helps us build familiarity with each other so we know when someone that is acting really stupid is likely just fucking around for shits and giggles.
If you have trouble trying to think of how we operate, think of us as a group back in the late 90s early 2000s. I often just think 4chan early 2000s to pin this down, if people are familiar with that. So use that when you come in and approach us. It's not that we can't be friendly, we just don't tolerate actions that have been shown to be done without much real thought behind them. And yes, because of that we will likely laugh. I think I was gonna go into a thing about humility here, but I seriously need to go back to work instead of focusing on silly name changing drama. Hopefully my point gets across. -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
02 January 2017 - 10:22 PM
Well you certainly got the potential and then some out of Terra. Hopefully it's restricted to just her with the Omega Weapon and stamina builds, but let us know if you come across anything else like that will maxing them out.
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