Gi Nattak
Reputation: 124
- Group:
- Modder
- Active Posts:
- 523 (0.54 per day)
- Joined:
- 29-August 14
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- Last Active:
- 26 minutes ago
- Currently:
- Viewing Forum: Final Fantasy VI: Return of the ...
My Information
- Member Title:
- Village Drunk
- Age:
- 31 years old
- Birthday:
- September 3, 1985
- Gender:
- Location:
- Santa Rosa, Cali
- Interests:
- Modding FF6. drinking beer, etc.
Contact Information
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gi nattak
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Bugs 1.7.3
A week ago
lol really? and here I thought you were familiar with this hack lol. -
In Topic: Bugs 1.7.3
A week ago
Update: It seems to have been fixed as well by fixing that bad code I was talking about. So yay!
v1.7.4 is shaping up nicely, might be ready by this next weekend, and should really be the last update for a long while. -
In Topic: Bugs 1.7.3
A week ago
Need her in slot 1 for what? I'm sorry if you've mentioned this one before but I can't recall anything about It. My memory is bad...
EDIT: Ahh yes, did a bit of backtracking threads here and I do remember:
"During the Cloud and Tifa mission, if Tifa is not in the first character position, she does not learn spells from items. "
Hopefully this one has been fixed also with this soon-to-be-out-already v1.7.4 update - I was able to track down the problematic code with the items that teach magic doing weird shit and fixed/reverted it back to working. It was a patch that's been in this hack since 2010! So yeah, I'll test this here now actually and hope for the best. -
In Topic: Looking foward to the 1.7.2 patch!
2 weeks ago
Well thank you kindly, it's my pleasure. Hopefully everything will go smooth now, but should there be a bug or two I am always at the ready to get back to work! -
In Topic: FAQs Topic
2 weeks ago
That is Island in the Void, from Lufia 2. There is also a song called Island in the Void, from Lufia 1, which happens to be the 1st Imperial Theme played in Glow City/Vector there, so it kinda works out nicely how they are back to back, Lufia 1 Island in the Void transitioning into Island in the Void Lufia 2. I like that.
Original song:
Rafael xtreme
02 Feb 2017 - 10:33break
03 Sep 2016 - 23:12Very excited to play on the "Casual" mode.
12 May 2016 - 21:31Looking forward to checking it out this weekend.
25 Dec 2015 - 20:52I will be checking out v1.4.3 this weekend...time to take out those Cave-Crabs ^_^"
03 Jun 2015 - 23:24I somehow got the Midgar esper by getting Shadow,,, not the little quest. (Did the quest last night after I was on my way to fight Zuri ~,~ only to find a second midgar...)
16 May 2015 - 05:48