9. Thous Shalt have skippable cutscenes. Maybe I died. Maybe this is my 2nd (or more) playthrough. Maybe your story is fucking terrible, and I just don't care. Regardless of the reason, if I want to skip the cutscene, let me.
8. Thou Shalt have local multiplayer, UNLESS you don't because of hardware limitations or a specific and good game desing reason. I'm going to talk about exceptions here, because I don't play multiplayer games. But i do know some game sthat should dont support local multiplayer, so people have to buy more games and consoles. GTA and Saints Row get a pass, because I assume running that open world on 2 screens is unfeasible. Dark Souls and other FromSoft games get a pass as well, partly for the same reason, and partly because I believe that there isn't voice chat and the like to prevent hardcore co-op, where you can plan with you team and trivialize the game.
7. Thou Shalt not be overly long. 40 hours is generally how long my attention span is for a game, only broken by a few exceptions. If I play the game for 40 hours, and am only a third of a way through, Jesus Christ (I'm looking at you, Bravely Default).
6. Thou Shalt have likable characters. Like, holy shit, I shouldn't even have to say this. If you've ever played eternal sonata (if you haven't, don't), the characters are all awful. The only remotely interesting character is Frederich Chopin, as the rest are all the "don't ever do anything bad, no matter the circumstance" type of character you see in shitty cartoons and anime. And apparently, Chopin's "I'm not a complete pussy goody two shoes" style was evil enough to make him the end boss. I'm not sure how it all goes down, because Eternal Sonata breaks almost every god damn commandment on this list and is awful, so I stopped playing. But I know the only likable party member is the end boss.
5. Thous Shalt have interesting bosses. Bosses with a gimmick to beating them is fine, as long as the gimmick isn't obvious and you have a gimmick for every fight. Lost Odyssey is the biggest fucking offender I have ever seen for this. There are like 2 bosses you actually fight, then its "Hit the crane! Kill the orbs!" Imagine the boss you fight during the blitzball tournament in FFX, the machine on the ship. Now imagine 50%+ of the bosses being like that.

4. Thou Shalt not have worthless status effects. Don't make the hit rate to put an enemy so slow for every enemy, that I have a better statistical chance of killing it before I land a sleep. Don't have basically every enemy immune to every status worth a shit.
3.Thou Shalt have dialogue I can get through at a reading pace. What I mean, is when the characters speak, there should be subtitles. And if a press A/X then i should skip the voice acting for the rest of that subtitle, and it should go to the next. Video game voice acting is very hit or miss, and sometimes I don't want to listen to the fucking voice actors for 5 minutes to know what the hell is going on. This is the entire reason I stopped playing Mass Effect 1. I didn't want to sit in a dialogue with a shopkeeper for 5 fucking minutes before I could even see their inventory.
2. Thou Shalt not have unlockable difficulty settings. If I want to play the game on a hard mode, don't make me earn it. What if I play the game on a new platform, for whatever reason? Now I have to replay the whole game just to get the mode I want? Fuck that.
1. Thou Shalt have a challenge. In this era, where most every game has difficulty settings, it is inexcusable to not present a challenging experience. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Ni No Kuni are the most severe offenders of this commandment that I have seen. Ni No Kuni has an easy mode and a normal mode. Why no hard? Seriously, if you put in different difficulties, give me a hard mode. Normal will have some close calls, and maybe a handful of deaths, but the game is so good, I'd like to replay it with a semblance of a challenge. Kingdoms of Amalur is just embarrassing, tho. It has a hard mode, but the hard mode is ridiculously easy.