This site was blocked from me and it said account suspended. Was this my personal account or just a site error?
For the record I only come here for super mario rpg but I respect all the work that all you modders do.
If a zelda 2 adventure of link mod ever existed I would be all over that. (Not asking anyone to create such a thing but that is what I hope to see one day.)
Thanks to anyone who can answer my question.
from like 7 to 8 pm eastern account suspended
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02 December 2016 - 05:17 AM
We are having major issues with the site (this one included). We are currently working on alternatives.
02 December 2016 - 06:13 AM
Thanks for the report. Yeah, we were aware. Something that we want to emphasize in every single corner of ID is: We don't know if this will happen again. If it would, it could be more than temporary. Be sure to sign on the discord chat (Click the big chat button on the top of the site). We'll have the latest news on the alternatives Kaffe mentioned.
Off topic, but I'd love a Zelda 2 hack as well.
Off topic, but I'd love a Zelda 2 hack as well.

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