FuSoYa is fantastic and awesome. I love their work.
However, I believe the IPS format has far outlived usefulness and I hope that people can switch to more error-resistant formats to future-proof their rom 'mods'. We've been using IPS since the early days of emulating NES games with NESticle with DOS. It is time to move on, me thinks.
So one of the benefits of FloatingIPS is that it also enables BPS patching. Here is a nice overview of BPS and why it is better than IPS or UPS file formats. BPS is GPLv3 and open-source so it can be improved on by anyone without needing the original author's permission so it is a far more open format than most IPS alternatives.
FloatingIPS is super-easy to use and the settings by default are already optimal unless you want to auto-launch emulators or something. It works similar to LunarIPS but even better in many ways.
Click Apply Patch and it will ask you for the Patch File, the ROM to Patch, and where to save the Patched ROM (preserving your original).
Click on Create Patch and it will ask you for the Original Unmodified ROM, the Modified ROM, and where to save the Patch File.
That's your tutorial in a nutshell.
My own mod for Shining in the Darkness uses the BPS format exclusively.
So I am hoping that authors here consider offering BOTH the IPS and BPS patches or just the BPS patches for their current/future releases. As for releasing prepatched ROMs that is up to them, but I hope that also releasing a BPS patch would be useful/desirable in the event the ROM links go poof or are taken down.
Wouldn't mind some thoughts/feedback on this.